森「あんずの里」あんずまつりなう! 天皇陛下も来る! Apricot Blossom Festival Now! The Emperor to Come, too!

April 4, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Apricot Blossoms in Bloom!





注目のライトアップは4月12日(金)~14日(日) 18:00~21:00で場所があんずの里スケッチパーク。



The soft pink of the apricot blossoms,
The clear blue of the spring sky,
The white of the snowcapped Japanese Alps in the distance...

Chikuma City's Mori "Apricot Village" Apricot Blossom Festival is in full swing.

Our daughter Misaki just entered elementary school, and as a reward I took her for a drive to Mori to see the apricot blossoms. They were about 70% in bloom, but with warm weather predicted for the 4th and 5th, they should be in full bloom for the weekend.

The 2013 Apricot Blossom Festival is scheduled to continue through April 21st with the light up at Sketch Park to take place on the evenings of the 12th through the 14th.

And this year, Japan's Emperor and Empress are scheduled to make a visit. Yahoo! News reports the two will come in mid April.

So for all of you that have been wanting to come see the famous Mori apricot blossoms, this is the year -- you may meet the Emperor, too!

あんずまつり情報 Official Apricot Blossom Festival News

天皇陛下のあんず花見情報 News on the Emperor's Visit to Chikuma City

With snow-covered Takatsuma and the Japanese Alps in the background

Apricot Blossoms -- perfect for a stroll

Don't Forget the Apricot Soft Ice Cream あんずソフトもお勧め!

春探し@森あんずの里」 Looking For Spring at Mori "Apricot Village"

March 23, 2013: 季節 Seasons

森「あんずの里」 3月23日の状況






This has been a long and cold and, did I mention, long winter here in Nagano.

When will Spring come?

Our main spring flower event for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is the Apricot Blossom Festival in nearby Mori. On the 23rd, I drove over to see if there was any sign of spring coming.

But the apricot trees still just had buds, no flowers.

The 2013 Mori Apricot Blossom Festival is scheduled for April 6th to the 21st.

亀清旅館の杏の木は一足早く咲いた Kamesei's Early-Blooming Apricot Tree

March 21, 2013: 季節 Seasons




Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we are slowly re-making each individual guestroom around Nagano-based themes. For "Chitose", in honor of nearby Mori "Apricot Village", we had our gardener plant an apricot tree in the room's pocket garden.

Mori's orchards will be holding their annual Apricot Blossom Festival from April 6th through the 21st. But unlike Mori's north-facing slope, Kamesei's apricot tree faces the south and we are at a bit lower elevation, so our tree has blossomed ahead of the ones in Mori.

Guests that stay in "Chitose" this spring vacation will be able to enjoy the pretty blossoms on our apricot tree.

Apricot Tree as seen from the room

プレ杏まつり@亀清旅館のロビー Pre-Apricot Blossom Fest at Kamesei Ryokan's Lobby

March 16, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Apricot Blossoms on display in Kamesei's lobby





Hey, aren't those apricot blossoms there in Kamesei Ryokan's lobby in full bloom? Have the trees started flowering already?

Well, actually, local apricot orchardist Kyohoen kindly gave us some branches that they trimmed. We kept them in a warm room, and they bloomed. So we are displaying them in our lobby for this weekend's guests to enjoy. Kind of a pre-apricot blossom festival.

The real festival takes place in nearby Mori "Apricot Village" from April 6th to April 21st. Kyohoen's orchard here along the Chikuma River just north of our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada will be in bloom the same time.

杏宝園 Kyohoen

春よ来い♪ 貴重な節分草が貸切露天「しなの風呂」に顔を出しました。 Spring is Coming! Precious 'Setsubunsou' Flowering in our Private Bath's Garden

March 5, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Precious Setsubunsou popping up in the garden of Kamesei's Shinano-Buro Private Bath






Kamesei Ryokan's "Shinano-Buro" family bath has a garden that features several rare flowers, including the delicate 'Setsubunsou' Shibateranthis pinnatifida (Maxim.) Satake et Okuyama. This morning, I took a peek and was delighted to see that the precious little flowers have risen out of the ground and blossomed.

Everyone here in our area of Nagano is really looking forward to our area's main flower event, the apricot blossoms in nearby Mori "Apricot Village". Latest prediction is that they will bloom starting around April 6th. The blossoms will have special meaning this year, as this winter has been especially cold and long here in our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

But the apricot blossoms are just one of many spring flowers in Nagano. Following the apricot blossoms are cherry, peach, and apple blossoms. And for flowers, there are the creamy white skunk cabbages, pastel azaleas and brilliant peonies to look forward to.

But first, the quiet, pretty little setsubunsou. Above Togura Station in Togurajuku Kitty Park is a grouping of naturally occurring setsubunsou. Flower enthusiasts and photographers come from far and wide to see and take pictures of them.

And at Kamesei Ryokan, our gardener Okada-san planted some setsubunsou when he built the garden for our new private outdoor bath, the 'Shinano-Buro'. I'm glad to see the flowers are blooming again this spring.

Spring is Coming!

お客様に雛人形がお迎え Hina Dolls to Greet our Guests

March 3, 2013: 季節 Seasons

A Hina Doll Welcome to Kamesei Ryokan





Happy Girls Day from Kamesei Ryokan!

March 3rd is Girls Day in Japan, and families across the country celebrate by displaying Hina Dolls of a princess and prince and their entourage.

Kamesei Ryokan's Hina Dolls are on display in our lobby to greet guests as they arrive.

We wish that all young girls grow up as strong and kind princesses full of self-confidence and loving hearts.

一年ぶりの薪割 亀清旅館のロビーの薪ストーブの為 Preparing Firewood for next winter for Kamesei's woodstove

February 24, 2013: 季節 Seasons

'Tis Firewood Gathering Time Again



Kamesei Ryokan's lobby features a wood burning stove. Every year at this time, one of my jobs is to prepare firewood for burning in our stove in the following winter.

Cutting, chopping and stacking firewood is a tough job.
But seeing our guests enjoying the soft heat from our lobby's stove makes all the sweat and sore muscles worth it!

Kamesei's woodstove

雪景色は飽きない Never Tire of Snowy Scenes

February 23, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's naka-niwa garden with snow


亀清旅館: 雪景色の合う宿!

How can one ever get tired of seeing a beautiful winter scene like this? This year has seen a lot more snow than usual, so we have been treated to these type of crystal white scenes a lot. Kamesei Ryokan, with its nakaniwa central garden (pictured), the small gardens of the hanare-fu semi-detached guestrooms, pocket gardens throughout, and the gardens for our two of our outdoor baths, all of these gardens make for a naturally beautiful setting for when it snows. And you can't beat soaking in our 100-Year Bath as the snowflakes fall on your face.

Kamesei Ryokan -- perfect for enjoying snowy scenes.

Snow Falling on Sarashina


Not just our inn, but our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and the Chikuma River as well the surrounding mountains also look extra beautiful when it snows. Pictured is the entrance to Sarashina Shrine. It reminds me of the novel "Snow Falling on Cedars" whose setting is close to my hometown of Seattle.

亀清Chef武井の親子杏仁豆腐 Parent-Child Annin Pudding by Kamesei's Chef Takei

February 15, 2013: 季節 Seasons





From last fall and until this point in the winter, Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei has been making apple pie for dessert. Using apples from local Kamiyamada orchards and adding a secret ingredient, the dessert has been a hit with our guests here at Kamesei.

However, the local orchardists have come to the end of the season's supply. In addition, we are fast approaching the apricot blossom season. Our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is 20 minutes away from Mori "Apricot Village", Japan's #1 growing area of apricots. In early April, the entire Mori valley will be covered by the light pink apricot tree blossoms. And the fruit will be ripe and ready to pick a few months later, in June.

In anticipation of the apricot blossoms, our chef has switched to Annin Pudding for dessert. It is a creamy almond tofu pudding that historically uses powdered apricot pit centers. Chef Takei tops the pudding with a dab of apricot jam. Part of the pit, part of fruit -- it's like a parent-child version of Annin Pudding!

Chef武井の春先メニュー Chef Takei's Early Spring Menu

February 5, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's Early February 2013 Menu



Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei changes the menu for his kaiseki-style dinner as the seasons change. As we are transitioning from cold, snowy winter and looking forward to the cherry and apricot trees blossoming in the spring, the 'sansai' wild mountain vegetables are starting to awake under the snow.

Chef Takei's menu for early February reflects the changing of the seasons.

旬の物 山菜のウルイ酢味噌和 Vinegar Miso-flavored Urui (young Hosta montana)
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Spicy Nanban Seasoned Saku Carp
サラダ 生湯葉サラダ Salad with Yuba (tofu skin)
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、タコ Kajiki tuna, shrimp, octopus
焼き物 鮎煮浸し Stewed Grilled Ayu River Fish
台の物 茸鍋Mushroom Hot Pot with Pork
蓋物  甘鯛豆腐の蒸し物 Steamed Amadai (horse-head fish) with Tofu*
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
お椀  ワタリガニ味噌汁 Miso Soup with Watarigani (Swimming Crab)
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and other pickled vegetables
水皿  隠れ味アップルパイと杏ジャム Secret Apple Pie with Apricot Topping

*Soon to change to 筍の田楽 Broiled Miso-filled Bamboo Shootに直代わります。