使い捨て住宅 Disposable Houses

August 30, 2009: 日米関係Culture Shock








When I first came to Japan, I was still a college student. I stayed at the homes of several exchange students that had previously stayed at our house back in Seattle. Most tourists don't have the opportunity to see inside typical houses in Japan to see what peoples' lifestyles are here. I was very fortunate to be able to do so.

One such house was in the middle of Osaka City. I remember it being a narrow, 2-story house with no garden and just a sliver of space between it and the houses on either side. It had no bath, so every night the family would ride bikes to the neighborhood 'sento' bathhouse. It was there that I first experienced the Japanese bathing culture. Little did I know that one day, I'd be running an onsen ryokan!

That exchange student friend of mine must have been blown away when he saw my parents' house back in Seattle -- how big it was and the size of our yard. But his family of four managed to live just fine in that little house in Osaka.

Several years later, I had the opportunity to once again visit that friend. This time, it was me that was blown away. The little 2-story house was gone. In its place was a magnificent 3-story house. Still no garden and still just a sliver between it and the adjacent houses, but it was built with the most modern and high-tech conveniences. And this time, it had a bath. And what a bath! I fully realize why an evening bath is almost a ritual here in Japan. Back in the States, we make do with just a shower. This compact, modern house made my house back in Seattle feel ridiculously oversized by comparison.
One thing I was sad to see was that his neighborhood sento had also disappeared.

Recently, Japan's "disposable housing" way of building houses with a 30-year life span has become news. According to some slightly out-dated data, as of 1996, 68% of homes in Japan were built after 1970. The figures for the UK (22%) and the US (42%) were much lower, evidence that houses are used much longer in those countries. (The house that Mari and I bought in Seattle was built in 1934. She and I seem to appreciate older things -- that's probably why we are working so hard to preserve Kamesei Ryokan!)

However, in this ecologically-minded age, the process of tearing down a house and rebuilding every 30 years is certainly not good for the environment. It creates a lot of waste and increases each person's carbon footprint. Recently, Japanese housing makers have been advertising houses to last multi-generations. I guess the industry is moving in a better direction.

The picture here shows a construction job going on nearby Kamesei. Apparently, an old house is being torn down and a new one will take its place. Looking closely, you can see some of the walls were earthen walls. So I don't think this particular house was one of the many built after the war and designed to last just 30 years. But it will be interesting to see what type of house will be built -- a "disposable" one or one to last longer.

DataのソースはこちらData Source Here.

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