我が温泉宿に泊まって、酒蔵を訪問刷ればプレゼントをもらえます! 亀清旅館は100年以上の歴史の木造館実乃が中心となっていますが、造り酒屋の姨捨正宗のさらに歴があって、本館が重要文化財になっています。是非に行ってみて頂きたいと思っております。行かれたら姨捨正宗さんから素敵なプレゼントをもらえます。

This summer, the Obasute sake brewery and our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, are teaming up for a special promotion. After staying at our inn, visit the brewery and receive a free gift.
Kamesei Ryokan boasts a main building with a history of over 100 years, but Obasute's brewery is even older -- the main building is on the national historical registry. We encourage everyone to go see it.
The Obasute brewery is 9km from Kamesei Ryokan, approx. 15 minutes by car. It is the only sake brewery in operation here in Chikuma city.