夏はジェラートの時期 Summer is Gelato is the Way to Beat the Summer Heat

July 26, 2009: 季節 Seasons

On the way back to the inn, I got a phone call from the wife -- she was feeling exhausted and needed some gelato. So I stopped at our town's patesserie, L'Avenir and had the owner, Miyasaki-san, hit me up with some gelato. I really like the interior of her shop -- the big, antique table from a castle in Europe, the Italian marble counters and the espresso machine from Italy, too. And then there's the gelato! Her current flavors are Strawberry (with berries Miyasaki-san grew in her own garden), Caramel (Mari's favorite), Very-Berry, Banana, Apricot, and (for the purists), Plain. Come and beat the heat this summer with gelato from L'Avenir. It's only a 10 minute walk from Kamesei.

ラブニールのHPはこちらClick here for L'Avenir's website

珍しい姿 A rare sight

July 22, 2009: 季節 Seasons

Mari watching the eclipse


Today was a rare event: a solar eclipse. Our neighbor, the pharmacist, brought over these special glasses. So along with some guests from the States, we all enjoyed watching the eclipse.

坪庭の主役:アナベル The Star of the Pocket Garden: Annabelle

July 9, 2009: 季節 Seasons


Our two "tsubo niwa" pocket gardens that were completed last year feature some wonderful plants. Right now, the star of the gardens are these Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'. Here they are pictured with the little antique pump objet d'art.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

客室の庭のアジサイ Hydrangeas in the gardens of our guestrooms

July 6, 2009: 季節 Seasons


Several of the guestrooms here at Kamesei have hydrangeas blooming in the gardens. I joke with the guests when I show them their rooms that we especially arranged for the pretty blossoms for them.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちら Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

杏狩り体験 Getting to pick apricots

July 4, 2009: 季節 Seasons


Chikuma City is supposedly the number one producer of apricots in Japan. One of our relatives invited us to go over to their garden and pick apricots in their trees. So today I took the kids and we had fun picking the bright orangish-yellow fruit. A lot of them had damage from the hail storm two weeks ago, but the appearance didn't affect the taste. There were two different varieties of apricots, and the smaller ones had a delicious tart kick to them.
We picked a whole bunch of apricots. We brought them back to Kamesei and put some out on the front desk for the weekend guests to enjoy.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

two bushel baskets of fresh-picked apricots

梅雨の通学 A "Tsuyu" walk to school

June 29, 2009: 季節 Seasons

ランドセル+傘+アジサイ = 梅雨の通学


A "lansel" backpack, an umbrella, and hydrangeas -- it must be a Walk to School in the Tsuyu rain.

Actually, the rain was so light, Andy-kun here almost didn't need his umbrella. Don't the hydrangea flowers somehow match the "tsuyu" rainy season?

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

杏狩りタイム! It's apricot picking time!

June 26, 2009: 季節 Seasons



Chikuma City's Mori district is famous for its "Anzu no Sato" apricot blossoms in early April. Now, those same trees are full of delicious, juicy fruit. It's amazing to think that the trees can go from blossoms to ripe fruit in just 2-1/2 months!
If you come to Mori to pick apricots, I suggest the classic heritage varieties -- I like their tart flavor.

So, which do you like better, apricot blossoms or apricot fruit?

雷と雹 Lightning and Hail

June 16, 2009: 季節 Seasons


Just as the grade school kids were walking home from school today, the sky grew dark with some ominous clouds, and lightning hit followed by a hail storm. The hail and heavy rain continued for about a half an hour. Even the local old-timers were saying how unusually long the storm lasted.
The area's apricots are almost ready for picking -- I hope they weren't hurt by the hail. Even more so, I hope Kamiyamada's many apple orchards were okay.

Hail holes in our baby sunflower plant's leaves

鮎解禁:今日から千曲川が賑やかになる Chikuma River's Gonna Be Crowded: Ayu Season Starts Today

June 13, 2009: 季節 Seasons


今朝五時に花火が上がった: 千曲川の鮎釣りが始まりましたとの事。お昼に川を見に行ったら、友釣りの方はやはり多かった。午前中は雨が軽く降ったが、午後から天気が晴れてきて、鮎釣りの皆さんがきっと楽しんでいるでしょう。釣り終わったら、どうぞ、戸倉上山田温泉のお湯でお疲れを取ってください。


We were woken up this morning at 5am by the sound of fireworks going off. They marked the start of the ayu fishing season on the Chikuma River. This afternoon, I went down to the river, and sure enough, there were lots of fishermen enjoying the sunny weather and the cool waters of the Chikuma.

Ayu fishing is a unique style of fishing. The ayu river fish tends to be territorial and chases away potential competitors for their territory. So the fishermen use a style called "tomo-tsuri". They use an insanely long pole with a live fish attached to the end of the line. Then they wade into the river and dangle the fish into the current. When an ayu comes to chase it away, it gets caught on the hook behind the bait fish.

Fresh-caught ayu is typically prepared by being rubbed in salt and grilled. But at one of the many "tsukeba" fish shacks along the Chikuma River, you can get a multi-course meal serving ayu cooked in a variety of ways. Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, there is a tsukeba called Senmasu, and they offer ayu meals from 2,625 to 5,250 yen per person, tax included. Hours are from 11am to 3pm, and 5pm to 8pm with reservation. Tel(026)275-0019. Or you can call us here at Kamesei and we would be glad to provide assistance in English -- Tel(026)275-0132.

梅雨の雨の後の月の出 Moonrise after the 'tsuyu' rains

June 12, 2009: 季節 Seasons




Yesterday's 'tsuyu' rains cleared out the sky nicely, so last night's moonrise was especially pretty.

The full moon was about 3 days ago. Ideally, this would have been the perfect full moon to see the famous "ta-goto-no-tsuki" (moon reflecting in the individual rice paddies) at the nearby Obasute Terraced Rice Fields. This is when the rice fields have water in them (to reflect the moon) and have just been planted, so the seedlings are still small. However, this year, it was cloudy during the full moon.

This view of the moon, past its full stage and coming up over the town of Kamiyamada as opposed to the rice fields, still was picturesque. Photo taken from Habeshina Shrine, a 10 minute walk from Kamesei.