2013年の高橋まゆみ人形館 Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art in 2013

January 26, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Here's the 2013 schedule for another of Northern Nagano's must-see spots: the Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art.
These aren't toy dolls to play with, they are works of art. Art that catches the essence of the carefree lifestyle of the people in the Japanese countryside, a lifestyle that seems to know no age.
This museum dedicated to Mayumi-san's art was opened in 2010. If you've never seen it, you have to. And if you've already been there, you should go again to see these new exhibits.
Use the Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art as an excuse to explore northern Nagano.

2013.3.28 - 2013.9.24
Mayumi Takahashi's Doll Art Encounter
Display shows the road Takahashi-san took from first starting out with doll art to opening her own museum.
(Along the way, she had an exhibit here in Chikuma City at the Inariyama Kurashikan. That was where I first encountered her art.)

2013.9.26 - 2014.3.25
From Clay to Doll Art
Exhibit describes the process Takahashi-san takes in transforming plain clay into these dolls with such fascinating expressions.

毎月15日 The 15th of Every Month 10:00-12:00
高橋まゆみさん在館日 Meet the Artist in Person

高橋まゆみ人形館 Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art

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