座敷遊び:芸者に勝つのは無理! You'll never beat a geisha at a parlor game

March 15, 2009: その他 Miscellaneous

Tamako-san playing konpira fune-fune with a guest

The geisha world is deep and mysterious, and it's difficult for outsiders to enter. So I consider myself fortunate, because thanks to my job at the ryokan here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, I am able to see some of the shamisen music and traditional dance at our guests' banquets. Last night was another first for me: geisha parlor games. I'd heard about the games, but had never really seen one. So when I heard the sound of the shamisen and stepped into the banquet room last night, I was thrilled to see "konpira fune-fune" taking place. And not only did I get to watch it, but then one of the guests said, "Hey, you try it, too!" Tamako-san taught me the rules (it's too complicated to explain here), and I gave it a try. One thing I learned really quickly was it's impossible to beat a geisha. They are pros! While the shamisen is going slowly, I could keep up with Tamako-san, but as the shamisen picked up speed, before I knew it I had lost. Playing the game accompanied live by a shamisen was so cool!

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