長野温泉トップ100: あぐりの湯こもろ Nagano Onsens Top 100: Agri no Yu Komoro

May 30, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

あぐりの湯こもろ 外観



アクセス: この時代は皆の車のナビが付いているからどうにか辿り着くでしょうけど、道は分かり易い訳ではない。バスは色々調べたが、無さそう。

設備: 建物がまだまだ新しい感じする。広くて、綺麗。「湯上り室」まである。(初めて見た!)

お風呂: 3つの内風呂、2つの打たせの湯、露天風呂。とにかく、長めが最高。浅間山と千曲川の谷、ほっとする景色。

お湯: HPに説明はないぐらいに自慢じゃない。源泉が37℃という事は沸かしでしょう。かけ流しじゃなくて循環っぽい。

総合: もう少し時間を下さい。近辺に沢山の温泉がある(布引温泉、望月の湯など)。そういうのに入ってから判断したいと思います。まあ、疲れが取れたと言えば取れましたから、それなりの効果は確かにあります。

On the way back from our family drive, we stopped at Agri no Yu Komoro. This onsen bathhouse was built in 1998, so it is relatively new. It features an amazing view of the Chikuma River valley and Mt. Asama in the distance. There is a farmers market on the premises, so cityfolk can mingle with the farmers.

I'm not an onsen critic, but here is my critique anyways:

Access: Nowadays, everyone has a navigation system in their cars, so just punch in the telephone number and you'll get there. Otherwise, the road is certainly out of the way, and a thorough search didn't come up with any public transportation options.

Facilities: The building still has a newly-built feel to it. Spacious and clean. And there is even a separate cooling-down room adjacent to the baths -- the first time I've ever seen one of those!

Baths: 3 indoor baths, 2 waterfall baths, and an outdoor bath with a killer view. So great variety. However, the outdoor bath had a roof over it (can't soak in the starlight that way) and its garden had way too much plastic bamboo for my tastes.

Onsen: Not even their website talks about the mineral water, so the quality of the onsen water is not the main draw here. It looks to be heated and recirculated.

Overall: Give me a bit more time. I want to check out the nearby onsens (Nunobiki, Mochizuki, etc.) before passing judement on Agri. However, I can say that the bathing experience there overall was very refreshing.

あぐりの湯こもろ Agri no Yu Komoro

The view from Agri no Yu

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