多よ里: 権堂の隠れ料理屋 Tayori: Secret Gondo Eatery

December 21, 2011: グルメFoodie

Secretive "Tayori"



今度、次のビルとビルの間に、また面白い通路があって、また奥に更に良さそうなお店がありました。そして入口に小さな看板が立てていました:「昼定食 800円」。

仲間が「へえ、ここは知らない…」 じゃ、チャレンジ!



Tel (026)232-4757
昼定食 800円

The other day I was in Nagano City's Gondo District with some buddies looking for a place for lunch. We wandered down a side street and, in between 2 buildings was a narrow little passage leading to what looked like an interesting restaurant.

"Ah, that 'ryoutei' used to be really good, but they closed", lamented one of friends.

A bit further down, in between the next 2 buildings was another passage leading to another, even more interesting little restaurant. This one had a small sign out front: "Lunch Set: 800 yen".

"Hmm, I've never been here," said the friend who seems to know just about every other restaurant around Gondo. So we decided to check it out.

That's how we stumbled across "Tayori". No brochures, no website. People who know, know. People who don't, don't. That type of secretive place.

The restaurant is built in very traditional Japanese style. The tatami room where we ate had a beautiful ikebana setting in the tokonoma alcove, and a view of the tsubo-niwa pocket garden through the yuki-mi glass pane in the the shoji doors next to us. I don't know how Japanese people perceive such a setting, but to my blue eyes, this is one of those quintessential Japanese experiences.

Gondo "Tayori"
Tel (026)232-4757
Lunch Set: 800 yen
Dinner Kaiseki Meals from 4000 yen, Turtle stew course 7,000 yen, with 'hamo' (pike eel) and 'fugu' (puffer fish) courses offered in summer and winter respectively.

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