毎年、隣の坂城町の「坂木宿ふるさと歴史館」でこの時期に古雛まつりが行います。今年の祭りは3月20日(金)から5月6日(水)までの予定です。雛人形研究家の田口先生は先日に公演しに来ましたのでまた亀清に泊まってくらました。その先生曰く、北信が東京と京都の中心になるので両方の雛人形の文化が流れてきて、独特なスタイルになっているそうです。本人は元々西洋人形の研究から始まって、途中から雛人形に切り替えたと、美咲ちゃんがGrandmaからもらった人形と遊んでいる姿を見たときに話してくれました。この人形はGrandmaの子供のころに本人が良く遊んだらしいです。自分の娘に遊んでもらえるようにずっと持っていたが、私と弟2人で、息子切でした。孫娘を待っていたら、アメリカからうんと遠い日本で生まれたこの美咲ちゃん。それでも、この大事な、思いで深い人形をうちの美咲ちゃんにくれました。Grandma Judiの記念でJuちゃんと呼んでいます。
March 3rd is the Hina Doll Festival in Japan. Households throughout the country put out these Hina doll sets for their daughters to enjoy. Most of the inns here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen also have elaborate Hina sets on display, including the 8-level one at Kamiyamada Hotel. Kamesei's set this year is this relatively simple one. Our daughter Misaki seems happy with it.
At the Sakaki-juku Furusato Historical Hall in neighboring Sakaki Town, every year they put on an Antique Hina Doll Festival. This year's event is scheduled to run from 20-March (Fri) to 06-May (Wed). They often have Taguchi-sensei, a Hina Doll scholar, come for a talk, and this year he once again stayed at Kamesei. According to the sensei, northern Nagano is at a sort of crossroads between Tokyo and Kyoto, and our local Hina dolls were influenced by both sides for a style unique to this area. Taguchi-sensei actually started out researching Western doll culture. He mentioned that when he saw our Misaki playing with her Ju-chan doll. Ju-chan is named after Grandma Judi who kept the doll from when she played with it as a child. Grandma initially kept it to give to her daughter, but for better or worse she only had my two brothers and I. So she waited for a granddaughter. She finally got one in Misaki, but here in far-away Japan. Even so, Grandma still gave Misaki her treasured doll.
I wonder if Hina dolls have such memories attached to them.
坂城古雛まつりの詳しくはこちらClick here for details on Sakaki's Antique Hina Doll Festival
戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.