「女性のニーズを本当に知っていますか?」研修 "Do you really understand the needs of women?" Seminar

September 11, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Q&A with the Ladies

Innkeepers like myself are constantly trying to come up with ideas to make our inns more enjoyable to female guests. "Ladies Plan", "Extra Amenities", etc., etc. Most of our attempts end in failure. Today, our ryokan association held a seminar where 25 ladies from the industry came for a Q&A session. Lots of great ideas came out of it. For instance, when I asked "What about a 'healthy' menu?", one of the ladies replied, "When I go on a vacation, I want a gourmet meal, not necessarily a healthy one." One example she gave was while staying at an inn with some lady friends, even after dessert they continued talking and talking. The inn later brought them a SECOND dessert! That type of extravegance was apparently much appreciated.
When I got back to Kamesei, I talked over with Mari some of the ideas and we hope to make improvements here to make our inn more enjoyable for ladies.

HE understands women's needs: Suga-Daira's Prince

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