国営アルプスあずみの公園:税金の無駄か価値のある公園か? Alps Azumino Nat'l Gov't Park: Waste of tax dollars or Worth the effort?

November 24, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Alps Park tree canopy bridge




There was a show on TV recently about wasteful government spending: a horse ranch with no horses, a spectacular museum in the middle of nowhere with no visitors, etc. The museum had an aerial view picture blown up and displayed on the floor -- beautiful except no one ever comes to see it.

Here in Nagano Prefecture, the Omachi section of the Alps Azumino Government National Park opened in July. It features a special bridge allowing visitors to see the forest canopy, as well as fanciful toys people can ride in the park. Was this another example of a waste of tax dollars? The family and I went to check it out on this Labor Day Holiday. And the verdict is:


First of all, one of the buildings (the entrance hall of the Hotaka area) had an aerial photo as its floor -- not a good omen. The forest canopy path was a disappointment -- maybe it would've been more enjoyable before all the leaves had fallen. The funky toys were fun to ride down the grassy slopes -- mini scooters and huge doughnut balloons. However, the kids enjoyed the slide in the kiddy playground just as much. There was a crafts-making place where you could make trinkets out of tree bark and stuff. But you could do that just as well in Tokyo. This is the "Alps" park, so why not offer things you can only do in the Alps. For example, have the kids go into the forest and pick up bark to make their own creation. You can't do that in the concrete jungle of Tokyo. That's what was missing at this Alps park -- the Alps! Since the park was too close to the mountains, you couldn't see the peaks. Even a kiddy slide would be fantastic if it had the Alps as a backdrop. So how about an Alps viewing platform?

There were a lot of visitors, and a lot of smiling faces, so I'd say the park isn't a waste of tax dollars. And we enjoyed the drive over to the Hotaka side and its illumination show at night. But the whole park felt like a regular regional one, not a spectacular national one, in my humble opinion.

国営アルプスあずみの公園のHPはこちらAlps Azumino Government National Park's website is here.

Misaki on one of the funky rides

Andy inspecting the Alps on the way to the Park

Azumino Winter Lights

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