戸倉の節分草の始まり? + 天狗の松 Togura's Setsubunso peaking out + The Tengu Pine

March 4, 2011: 季節 Seasons

Hello, Setsubunso







Above Togura Station, there is a park called Togurajuku Kitty Park. It is better known as Tengu Park, and one thing it is famous for is a nearby grouping of cute little setsubunsou flowers (Eranthis pinnatifida). Well, at least it's famous amongst fans of setsubunsou. Such fans come from far and wide in mid March to photograph the delicate little blossoms.

Today, I went to see if they were in bloom yet, as the snow in the nearby mountains is starting to melt. I found a few just starting to poke their heads out from under the fallen leaves. But after warm weather this weekend, we're supposed to have another chilly front come through. So the setsubunsou are probably still a week or so from being in their full photogenic form.

Nearby the setsubunsou area is a massive pine tree called the Tengu no Matsu (pine). The 30 meter tall tree is supposedly over 400 years old. According to legend, three brothers that were hermits in a nearby mountain became separated in a flood. One took up residence above Togura and was so honored by the locals that upon death became a Tengu.

After seeing the imposing size of the pine tree, one is almost led to believe in the spiritual origins of the tree!

So, come and check out the elusive Setsubunsou flowers as well as our mystical Tengu no Matsu pine tree.

Mystical Tengu Pine Tree

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