また湯たんぽタイム It's Yutampo Time Again

December 17, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Eco warmth






Japan's 'yutampo' is a great idea. At night, before going to bed, when you take your bath you fill up the yutampo hot water cannister then take it to bed with you. It keeps you toasty warm as you go to sleep.

Especially when your bath is an onsen like here at Kamesei, using the natural hot spring water instead of fossil fuels for heat, it's beneficial for the environment.

At Kamesei, during the winter months we put yutampos out by the entrance to the baths for our guests to use as they please. And as the night-time temperatures have been dipping below freezing lately, the yutampo have once again made their appearance.

By the way, my dad's father immigrated to the States from Ireland. He grew up in an old stone farmhouse on the Atlantic coast, in a town called 'Tonregee'. I was told it was Gaelic for 'Turn your ass' in reference to the winter gales blowing in from the Atlantic. Apparently they are so strong that if you don't turn your ass to them, you'd get blown away.

Anyways, in the winter every one in the family took a stone and placed it in front of the hearth. Then at night, they took their stone with them to bed to keep them warm at night. If they forgot to put their stone by the hearth in the morning, they had to deal with a brutally cold night.

As the yutampo came out, it reminded me of that story about my grandfather.

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