I once had the opportunity to hear a talk by a National Geographic photographer. One thing he said that stood out in my mind was a photo op never jumps out at you. A good photo comes from careful preparation -- from having the right equipment to judging light, angles, positions, etc. A picture of an animal in the wild may look deceivingly simple, but the animal never just jumps out for its picture to be taken. The photographer has to study the movements of the animal, account for light and distance, etc. in order to make a publishable photo. In his many decades of photography, only once had the subject jumped out to be photographed.
How does that compare to writing this blog? It's been a little over 3 years now that I started this life of an innkeeper in Japan. Is it difficult to find subjects to write about every day for this blog? Do I have to struggle to find something of interest about Kamesei Ryokan, the onsen town here of Togura Kamiyamada, and/or Nagano as a whole?
Actually, today I was starting to ponder what subject to write about, when our entrance door opened and this group of geisha came in to make their New Years greeting. They looked stunningly beautiful in full kimono and make-up. Several of them gave us thier own unique 'tenugui' hand towels.
That's what my life has been like here -- every day some interesting event jumps out at me. Most people never have a chance to meet a single geisha their whole life, let alone a whole group of geisha dressed in full regalia. This is the kind of happening that makes writing this blog so fun.
So, in honor of this happening, I would like to try something new: I will give away one of these tenugui from a real, live Togura Kamiyamada Onsen geisha to whoever writes the best comment on why they want a tenugui to this blog. Give it a try!

Win a Geisha Tenugui 芸者の手ぬぐいに当たる