愛情付きの川中島桃 Kawanakajima Peaches, Grown with Love

August 8, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Grown with these hands.



This fella is Kitayama-san, a distant relative of ours. He hails from the Kawanakajima district of Nagano City, where he and his wife operate a fruit orchard. Around here, Kawanakajima is known for peaches, and right now is peak peach season. Kitayama-san brought a bunch of his peaches for us to eat. They were so juicy and delicious! We talked him into supplying us with a few boxes of peaches to offer for sale to our guests. With this being summer vacation time, we have a lot of guests visiting from Tokyo and other prefectures. The peaches have been a hit with the guests, many of whom have been looking for just the perfect seasonal "Nagano" gift to take back to their friends and family.

(3kg boxes of fresh Kawanakajima peaches are 1,000 ~ 1,500 yen depending on the variety.)

Mmmm! Juicy!

朝6:20のラジオ体操はこんなに人気? Are 6:20am radio exercises this popular?

August 5, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Andy and Kenny, you have 200 pairs of eyes watching you!





Ever since our kids' summer vacation started, they've been getting up at 6:20 in the morning to gather at the park behind Kamesei Ryokan with the other school kids living in the onsen to do the NHK Radio Exercises.

(Why the poor kids have to get up so early during their summer vacation is beyond me! There's no way you'd get kids in America to do this.)

This morning, in addition to the normal 20 or 30 local kids, there were 200 middle school kids, too. Apparently they are members of various athletic teams that are staying at one of the area inns.

I always try to invite our guests to go with us. They like the idea of mingling with the local school kids, but don't like the idea of getting up so early. I haven't managed to get any guests to go with us yet.

Annabelle Magic アンナベルの魅力

July 9, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Annabelle blossoms in one of the tsubo niwa pocket gardens




まだちょっと酸っぱいけど、杏狩り楽しみ Still a bit Tart, but Fun Nonetheless -- Picking Apricots

June 27, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Andy picking Apricots

昨日は午後から雨の予想(鮎釣りの解禁なのに・・・ 釣りの皆さんがかわいいそうでした)だったので、午前中は子供達と一緒に自転車で出かけて、親戚の杏の木に行って杏狩りしました。まだ尼酸っぱいけど、一部は柔らかくて甘かった。とにかく、子供達に果実はスーパーで育っているのではなくて、太陽の下で木から出る事は認識させたかった。実際の杏の木へ行って、自分の手で取って、その場で食べてみるのは一番良いんだ。

Yesterday the weatherman called for rain in the afternoon (despite it being the first day of ayu fishing season -- all those guys out there fishing on the Chikuma River probably felt lousy), so in the morning I grabbed the kids and we went for a short bike ride over to a couple of apricot trees that some relatives own. The fruit was still a bit tart, but there were a few that were soft and juicy. Besides, I think it's important that our kids understand that fruit doesn't grow on supermarket shelves, but out in the sun on trees. Going to an actual tree, picking the fruit yourself and eating it then and there -- that's the best way!
Here in Chikuma City, the Mori district is famous for apricots. Nicknamed the "Apricot Village", it supposedly has the most apricot trees in one spot of anywhere in Japan. That's the best place to go for U-Pick apricots. In addition, there are also places to can or make jam with the fruit that you pick. For more info, check out the Chikuma City Tourism Assoc. website (in Japanese only).

上山田のもう1つの宝物:サクランボウ Another Kamiyamada Treasure: Cherries

June 24, 2010: 季節 Seasons

I had heard rumours that some farmer was growing cherries in Kamiyamada. Just recently I found out who -- my fellow okagura lion dance buddy Watashima-san. Yesterday I took some guests from Singapore to go see the cherry orchard. They were so excited to see the fruit on the trees. "In Singapore, we never get a chance to see this. We Singaporeans love to visit orchards." I hate to tell you, but it's not just Singaporeans -- we Americans love fruit trees, too. Especially cherry trees! I am so excited to find out about Watashima-san's orchard here in Kamiyamada!
However, one piece of bad news: Watashima-san's cherries are so popular, the U-Pick for this season is already booked out. So that just gives us something to look forward to next year.

渡島さんの農場の連絡先は下記です。場所はマップをご参照に。Watashima-san's Contact number is as below. Location is as per the map.

Cherries as far as the eye can see!

Under cover from the rain and inside netting from the birds

Orhcard Envy from Singapore

梅雨の始まりに梅雨らしい花 Flowers Greeting the Start of the Rainy Season

June 15, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Hydrangeas starting to bloom in our naka-niwa garden


With uncanny timing, the hydrangea in Kamesei Ryokan's gardens started to bloom yesterday, which was the official start of the "tsuyu" rainy season. The hydrangeas joined the azaleas which had started blooming a week ago. Now Togura Kamiyamada is awash in colors from all the hydrangea and azalea blossoms.

Azaleas at our entrance

今の花:薔薇と蓮  これからの楽しみ:杏狩りと千曲川鮎つり Roses and Lotus Flowers in Bloom; Apricot Picking and Chikuma River Ayu Fishing Coming Soon

June 10, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Last year's Sakaki Rose Fest





All kinds of fun events are happening in Nagano in June. Flowers are in bloom all over, notably roses and lotus flowers. Neighboring Sakaki Town is holding its Rose Festival through June 20th. I went with the Chikuma Cycling Club earlier in June, and the flowers were just starting to bloom. So now should be perfect timing.
Lotus flowers are just starting to bloom now around town. Daiunji Temple in Chikuma City's Yawata district is probably the most famous spot for lotus flowers in the area. The blooms should continue through August.

A couple of upcoming events are apricot picking in nearby Mori "Apricot Village". For 800 yen, you can pick and eat all you want, and take home a 1kg bag of apricots to enjoy later. There are also apricot jam making and canning lessons going on, too.

And finally, here in Chikuma Ciy, for our namesake Chikuma River, ayu fishing is a major deal. This year's season will open on Saturday 26-June at 5am. I'm already looking forward to eating salt-rubbed fresh grilled ayu.

For information on flowers, apricots, fishing and more, feel free to contact us here at Kamesei Ryokan.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

Juicy Apricots

田植え後の日の入り絵 Picture-Perfect Sunset after the rice planting

June 8, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Rice field reflecting the sunset and Kamuriki Mtn.



Planting the rice fields is a lot of work, but I love the look of the fields once the planting is finished. The patterns of the rice seedlings in the surface of the water-filled paddies makes for such a beautiful, natural design. The rice fields in the vicinity of Togura Kamiyamada were planted last weekend, so everywhere you turn you can see the beautiful scenery of the newly planted fields. There is something so relaxing and peaceful about seeing the graceful lines of rice seedlings gently blowing in the wind.

Last night, I was treated to an extra special site as the sunset added a dynamic colorful element to the picture. This location is about 5 minutes south of our onsen town. Kamurikiyama Mountain and the neon of our town is reflected in the surface of rice paddy, along with the beautiful colors of the sunset. Upon seeing this, I thought to myself, this is another reason I came to Nagano.

雨の日だからこそ、花が綺麗 Flowers seem even prettier in the rain

May 23, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Lavendar blossoms at Kamesei's entrance


It's been raining all day today, and the weather forecast shows rain, rain and more rain for the foreseeable future. Japan's official "rainy season" has yet to start, but if you ask me, it's already here.
Coming from rainy Seattle, I actually find rainy days like this to be relaxing. On a clear day, the sunlight can be too harsh, while on rainy days like this, the softer colors of the flowers in the garden really come alive.
Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have gardens at our entrance, around the central koi pond, pocket gardens here and there, as well as private gardens for many of our guestrooms. Throughout these, there are so many lovely flowers in bloom now. They may not stand out as much, but if you take the time to enjoy them their soft, muted colors will delight.
And an onsen ryokan is the perfect place to slow down and take time to appreciate the garden, as well as to soak in the onsen baths and enjoy our chef's gourmet meals.

Purple Flowers in Chitose's Pocket Garden

新緑の姨捨山 Obasute Mountain with Spring Green

May 16, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Obasute Mountain with New Spring Growth


One thing I like about writing this blog is it keeps me aware of new things to write about in my surroundings here. Oftentimes, our guests at our inn ask me if I have become accustomed to life in Nagano. I actually am trying NOT to become too accustomed. Living in a foreign country often means having new experiences every day, making every day fun and exciting. If I got used to living here, I'd lose that sense of freshness.
Today was a perfect example. I had to take a guest up to Obasute Station. On the way, rather than just simply driving, I enjoyed the scenery. Looking at the Obasute terraced rice fields, I noticed that more of the paddies are filled with water in preparation for planting. Looking across the Zenkoji Plain, I saw that far off Takatsuma Mountain still is covered in snow. And what impressed me the most was our local mountain, Kamuriki (aka: Obasute Mountain of the legend about old people being thrown away). It's snow is gone, and it's early spring patches of white from mountain cherry trees are gone; now the deciduous trees are flush with their new growth leaves. The light green color of the new leaves makes for a beautiful contrast with the dark green color of the pine trees, creating a beautiful pattern of light and dark green across the mountain.

It is my hope that by sharing such inspirations, it will pique the interest of everyone to come and visit Nagano to see the beautiful natural scenery themselves!