皆で川を・・・ これが川? Keep the River Clean -- What River?

August 22, 2009: 日米関係Culture Shock

I recently read that Japan has a superb sense of beauty, but no sense of ugliness. In starting to write this topic, I realized while Japanese has a word for beauty (美 bi), there is no word for ugly. The closest expression is 見苦しい Migurushii, which means "difficult to look at". But that's an adjective, not a noun... I guess if you don't have a word for something, then it makes sense you don't have a sense of it either. (Or is it the other way around?)
Anyways, the reason for this topic is the other day while driving in Nagano City, I came across this sign. It says "Protect our Mountains and Rivers" along with an illustration of a majestic snow-capped mountain and a beautiful, natural river. My first reaction was, "Protect what natural rivers? They're all concreted over." Then, assuming the 'mountains' are the Shiga Heights peaks barely visible in the distance (and they aren't anywhere near as beautiful as the one in the illustration, but that's another issue...), what river is the sign referring too? Then I spotted the concrete irrigation ditch. That has to be the saddest excuse for a river.
Now, I understand that with so many people packed into such a narrow geography, you have to reinforce the river banks to avoid disasterous flood damage. However, can't a country that has such a superb sense of beauty consider protecting the natural beauty of rivers, too?

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