ふれあい広場でいい経験Good Experiences at the Fureai Hiroba

September 14, 2008: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Kenny helping out with the games

Our town's 'Fureai Hiroba' (kind of a volunteer group fair) was held today, and our Int'l Exchange Assoc. had a booth. As vice-chairperson, I went to help out, and brought along our kids. Son Kenny enjoyed helping out with the games -- a good experience for him. An acquaintance of mine who is wheelchair-bound had a section where anyone could try using a wheelchair. Our eldest son, Andy, gave it a whirl -- another good experience. Towards the end, the boys rode the mini steam engine train. A fun day, with lots of good experiences!

Andy trying a wheelchair

Riding a mini-SL

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