子供の日で子供と縄文遊び Prehistoric Play for Boys Day

May 5, 2012: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Going Jomon




Did everyone enjoy Childrens Day (May 5th)? I took our kids for a bicycle ride to the Sarashina no Sato Ancient Experience Park, a 4.2km ride from our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

The park is set up to provide a glimpse of what life was like in prehistoric Japan, the Jomon era. Besides a recreated Jomon village, there is a sort of historical museum. Not only are there displays and an educational video on Jomon lifestyle, but there are a series of hands-on activities to experience. Our oldest son tried making fire with sticks of wood, while our #2 son and daughter carved a soapstone into a pendant.

Chikuma City is also fortunate to have a 1600 year old ancient tomb, the Mori Shogun Tumulus. It appears in all 6th graders textbooks in Japan. I'll have to take our kids for another bike ride to go there next time.

さらしなの里古代体験パーク Sarashina no Sato Ancient Experience Park

Andy making fire with sticks

Misaki carving a pendant

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