お正月だから Because it's New Years

January 2, 2011: 季節 Seasons

New Years Greeting









"Because it's New Years."

That's how our Uncle, Maejima-san replied. Our proprietress was asking why he was wearing such a nice dress kimono.

Special flowers displayed in our lobby.

Pine tree branches set out at our inn's entrance.

Giving otoshi-dama money envelopes to the children of our relatives and neighbors.

All for New Years.

As my experience with New Years in Japan grows, my appreciation of the profoundness of this holiday here also grows. Back in the States, it was just an excuse to drink and watch football, and make resolution no one ever kept.

Here, it's a cool uncle dressing up in his best kimono.

Kamesei lobby's New Years Flowers

ハッピーニューイヤー! 2010年の結果、2011年の目標 Happy New Year! 2010 Recap; 2011 Goals

January 1, 2011: 季節 Seasons

This Year's Greeting Card Picture







Happy New Year, Everyone! Thanks to our guests, in 2010 we met so many new wonderful people. In addition, we were honored to host more and more guests as repeaters. We are so thankful for everyone's support.

As a token of our appreciation, we included a coupon with our 'nengajyo' year-end greeting card that we sent to all of our guests from 2010. Other hotels offer point programs, or special service for frequent travellers. Keeping track of and redeeming points can be such a hassle, and I can't help but wonder why inns don't give 100% service to all guests, new or repeat.

Here at Kamesei, we decided to keep things simple and add the coupon to the nengajyo's.

In addition to the coupon, the cards have pictures of the various new remodels and changes we made at Kamesei over the past year.

Clockwise from upper left,

New Garden for guestroom 'Matsukaze'
New hand-made apple wood table for 'Suehiro'
New Nagano Cuisine Plan
Antique tansu chests for the tokonoma alcoves for several guestrooms
Our daughter Misaki's 7-5-3
Remodelled toilet for 'Matsukaze'
Remodelled toilet for our main banquet room
Carving a new entrance sign
New anniversary plan
New wood flooring for 'Suehiro' and 'Chitose'
Upgraded bath amenities
Chef Takei's new hit ‘Mahz' menu item
New Parking Sign
New smoking deck.

We have so many more improvements in store this year. 2011 is shaping up to be another exciting year here at Kamesei Ryokan

メリークリスマスの写真 Merry Christmas Pictures

December 25, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Look at all the gifts under the Christmas Tree!



Last night, Santa Claus apparently made it down our chimney here at Kamesei Ryokan, for when we woke up, there were a stack of presents under the Christmas tree in our lobby. After a cup of hot chocolate, and once we got the wood burning stove going, our family gathered around the tree and opened up our gifts. The day we had been waiting for was finally here!

Here are some pictures of our family's Christmas morning. I hope you and your family had a blessed Christmas, too.

Opening up the Stockings

Andy opening up his stocking

Misaki Opening a Gift

Toys from Grandma

Andy's new bike, hand-me-downs to Kenny and Misaki

また湯たんぽタイム It's Yutampo Time Again

December 17, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Eco warmth






Japan's 'yutampo' is a great idea. At night, before going to bed, when you take your bath you fill up the yutampo hot water cannister then take it to bed with you. It keeps you toasty warm as you go to sleep.

Especially when your bath is an onsen like here at Kamesei, using the natural hot spring water instead of fossil fuels for heat, it's beneficial for the environment.

At Kamesei, during the winter months we put yutampos out by the entrance to the baths for our guests to use as they please. And as the night-time temperatures have been dipping below freezing lately, the yutampo have once again made their appearance.

By the way, my dad's father immigrated to the States from Ireland. He grew up in an old stone farmhouse on the Atlantic coast, in a town called 'Tonregee'. I was told it was Gaelic for 'Turn your ass' in reference to the winter gales blowing in from the Atlantic. Apparently they are so strong that if you don't turn your ass to them, you'd get blown away.

Anyways, in the winter every one in the family took a stone and placed it in front of the hearth. Then at night, they took their stone with them to bed to keep them warm at night. If they forgot to put their stone by the hearth in the morning, they had to deal with a brutally cold night.

As the yutampo came out, it reminded me of that story about my grandfather.

モミジの落ち葉 Fallen Maple Leaves

December 2, 2010: 季節 Seasons


Mother Nature can be quite an artist. The fallen leaves from the Japanese maples in Kamesei Ryokan's gardens make for a patchwork of colors, like a beautiful painting.

亀清のクリスマスツリーはロビーに Kamesei's Christmas Tree is up in the lobby

November 29, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's Christmas Tree


It's less than a month now until Christmas. Our kids have already started the countdown. They are looking forward to Santa Claus coming. Yesterday we put up our Christmas Tree in Kamesei's lobby. Actually, this year the kids did most of the decorating as Mom and I had to leave to pick up some guests. We've collected quite an assortment of ornaments over the 15 years that we've been married. Now our collection is on display in our inn's lobby, so we can share the Christmas Joy with our guests.

亀清の紅葉のピーク Kamesei's Fall Foliage at its Peak

November 19, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Koi Pond's Maple Tree in Fall Colors



Today, Kamesei Ryokan's garden is at its peak for fall colors. The big maple next to our naka-niwa garden's koi pond has turned a brilliant shade of yellow, and the garden surrounding our outdoor bath is a collage of various autumn colors. Especially the Japanese maple that makes up the 'crane' part of our 'tsuru-kame' crane-turtle formation. Its leaves are the deepest shade of red they get right now.

This year's autumn foliage peak is a couple days later than last year's. We had record-breaking heat this summer, but already we're cranking up the wood stove in our ryokan's lobby, as cold temperatures have set in early. I wonder what kind of winter we are in store for. But cold weather like this makes a soak in the onsen that much better!

Outdoor Bath with Fall Foliage

The crane spreading its wings

若女将の旬の1ポイント: かりん A seasonal touch by the proprietress: 'Karin'

November 18, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Golden karin contrasting with the black pottery



When I brought some guests to their guestroom the other day, something in the sitting area caught my eye. Kamesei's proprietress had put some 'karin' (Japanese quince fruit that is common to the Nagano area) in a bowl and displayed it on the table in the room's 'veranda' area.

Karin give off such a lovely, delicate scent, and provide a welcome touch of color in this season as the sun gets lower and lower in the sky with the coming of winter.

秋が戸倉上山田温泉に来ました:紅葉の足湯 Autumn has come to Togura Kamiyamada: Fall Colors and the Foot Bath

November 8, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Footbath in the Fall

青空と紅葉: パーフェクトな秋のお天気。この頃は戸倉上山田温泉でこんな日々が続いています。今日の温泉街の中心になるカラコロ足湯の様子です。

Blue Sky and Fall Leaves: Perfect autumn weather. Lately we've had a string of days like this. The 'Kara-Koro' footbath in the center of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen looked like this today.