ごみ文化 Gomi (Garbage) Culture

February 13, 2010: 日米関係Culture Shock

Morino Lodge's Gomi Rules

Last week I was given a tour of Hakuba's Morino Lodge by its owner. The owner is Matt-san from Scotland, who also happens to be the Wadano Village Chief. Being the first foreigner Village Chief in Hakuba, Matt-san has been somewhat of a media darling here in Nagano. At first I thought -- what's the big deal? Within a couple of years it'll be my turn to be Kamiyamada Onsen's 11th District Chief. I don't find that to be particularly news-worthy. However, last year I was invited to give a speech in Nagano City with Matt as the co-presentor. Matt chose to live in Hakuba for its beautiful nature, and as Village Chief, he has taken it upon himself to take the village's garbage separation and recycling to a higher level.
I was impressed. I consider myself to be an environmentally sensitive type guy. For example, here at Kamesei Ryokan, we took out the kerosene stove from the lobby and put in a wood burning one. And we collect used chopsticks from neighboring restaurants to use for lighting fires in the stove, as opposed to letting them end up in the garbage. But I was fascinated by Matt's garbage and recycling efforts for his village.
When we took the tour of Matt's lodge, I was amazed to see the detailed "garbage rules" for his guests, and the separated waste cans everywhere -- all in English. And I heard that Matt turned his village's weekly garbage collection day into a cultural tour, to show his guests Japan's garbage "culture". It made me realize that Japan's garbage rules shouldn't be considered to be all anal in their detailedness, but they are a good thing for foreigners to learn and perhaps take back to their own countries.

もりのロッジのHPはこちらClick here for Morino Lodge's website.

Here's a link to a Japan's Time article that led me to understand Japan's gomi rules aren't to be dreaded, but are to be held up as an example for the rest of the world to follow.

Separate garbage cans -- not even bothering with Nihongo!

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