シェフ武井の新しい一品: 鰆と湯葉竹の子 白い味噌グラタン Chef Takei's New Dish: Sierra and Bamboo Shoot au Gratin

February 10, 2009: 季節 Seasons

シェフ武井の春先の一品: この時期を代表できる魚、鰆と、ちょっと先取りですが、湯葉竹の子(若い竹の子の先、湯葉のように柔らかい)に西京白い味噌グラタン。大体4月まで続く予定なので旬の味を是非、召し上がってみてください。

Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei has introduced a new seasonal dish for our current dinner line-up. It is a gratin potatoe dish with "sawara" (=sierra?), a white meat fish common this time of year, and bamboo shoot tips with a white miso sauce. He plans on offering it through April. Come and taste the season's flavors here at Kamesei.

凍った聖湖 Frozen Hijiri Lake

February 10, 2009: 季節 Seasons

On the way to pick up some guests for our inn, I passed Hijiri Lake which is located in the highlands behind our town. I'd heard the lake freezes in the winter, but this was my first time to see it with my own eyes. It just seems so strange to think that in the summer time, our family comes here to escape the heat from down in town, and we have fun with the paddle boats on this same lake. It's a different world in the winter. Nagano sure is blessed with beautiful nature!

聖湖は亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉からくねくねの山道で約30分です。Hijiri Lake is approx. 30 minutes by a windy mountain road from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

聖湖の詳しくはこちらClick here for more info on Hijiri Lake

100年風呂が雪見に Snowy Look for our 100 Year Bath Outdoor bath.

January 15, 2009: 季節 Seasons


This morning when I woke up and looked outside, "Snow!" After I shoveled our entrance and the sidewalks, I wondered how our outdoor bath's garden looks like with this snow and went and took this picture. This is the essence of Japan's onsen culture -- rich, warm mineral water surrounded by the beauty of nature!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

雪の日 Snowy Day

January 13, 2009: 季節 Seasons



It looks it's going to be a snowy day all day today. The snow gives our garden a beautiful look. Maybe our kids will be able to go sledding in the park behind our inn this afternoon. I'd better get the hot chocolate ready!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

成人式の皆様、おめでとう!Congratulations to all the new Adults

January 12, 2009: 季節 Seasons

Today is "Coming of Age" Day in Japan. All throughout Japan, 20 year olds gather and celebrate becoming adults. Our relative, Yumi, stopped by in her beautiful kimono after her celebration. Congratulations to all of you new adults, and may you have a bright future.

凧揚げvs。耳凍り Flying Kites vs. Freezing Ears

January 4, 2009: 季節 Seasons

Andy working the Beetle stunt kite


In Japan, it's tradition at New Years to fly a kite. It was a sunny day, and a nice breeze, so I took our sons down to the banks of the Chikuma River with our kite and sent that puppy flying with the birds. A hawk even soared in to get a closer look at our purple and gold kite.
After being so busy with our inn the last couple of days, it was a relief to go out and get some fresh air. I just wish that air were a little warmer -- I practically froze my ears off. (For the record, kite flying back in the States is usually a June endeavor. Why did Japan pick such a cold season for flying kites?)

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちら。Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.


January 1, 2009: 季節 Seasons

2つ目の露天風呂に試浴Andy, Kenny, Misaki taking a test soak in Outdoor Bath #2

(From our New Years Card greeting:)
Thanks to everyone's enthusiastic support, 2008 was another memorable year here at Kamesei Ryokan. New gardens, new toilets, and ... this new cedar bath! Now both main onsen baths have an outdoor one for all to enjoy in 2009!

飾りはクリスマスからお正月に切り替え Changing out the Christmas Decorations for New Years ones

December 28, 2008: 季節 Seasons

玄関ドアの上の縄が7-5-3となっています。The ropes dangling over the entrance are in a 7-5-3 pattern. There must be some meaning behind the pattern...


Today I put away all of the Christmas decorations in our lobby. In their place, we put up the decorations for New Years. The pine branches, rope, white zig-zag paper, bamboo -- I have to admit, I don't know the meaning of it all. There is so much to learn about Japanese culture. All I do is help put it up, and hope to learn the importance of each piece over time.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

今年の初雪(もう1日早くして欲しかった) Our First Snow of the Year, 1 Day Late

December 26, 2008: 季節 Seasons

I'm Dreaming of a White Boxing Day (?)

When I woke up this morning, I was treated to the sight of Kamesei's gardens covered in snow. This was our first snow of the year here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. It was beautiful, but I really wish it had snowed 1 day earlier, so we could have had a White Christmas.

普通は雪が降る前にタイヤー交換。。。 People usually change their tires BEFORE it snows...

どのぐらい寒い?How Cold is it?

December 15, 2008: 季節 Seasons


It was sooooo cold this morning. How cold was it? It was so cold, one of our guests' cars' license plate changed to a Sapporo (Hokkaido -- Japan's northernmost and coldest island) plate. Sorry -- American joke.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.