On this recent trip back home to Seattle, besides being able to spend time with my family and reconnecting with my home town, it was also a cause to stop and reflect upon my life, and the direction it is taking.
Many people here ask my how it is I became an innkeeper. My normal, quick answer is that there was no one to take on the business and we came back to keep Kamesei Ryokan from being turned into a parking lot.
Of course, the real answer is a bit more complicated than that. And it has nothing to do with tourism, which is the normal focus of this blog. However, at least one reader has requested less about tourism and more about me. So, here it is:
When Mari and I decided to get married, as an international couple we first had to decide which country in which to live.
I love Seattle, and was wanting to get into the import/export field. Mari on the other hand didn't particularly like Nagano, and didn't want anything to do with her family's ryokan. So we decided to live in Seattle, and I jumped into the import/export world.
At first, everything was great. We bought the house of our dreams, and I was thriving as an onion exporter. It takes a certain skill to be able to maneuver between the conservative onion growers and the strict Osaka importers.
But then reality gradually hit. It all boiled down to buying a bag of onions for 1 cent less, and selling it for 1 cent more, and eeking out a living from the difference. And forget about taking Christmas off. Too many sacrifices, and for what?
Mari, too, had second thoughts. Seattle's a rainy town, and that started to depress her. Then when our sons were born, she felt the language barrier even more and decided she preferred to raise our children in Japan.
Move to Japan? What would I do for work? I was done with the English Conversation Teaching gig. And becoming a 'salaryman' for a Japanese company would mean sacrificing everything again. What about the ryokan, then?
Meanwhile, I had been getting more and more active in our local church. It was so rewarding, helping to change people's hearts for the better. And at that time, our local Archdiocese started a new program for lay ministers with Seattle Univeresity. I applied!
S.U. accepted my, but eventually the Archdiocese declined me, saying I was not grounded enough. (It was to get grounded that I wanted to join the program!)
So, I took that as a sign, and Mari and I made the move to Nagano with our kids.
Looking back now, it was the right decision. Being an innkeeper means we get to provide a place for our guests to relax in the baths, enjoy our chef's meals, basically recharge their bodies' batteries. I feel this is my minstery.

Immaculate Conception Church, Seattle's 1st Catholic church. Where my buddy Matt got married. What it would've been like to work at a church like this?