手作り「100年風呂」のビフォー・アフター Kamesei Ryokan's "100 Year Bath" Before-After

February 7, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Kamesei Ryokan's Outdoor Bath -- Before & After






A nostalgic picture turned up the other day as I was doing some research on our inn for a TV shoot. It was from when I started working on Kamesei's first outdoor bath.

When we originally moved to work here at Kamesei Ryokan 7 years ago, the only onsen baths were the 2 indoor ones. There was a large (6x10m) swimming pool, but it was in a sad state of affairs indeed -- a real embarrassment.

A fellow innkeeper loaned me his tools and helped coach me, so I jackhammered apart the pool, brought in a whole bunch of dirt, and made an outdoor bath out of stones from the river. Kamesei's first-ever outdoor bath, the "100 Year Bath".

Since then I've built 2 more for a total of 3 outdoor baths for our guests to enjoy. Kamesei Ryokan sure has come a long ways in this past 7 years.

Pictured is the nostalgic 'before' picture, along with an 'after' for comparison -- one recently taken with a touch of snow.

My coach Toshiki-san teaching me how to demolish concrete

Power Proprietor

Now, what to do with all that rubble?

Block foundation

Starting to take shape

Adding some extra touches

Disguising the emergency stairs

First test!

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