初雪!信州らしい雪景色になりました。 First Snow of the Year!

December 17, 2009: 季節 Seasons

Last night before I went to bed, I looked out and saw lots of pretty stars in the sky. So I was surprised when I looked outside this morning and saw snow covering everything. Last year our first snowfall was 26-Dec, this year is almost 2 weeks earlier. This has me hopeful that we'll get a white Christmas!
Our naka-niwa garden looks so pretty when covered in snow, and our guests were excited about being able to bathe in our outdoor onsen bath with snow all around. I personally like the look of snow on Japanese kawara roof tiles.
With so many people enjoying the snowy scenery so much, I was surprised when our rep at Internet Travel Agency Y turned me down when I offered to send him a picture of our garden covered in snow. He said their customers don't like wintery driving so they avoid using pictures of snow. That strikes me as odd. It's my guess that there's lots of people living in Tokyo's concrete jungle that are tired of the grey winter and want to come up to Nagano and its snow country. I think they'd love to escape and stay at an onsen ryokan like ours.
I just hope this year we get more snow than the past few years. Especially for a White Christmas!

少し早いですが、藁馬 It's Early, but Wara-Uma Horses are Here

December 7, 2009: 季節 Seasons


Our cool Uncle Maejima brought us these three straw horses (wara-uma). Normally used as New Years decorations, he brought them early to show us, with the idea of teaching myself and our sons how to make them. Maejima-ojisan is getting up in age (I think he's 84 years old now), so it's important for us to learn this folkcraft tradition now while he can still show us.
Maejima-ojisan and his buddies sometimes get together to make giant straw sandals (waraji). A pair of them are displayed at the mon (entrance arch) to Chishikiji, our local temple. Those take a huge team of helpers working over several days. In comparison, these simple wara-uma that can be made in 10 minutes are cute little guys. But they are of the same tradition as the huge waraji.

落ち葉風景@亀清 Sights of falling leaves at Kamesei

December 4, 2009: 季節 Seasons


All the trees of Kamesei Ryokan's gardens have already dropped their leaves full of fall colors. So now the ground is blanketed in reds, oranges and browns. Everywhere from outside the guestrooms to in the tsubo-niwa pocket gardens along the watari-roka passageway, there are lovely spots of autumn magic. I stopped to take pictures of a few spots, and here they are.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちら。Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

紅葉は亀清に来ました Autumn Leaves Have Come to Kamesei

November 11, 2009: 季節 Seasons



The hills around Togura Kamiyamada Onsen started changing from green to yellow, brown and red last week. Now down here at Kamesei Ryokan's gardens, fall colors have finally arrived. The maple in our naka-niwa garden is starting to change to its orangeish yellow color. And the various trees in the garden of our 100-Year Bath outdoor bath are changing to various colors. The ginkgo tree next to the bath is slow to change, perhaps because of the warm onsen vapors coming off the bath. But when the leaves do change, they become a brilliant shade of yellow.
Nagano is blessed with beautiful nature, and Kamesei Ryokan is fortunate to have gardens throughout our inn. Fall colors are a special treat here.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

Naka-niwa garden in full fall colors (from last year)

善光寺別院に紅葉 Autumn Leaves at the Zenkoji Branch Temple

November 9, 2009: 季節 Seasons


On the way back from picking some guests up at the station, I took them to the Zenkoji Branch Temple on the hill behind town. I had intended on showing them the view of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and the Chikuma River valley from above. However, when we got there, we found the ginkgo tree at the entrance was in peak autumn colors -- the leaves were a brilliant yellow color. Something about the contrast of the fall leaves with the huge chochin lantern and the stone "toro" was one of those only-in-Japan special scenes.

急に冬の様な日 All of a sudden a wintry day

November 4, 2009: 季節 Seasons



Today was all of the sudden a winter-like cold day. The temperature was a good 10 degrees celsius lower than yesterday, and is predicted to raise back up 10 degrees tomorrow. So although I had to scrape ice of the car's windshield this morning (the first time this season), regular Autumn weather will return tomorrow. As I crossed the Chikuma River this morning while taking some guests back to Togura Station, I could see Togakushi Mountain in the distance with its first dusting of snow. All of the hills around have turned brown and orange with fall colors, so I hope winter properly waits its turn!

山芋の収穫の時期 It's time for "yama-imo" harvest

November 1, 2009: 季節 Seasons



The fields around nearby Matsushiro are full of vines turning yellow like these. Any idea what kind of crop this is? It's called "yama-imo", which translates as "mountain potato". It's kind of cross between a potato and a yam, with a poi-like texture. People commonly grate it into a slimy mess, and mix it in with things like okonomiyaki pizza pancakes (my specialty!).
Because yama-imo grow so deep into the ground, you need really deep, loose soil. And the soil around the river plain of the Chikuma River is apparently ideal. Seeing all these yama-imo plants starting to loose their leaves reminds me that the harvest will start soon, and makes me hungry for okonomiyaki!

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2009: 季節 Seasons



There's something magical about a jack o'lantern with a candle inside. Today our sons and I and a neighbor guy carved these pumpkins and put them on display by the entrance to Kamesei. Several of our guests took pictures of the pumpkins, so apparently they enjoyed them too. I like being able to share some of fun Western traditions with our guests here at our traditional Japanese inn.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

りんご狩りの楽しみ Having fun picking apples

October 24, 2009: 季節 Seasons

りんごかトマトか? Is it an apple or a tomato?

りんご狩りはの人気度は年々に高くなっているのではないかと思います。今日も富山県からのグループが来はって、りんご狩りしたいと言っていました。亀清旅館が付き合っている宮下農園さん(Tel 026-275-3356)に連れて行ってきました。宮下農園の入り口にこの新しい看板があります。実は、私の作品です。以前にあった看板がちょっと錆びていたのでこの手作りのを上げました。横文字もちゃんと入っているし。ただ、絵はりんごじゃなくてトマトに見えるという声もあるからちょっと不安・・・

It seems like apple picking is getting more and more popular each year. There's something about being out in nature, plucking an apple off a tree and eating it right there. The freshness can't be beat! And being able to breathe in the fresh air, along with the earthy scent of the apple orchard. It all combines for a wonderful experience.
We had a group of guests today from Toyama Prefecture. They wanted to go apple-picking, so I took them to one of the farms we have a relationship with, Miyashita Orchard. They had this new sign at their entrance. It happens to be made by Yours Truly. I made sure to include some English on it, too. I kinda goofed up the apple picture, though. Some people say it looks like a tomato instead of an apple. What do you think?

紅玉が今、一番美味しい Kogyoku variety is in its peak now