楠ワイナリーで信州のワイン Nagano Wine at Kusunoki Winery

April 27, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


先日はその一つに行きました: 須坂市の楠ワイナリー。オーストラリアでワイン作りの資格を取ってきた楠さんに会ってきました。試飲もさせて頂きました。1本2~3000円もするワイン(5000円野もある!)で、贅沢でした。




It used to be that for really good wine, you had to go to France. But nowadays, wine making technology has advanced to so far that you can find the highest quality wine all over the world. Here in Japan, Yamanashi Prefecture is renown for its wine production. But as the climate changes, Nagano's grape fields are increasingly producing world class wine grapes. And a handful of local winemakers are producing wine that rivals that of France.

The other day, I visited one such winemaker, Kusonoki Winery in Suzaka, northeast of Nagano City. Kusunoki-san studied Oenology and Viticulture in Australia, and in talking with him, his enthusiasm for really good wine was evident. He graciously let me sample some of his whites and reds. That was quite a luxury, as their prices are in the 2 to 3 thousand yen range, with at least one bottle priced close to 5,000 yen.

I asked Kusunoki-san what region's wine he likes the best. He replied that he isn't trying to reproduce any one wine. Instead, growing from the nutrients in his fields here in Suzuka, in Northern Nagano's climate, his grapes know what type of wine they want to become, and he considers it his job to assist them in that process.

Quite a humble yet amazing concept!

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we currently offer two inexpensive Nagano wines as well as one of my favorites, a Washington State cabernet savignon. But it is my hope to slowly make Kamesei Ryokan into an inn where guests can enjoy fine wine. We are looking at offering such from the Kusonoki Winery in the near future. Stay tuned!

楠ワイナリー Kusunoki Winery
Note: Kusunoki-san's blog is bilingual Japanese and English.

忍者と水芭蕉: 戸隠の春からの交通案内 Ninjas and Skunk Cabbage: Spring in Togakushi (Access Guide)

April 18, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸隠奥社の杉並木 Cedar Trees Lining the Path to Togakushi's Okusha Inner Shrine







Located on a perch at the foot of Togakushi Mountain high above the venerable Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City is Togakushi Kogen. Signs of spring are starting to appear throughout Togakushi as it transitions out of winter and into the green season. As the snow melts, the 'mizubasho' skunk cabbage and the Togakushi ninjas are coming out of hibernation. Even the bus from Nagano Station has switched destinations from the ski area to the entrance to the fabled Okusha (Inner Shrine). (See the updated Transportation Guide) And for people coming by car, it is only 60 minutes from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada to the entrance to Okusha when using the Expressway.

According to my Togukashi ninja connection, Yamaguchi-san of soba restaurant "Yamaguchiya",

*Snow still remains along the approach to Okusha, but the roads are completely clear.
*The creamy white mizubasho flowers in the Togakushi Forest Reserve look like they'll blossom a week early this year, around the end of April.
*The two ninja sites have announced their opening dates for 2013: Togakushi Ninpo Center will open on Friday April 19th and the Togakushi Chibikko Kids Ninja Park will start up again on Saturday April 27th.

Nagano Prefecture as a whole is blessed with so much beautiful natural scenery, but within Nagano, Togakushi is special. The massive cedar trees lining the path to Okusha really impart a sense of the power of nature. Lately those famous trees are experiencing a boom of sorts as they have become known as a 'power spot' in Japan. But take one step off the path and into the Togakushi Forest Preserve, and you'll have all that peaceful nature to yourself. The snowy white flowers of the unfortunately named skunk cabbage are especially delightful. And be sure not to miss Kagami-ike, aka 'Mirror Pond' which perfectly reflects the grand Togakushi Mountain peaks.

In addition to all the natural beauty, Togakushi is home to some of the best soba noodles in Nagano Prefecture, which itself is Japan's soba mecca. Besides being a prime growing area for buckwheat, there is just something different about the noodles made here in the refreshingly clean mountain air using the crystal clear mountain spring water.

And, don't forget the Togakushi ninjas. This is the home of the Togakure-do school of ninjutsu, and there are 2 locations to get a feel for what Togakure-do ninjutsu is like. They are the Togakushi Ninpo Center and the Togakushi Chibikko Kids Ninja Park.

Togakushi is so much more than just nature, soba and ninjas. There's the spiritual tradition (Chusha, the 'Middle Shrine', is especially rich in mysticism), bamboo ware and so much more. This green season, come and check and experience Togakushi yourself. And in the evening, we here at Kamesei Ryokan would be happy to have you come stay at our inn in Togura-Kamiyamada onsen.

戸隠高原 Togakushi

山口屋そば Soba Restaurant Yamaguchi-ya

戸倉上山田・戸隠の高速道路経由のアクセス Access from Togura-Kamiyamada to Togakushi using the Expressway