悔しかったのは、高遠のお客さんの約半分が中国人だった。他言語パンフやアナウンスがあったし。森の杏の海外からのお客さんが0に近い。何、この違い⁈ 高遠は中央高速道路に近いから?中国人は杏の花を喜ぶと思いますが。
Takato Castle cherry blossoms. Currently at 80% of full bloom. So many visitors from overseas. Why not at Mori "Apricot Village", too?
Category Archives: 季節 Seasons
戸倉上山田温泉の桜名所、中央公園も満開; 花見の知らせ Main Sakura Spot for Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, Chuo Park, in Full Bloom
April 7, 2015: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons戸倉上山田温泉の桜名所が亀清旅館の裏にある中央公園。この地域は杏の花で有名ですが、桜もちゃんとあります。今年は普段より1週間ぐらい早く咲きました。ちょうど満開です。
As you probably know, cherry trees are called 'Sakura' in Japanese. But have you heard of 'Yozakura'? Sakura lit up at night ('yoru'). The park behind Kamesei Ryokan, Chuo Park, is the main Sakura spot for our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada. The Ladies Guild has lanterns put up, creating the perfect Yozakura ambience. This weekend, April 10-12, the guild members will set up a tent and serve warm food and cold beer for the hanami (flower viewing) revelers. Won't you come join the fun?
親孝行で杏の里へ Taking the Parents to see the Apricot Blossoms at Mori "Apricot Village"
April 6, 2015: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, グルメFoodie上田城の千本桜が1週間早くで満開! Ueda Castle's Sakura in Full Bloom 1 Week Early
April 5, 2015: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Naganoもう、春だ!森「あんずの里」が満開! Spring is Here! Mori's Famous Apricot Blossoms in Full Bloom!
April 4, 2015: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano森「日本一杏の里」、上の方のスケッチパーク辺りも満開
The famous apricot blossoms of nearby Mori are in full bloom. Spring is finally here!
I stopped by today on the way to drop off some guests, and was surprised to see the blossoms in full bloom. Just 2 days ago, they were just starting. It's as if someone turned on a switch.
Weather this afternoon was nice and warm. From the evening, though, a strong wind picked up and rain is expected overnight. Our poor apricot blossoms! Everyone, please come to see them as soon as you can!
戸倉上山田温泉にも杏♪ Apricot Blossoms here, too, at Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada
April 2, 2015: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano昨日は森「日本一杏の里」の花、今日は戸倉上山田温泉の側、千曲川沿いの杏宝園さんの畑。満開で青空に春風、最高!
Yesterday was pictures of the famous apricot blossoms in Mori. Today it's Kyohoen's orchard just north of our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada. Flowers in full bloom, clear blue sky and a gentle spring breeze -- perfect!
ベルリンからSさん達を連れて行きました。Accompanied by the S. party from Berlin.
亀清旅館発: あんず三昧メニュー A Kamesei Ryokan First: Apricot Extravagance Menu
July 10, 2014: 季節 Seasons亀清旅館のChef武井が努力し、新しいメニューを準備しました: 「あんず三昧」。
食前酒 自家製杏酒
旬の物 冬瓜水晶煮
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Spicy Nanban-seasoned Saku Carp
サラダ 生湯葉サラダ杏仕立て Salad with Yuba (tofu skin)
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、間八 Kajiki Tuna, Shrimp, Amberjack Sashimi
焼き物 鮎塩焼き Salt Rubbed Grilled Ayu
台の物 豚肉と高原レタスの杏たれ
蓋物 みぞれ杏そば
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 杏入りソース Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
お椀 もずくの味噌汁 Clam Nectar Soup
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and assorted Pickled Vegetables
水皿 アプリコットタールト(自家製コンフェッチュール)
Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei has prepared a new menu for this year's apricot picking season. The city where onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is located, Chikuma City, is Japan's No. 1 producer of apricots. Local growers, processors and culinary professionals have been studying all kinds of ways to incorporate apricots into our local cuisine. We had well-renowned Okuda Chef come twice this year to meet with everyone. Based on that inspiration, we would like to introduce our new menu:
Chef Takei's "Apricot Extravaganza" Kaiseki Dinner
Apricot liquer
Crystallized Wax Gourd
Spicy Nanban-seasoned Saku Carp
Salad with Yuba (tofu skin) with apricot dressing
Surprise Chawan egg custard
Kajiki Tuna, Shrimp, Amberjack Sashimi
Salt Rubbed Grilled Ayu
Pork & Highland Lettuce Hot Pot with apricot dipping sauce
Soba Noodles with Fresh Apricots
Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Apricot Sauce
Miso Soup with mozuku seaweed
Nozawana and assorted Pickled Vegetables
Apricot tart
2014年の杏の収穫は豊作♪ Bumper Crop for Apricots in 2014
July 7, 2014: 季節 Seasons杏農家の杏宝園さんの事務所にお客さんと一緒に顔を出してみたら、採りたての杏で選別の作業で盛り上がっていました。今年は豊作だそうです。(2013年は花の時期で霜で損害があったため、杏が少なかった。)
I went with a guest and paid a visit to local apricot grower "Kyohoen". They were busy sorting freshly picked apricots that had just arrived from the nearby orchard along the Chikuma River.
This year apparently is a bumper crop for apricots. It is fortunate, because last year's was a disaster due to a frost hitting the orchards right at flowering time.
Can you smell the tart aroma of the apricots from the picture?
鮎塩焼き 解禁 Salt-Rubbed Grilled Ayu Season Has Started
July 2, 2014: 季節 Seasons母の日、戸倉上山田のおもてなしで Mother's day, Togura-Kamiyamada Style
May 11, 2014: 季節 Seasons母の日はまた私ども戸倉上山田温泉の旅館若旦那・若女将たちが手作業で作ったコサージュをお越しになったお母さん達にプレゼントしました。
Mothers Day here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada means free corsages for all mothers. The junior innkeepers gathered to make the carnation corsages by hand, and we passed them out to the mothers who came to the Sunday Morning Farmers Market.
I would like to offer a big congratulations to all mothers on this special day!