Seeing Opera for the first time, here in Ueda!
In moving from Seattle to Japan, a lot of good things have come out of it. There are a few things, however, that I had to give up. One of those is going to see plays. Back in Seattle, every once in a while I managed to go see one of the local groups perform. With my life now here as an innkeeper, I don't get such opportunities. Partially because of my work's schedule, but also because there are fewer acting groups here in Nagano.
Yesterday, though, one of the local chorus groups performed an opera, 'Camille'. Mari watched over the inn while I took our kids to go see it. The singing was so beautiful and the costumes were so glamorous -- we loved it!
Actually, this chorus group from Ueda called VPG has a special significance to me. When I lived here 16-some years ago teaching English, the group took me under its collective wing and made me part of their 'family'. I feel bad that after moving back here, I can only support them by attending their once-a-year performance. But thanks to them, I and my children got to experience our first opera, and here in Nagano as well! I doubt I'd have had the opportunity to see an opera back in Seattle.
信州国際音楽村合唱団VPGのHPはこちらClick here for VPG's website.