問題の甘露煮?! Troublemaking river fish?!

July 9, 2014: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

一番いけない事をやってしまいみした: お客さんと喧嘩しました。



説得してみました: 「サーモンは定番でしょうけどこの近くに海が無い。戸倉上山田温泉の真ん中に千曲川が流れていて、川魚がこの辺の食文化です。」

お客さんは更にテンションアップ: 「それは知っているけど、誰がそんなまずい物を食う?」



そこなんだ: こいつは保存食が分かっていない。これだけ保存食が盛んでいる長野県は長寿で日本一。



I did the ultimate no-no: I argued with a guest.

When I greeted him in the morning, he barked, "How can you serve kanroni for breakfast? That stuff is awful!"

(Kanroni is a sweet marinate sauce that, in our case, River fish is stewed in.)

I tried explaining, "Normally ryokans serve salmon but we don't have an ocean nearby. Instead, the Chikuma River flows through the middle of our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada. River fish is a mainstay of our local cuisine."

Things started to heat up. "I know that. But who eats that horrible stuff?"

I made another attempt: "Locals love it! And the guy who makes it takes such pride in his work. Besides, kanroni is full of calcium so it is good for you."

Then the guest shot back, "How many days old is that stuff anyways?"

I realized he just doesn't get it. That's the beauty of preserved food. And Nagano, a leader in preserved food, has Japan's longest life expectancy rates.

We at Kamesei Ryokan will continue to serve kanroni.

With pride.

And with no apologies.

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