客室の”Before"の写真 Guestroom "Before" Picture

June 20, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

日本のどこの旅館部屋?Where in Japan is this ryokan room?

Ever since my wife and I have moved back to start helping out here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have been taking in the over-all feel of the inn and have been thinking about the improvements we want to make. We've also been listening to the comments and opinions of our guests.
One such improvement was based on our own preferences as well as our guests' desires to bath in the starlight while soaking in the onsen: two years ago I built the 100-Year Bath outdoor bath. Then last year we made a cedar bath outside the ladies bath, so now both indoor baths have an outdoor one as well.
This year, we decided to turn our attention to the guestrooms. Our rooms have names like "Matsukaze" (pine tree wind), "Suehiro" (eternity - wide), and "Chitose" (1000 years). These are all fortuitous names, but they just as well be names from Okinawa or Hokkaido, not just Nagano. We are planning on doing a small remodel on 3 of the rooms in local, Nagano-only themes. As we progress, I'll write more here on the blog.

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