アンナベルと亀清旅館の渡り廊下 Annabelle and Kamesei's Watari-roka Passageway

July 9, 2013: 季節 Seasons



For the tsubo-niwa gardens in front of Kamesei Ryokan's semi-detached guestrooms "Chitose" and "Suehiro", our gardener Okada-san planted some "Annabelle" hydrangeas. Every year at this time, their brilliant creamy white flowers blossom.

Our guests using the semi-detached rooms get to enjoy these beautiful flowers as they come and go from their rooms.

客室で杏狩り♪ Picking Apricots from your Guestroom!

July 5, 2013: 季節 Seasons



それにしても、旅館のお部屋から杏狩り… 亀清旅館のオンリーワン♪

Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Chitose" is slowly being remade with an apricot theme in honor of the nearby Mori District's "Apricot Village" -- Japan's #1 apricot growing area. A few years ago we had our gardener Okada-san plant an apricot tree in the room's tsubo-niwa pocket garden. The fruit is now becoming ripe, so guests staying in this room for the next few days will be able to pick apricots in their garden.

The heritage varieties of apricots tend to be very tart. I personally like that taste, but lately sweeter varieties have become more popular here, such as the harcot variety from Canada. Our gardener, though, picked the classic Showa variety to plant. It bears nice and tart fruit. The old varieties aren't as hardy with respect to insects and diseases, and we don't use pesticides like professional orchardists do, so the fruit isn't exactly pretty. But the taste is great.

Picking apricots in your Kamesei's guestroom garden -- quite possibly the only ryokan in Japan to do so!

梅雨はこのシアトル人が落ち着きます。 Japan's Rainy Season Feels Refreshing to This Seattleite

June 23, 2013: 季節 Seasons



Rainy season has finally come to our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada. It's officially been 'Tsuyu' for a few weeks, but this weekend we finally saw real rain. People in Japan tend to get depressed over the rainy season, but for this Seattleite, the rain brings a sense of comfort. (Back in Seattle, the rainy season typically starts around January 1st and ends sometime near December 31st, with a brief respite for about 2 days in August.)

Pictured are rain drops on the hydrangea flowers -- a typically serene scene for Nagano's rainy season.

ゴールデンウィークに間に合った: 亀清の中庭の牡丹 Just in time for Golden Week: Peonies in Kamesei's Garden

May 3, 2013: 季節 Seasons




The peonies in Kamesei's naka-niwa central garden started blooming, just in time for Japan's Golden Week Holiday.

As guests walk from the lobby to the guestrooms, they are treated by the view of these beautiful purple flowers.

Happy Golden Week, everybody!

周辺の山々に新緑 Spring Green in the Hills

May 1, 2013: 季節 Seasons





The hillsides surrounding our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are changing color as the deciduous trees are starting to leaf out with spring growth.

This has been a long, long winter. The hills have been brown with occasional dustings of snow for so long. Then, towards the end of April there were spots of brilliant white color -- the wild cherry trees. And now, the light green of new growth.

Spring has finally fully come.

At last!

亀清の庭にヤマブキが登場♪ Kerria Now Blooming in Kamesei's Garden

April 19, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Yellow kerria flowers next to Kamesei's watari-roka passageway


Next to Kamesei Ryokan's 'Watari-roka' passageway that crosses our 'nakaniwa' garden, the brilliant yellow flowers of our Kerria shrub (Kerria japonica) are putting on a show. Our inn has gardens throughout it, and the Spring Parade of Flowers is in progress!

森「あんずの里」の花、そして天皇陛下、お疲れ様でした。 Mori's Apricot Flowers as well as the Emperor have Come and Gone

April 16, 2013: 季節 Seasons




On April 16th, I drove through Mori "Apricot Village" but for the most part, all the apricot blossoms are already gone. The Apricot Blossom Festival was scheduled to go through the 21st, but the flowers finished early this year. Even the apricot soft ice vendor seemed to be closed.

Actually, Japan's Emperor and Empress visited mori on the 15th to see the flowers. Their timing was unfortunately a bit too late. Even on the 16th, there was still a strand of apricot trees in bloom on the windy mountain road that crosses Miyasaka Pass over to Togura. But I doubt it would be proper to take the Emperor on such a road. Mori is still pretty to see even without the blossoms. I really like its relaxed, rural feel. I'm sure the Emperor was able to appreciate the peacefulness of the setting.

Apricot Blossoms by Miyasaka Pass on April 16th

上山田の桜が満開 今週末はおかみの会の花見屋台 Kamiyamada's Sakura in Full Bloom; Hanami Party this Weekend

April 11, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Chuo Park's Sakura at their peak


上山田温泉中央公園 おかみの会花見テント 2013年


The cherry blossoms here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are now at their peak. Right behind our inn Kamesei Ryokan is Chuo Koen park, and the pinkish-white sakura petals are in full bloom.

This weekend, the ladies guild (including Kamesei's junior proprietress, my wife Mari) will be selling oden stew and yakitori chicken as well as beer for the hanami (flower viewing party) revelers.

Kamiyamada Onsen Chuo Park Hanami Ladies Guild Tent 2013
April 12th (Friday) thru April 14th (Sunday)
From Noon to 7pm

Come and celebrate Spring under the cherry trees in Kamiyamada Onsen!