たんぱく質の難しい信州 Protein-challenged Nagano

December 6, 2009: グルメFoodie

長野県は海がない。そのせいか、たんぱく質に関しては長野県で変わった食材があります。一番知られているのは馬刺し。私のアメリカのロデオをやる友達に内緒ですが、何度も食べています。最初は「?!」と思ったけど、食べてみたら、かなり美味しいです。次にあるのは飛蝗の佃煮、「イナゴ」。見た目はグロテスクですが、甘露煮ですから甘くて食べやすい。もっと珍しいのは「蜂の子」。来れは今までうわさでしか聞いていなくて、しかし先日、乗鞍に行った時に、夜の宴会のある子皿を見たら、虫の幼虫の様な・・・ 「もしかしたら、蜂の子?」

Here in Nagano, there is no ocean. Perhaps because of that, people here have historically had issues with getting sources of protein in their diets. One of the better known local foods is "basashi" which is horse meat. Served, err, raw. Don't tell my rodeo buddies back home, but I've tried it many times -- it's actually really good!
Another slightly less common traditional source of protein here is "inago", which is basically grasshoppers marinated in a sweet syrup. A little crunchy, and the legs tend to get stuck in your teeth, but thanks to the sweet marinate, inago actually tastes pretty good.
There's another peculiar source of protein, that is (fortunately?) becoming rarer and rarer, and that is "hachi-no-ko", bee larvae. I had only heard rumors about it but the other day at the banquet in Norikura, one of the small dishes had what looked like some sort of baby bugs. All the people around seemed to be eating it without thinking twice, but I had to ask: "Is this hachi-no-ko?" They said it was, and proceeded to regale me with stories from their youth about this delicacy (?!). One guy said that he used to go look for bees nests and pop them open with his hands, grab the larvae and eat them for his afternoon snack. Not only did he not have anything else to eat for a snack, but the larvae are naturally sweet, so for him they were a delicacy. The fact that they were still alive and wriggled down his throat wasn't pleasant, but they tasted so good he didn't mind. Another guy said he got stung so bad going after hachi-no-ko that he was hospitalized -- three separate times! Wouldn't most people stop after just one time?
Anyways, after a gulp of sake, I tried the larvae. Not bad! If I can do it, so can you! Next time you go to an izakaya pub in Nagano, look to see if hachi-no-ko is on the menu, and get your protein Nagano-style!

More on Nagano's insect cuisine here.

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