お風呂温度チェックChecking the Temperatures of the Baths

August 3, 2008: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


With it being summer, the outside temperature is climbing. Maybe that's to blame for our onsen baths feeling a little hot. We try to cool the baths down a bit by keeping the windows open and letting air circulate. But we received an unfortunate comment back from one guest who said she never was able to get in because it felt so hot. Today's temperature is in the 30's (C), so with concern, I checked the baths' temperatures, with the following results:
Small Indoor Bath: 41C
Large Indoor Bath: 40C
Outdoor Bath: 39C
Those temperatures are a lot more reasonable to handle than the 45~46 C of some other onsens. Our baths may feel hot to the touch, but after you get in and soak, the temperature should feel soothing. I hope everyone can come and enjoy our baths!

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