お月様と春雪 Spring Snow and the Moon

March 13, 2012: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei Ryokan and the vicinity covered in spring snow.




Woke up this morning to the stunning sight of fresh snow covering Kamesei's naka-niwa garden, the roofs, the nearby hills -- everything was blanketed in beautiful snow. About 20cm of the white stuff.

Unfortunately, snow this time of year doesn't stick around for very long. But while it's here, with the turquoise blue sky and the moon shining down, it makes for an amazingly beautiful sight.

I hope everyone in Nagano takes the time to appreciate the beauty. For me, I'm off to Tokyo for 2 days of sales promoting our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

亀清旅館の中庭に滞在お客さん A Long-Term Guest for Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa Garden

March 8, 2012: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's newest guest -- a white heron






The white heron in the picture is not a statue. It's an actual bird, and it has been stalking the koi in our central garden's pond here at Kamesei Ryokan.

A while ago it started visiting our garden but would be startled by the smallest movement and fly off. But lately it's gotten used to us, so no matter what we do it doesn't budge. It just keeps standing there, seemingly drooling over our koi fish. He seems to know that we can't fly and catch him.

Our onsen town Togura-Kamiyada is nestled in between the surrounding hills and the Chikuma River, making for a very natural setting. Just last night a guest saw a raccoon walking on one of our guestrooms. And in the past, I've seen a deer family walk across the road above our town.

It seems the animals like our onsen, too!

杏まつり2012年のマップ登場 The Anzu Festival 2012 Map is Here

March 6, 2012: 季節 Seasons

2012 Anzu Festival Map

千曲市森地区の杏まつり2012マップが出来上がりました。今年の杏の花祭りは4月3日から15日迄; 花は約1週間遅れて4月10日にピークの見込み。


The map for the 2012 Apricot Blossom Festival in Chikuma City's Mori district is here. This year's 'hanami' is scheduled to take place from April 3rd to the 15th, with the blossoms predicted to peak around April 10th (approximately 1 week later than usual).

This is our area's biggest flower event and everyone is looking forward to it. I will be posting updated pictures of the blossoms here on this blog, so stay tuned!

詳しくは千曲市観光協会のHP For Details, See the Chikuma City Tourism Assoc. website.

りんご畑で薪集め Apple Orchard and Firewood

February 15, 2012: 季節 Seasons





This morning I got an early start and drove up to an apple orchard in the upper end of our town. They had several branches and large sections of trees from this season's trimming that they allowed me to take for firewood.

So that's how I found myself in the early morning wheelbarrowing firewood to the K-truck, crunching along on fresh-fallen snow, listening to the chirping of the wild birds and breathing in all that fresh air.

It made me realize how glad I am to have moved to Nagano.

亀清観光協会(2): 節分草@天狗の里 Kamesei Tourism (2): Tengu Setsubun Flowers

February 9, 2012: 季節 Seasons

Setsubunsou Map available



Close to our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is a cluster of setsubunsou plants. This rare wildflower (Shibateranthis pinnatifida (Maxim.) Satake et Okuyama) blooms around the beginning of February in lower elevations, hence the name (Setsubunso festival is February 3rd). However, at our elevation, the ground is still covered with snow in February. Once the snow starts to melt, the flowers start to bloom. Look for the precious little white with purple and gold flowers in March at the Tengu-no-sato cluster in the park above Togura Station.

Or, perhaps you can see the flowers come up in our new family bath's garden here at Kamesei Ryokan. Our gardener, Okada-san, planted some setsubunsou bulbs when he made the garden last fall. I can't wait to see them come up this spring!

またその時期: 薪集め 'Tis that time of year again: Wood Gathering

January 19, 2012: 季節 Seasons

K-truck loaded with firewood, in front of Yasaka Shrine





It's still brutally cold out,
and the snow is still falling.

But I'm already thinking of next winter. This is the time of year we gather firewood, cut it and stack it, let it dry over the summer. Then it will be ready for use in our lobby's wood burning stove next winter.

朝飯前に2つの餅つき大会 Pounding Mochi Twice -- Before Breakfast

January 16, 2012: 季節 Seasons

Lion-approved mochi pounding






One of Japan's New Years traditions is 'mochi-tsuki'. You basically pound mochi rice with a heavy wooden mallet to make sticky rice sweets.

Sunday morning I participated in 2 such events. After flipping our guests' futons, I flew off to Kakeyu an onsen about 33km from here. Venerable Saito Hotel hosted the Kamiyamada Okagura Preservation Group for a lion dance performance in their lobby. After the dance, the hotel staff put on a mochi making event which we participated in.

As soon as the was finished, I drove back to Kamiyamada to catch the tail end of our onsen town's Ginza Dori neighborhood's annual mochi making event. While I didn't make it in time to pound rice, I did get there in time to eat the freshly-made mochi.

What thrilled me the most about that morning (besides getting to eat yummy mochi) was
the Kamiyamada lion dance troupe being so active,
and the Ginza Dori association continuing its efforts to liven up the town.

A great start to 2012!

鹿教湯温泉の斎藤ホテル Saito Hotel in Kakeyu

Ginza Dori's mochi event

お正月のお祝いで「お屠蘇」 'O-Toso' In Celebration of the New Year

January 2, 2012: 季節 Seasons

O-Toso Tyler






In Japan, there is a New Years tradition called O-Toso involving drinking a mixture of Chinese herbs to ward off sickness for the year. Recently this tradition has evolved into the practice of passing out sake.

In that spirit, for our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan for the New Years holiday, I went around at dinner time to all the guests and poured some special sake, including one with real gold flakes in it.

Happy New Year, everyone, and we wish you a safe and healthy 2012.