信州の新しい杏ブランド「杏都(きょうと)」 Nagano's New Apricot Brand: "Kyoto"

November 15, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano







Chikuma City's Koshoku district is home to the Mori "Apricot Village", Japan's number one apricot producing area. The Koshoku Chamber of Commerce guys paid us a visit to introduce their new "Kyoto" brand of apricot-related goods:

Apricot chocolates,
apricot rusk,
even apricot sushi!

The Chamber of Commerce guys wanted us to sell the Kyoto products at our mini souvenir shop here at Kamesei Ryokan.

I told them, "No way!"

The reason is that us hotels and inns have had a bad habit of scheming to get customers to drop as much cash as possible INSIDE our establishments by building lavish souvenir shops, lounges, etc. But if you keep guests from going outside, the surrounding town becomes quiet.

So I told the Kyoto Brand guys to place their product at the souvenir stores here in onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, as we often recommend our guests to go shopping at those places. That's how we would like to support the Kyoto brand.

杏都ブランドKyoto Brand

山岳高原リゾート事業: 飯山・信越自然郷視察 Nagano Mountain Resort Project: Iiyama

November 7, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



妙高市 (ここだけが新潟県。後全部が長野県。)スキー(赤倉)中心だったところはグリーンシーズンのハイキングにシフト。「国立公園」テーマ。4つの観光:スロー、健康、グリーン、農業。

飯山市 伝統工芸

野沢温泉 スキーの良さと自然食材。

木島平 お米の産地

信濃町 癒しの森、野尻湖の国際村

山ノ内町 92%山、観光と果実、果実狩り+ハイキング+スノーモンキー+温泉 98年冬期五輪 志賀高原→UNESCOエコパーク(w/隣の群馬県)

中野市 榎と唄

飯綱町 果実

栄村 苗場とジオパーク





軽井沢の英語ガイドブック登場 New English Guide Book for Karuizawa

October 30, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸倉在住のPeter Ninnesさんはまたやってしまいました:新しい「長野県ウォーキング・ハイキング・サイクリングガイド」を出版しました。今回は軽井沢と周辺です。千曲市番と上田市番に続いて、これで3つ目の本です。



Aussie expat and fellow Go-Nagano ambassador has been at it again. He just published his 3rd book in his Hiking, Walking & Biking Nagano Guide -- the Karuizawa edition. Joining the Chikuma City and Ueda City editions, Peter's guide gives detailed information on lots of well-researched courses from walks around town to vigourous hikes in the nearby mountains.

Karuizawa is perhaps best known nowadays for its outlet shopping mall. But what drew people here originally is the beautiful natural scenery, such as graceful Shiraito-taki waterfall and awe-inspiring Mt. Asama volcano. Western missionaries from Tokyo started coming here to escape the heat of summer and Karuizawa gradually developed into a resort town here among the mountains of Nagano.

Peter's 16 courses for Karuizawa and surrounds will help you explore the area's natural wonders as well as take you through the history of the town's origins. Many of the courses are well-suited for bicycling, and you'll find many rental cycle shops in Karuizawa.

Get a copy of Peter's Karuizawa Guide (now available in electronic form for downloading to your smartphone or tablet) and use it to gain a deeper understanding of this popular corner of Nagano Prefecture. And be sure to check out the Chikuma City and Ueda City guides as well!

Peter Ninnes' Walking, Hiking & Biking Guide to Karuizawa

Chikuma City version

高橋まゆみから秋のハガキ Autumn Postcard from Takahashi Mayumi

September 25, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano





ギャラリートーク 11月6日(水)



We received a postcard from doll making artist Mayumi Takahashi. Probably not from the artist herself, but one of the staff from her museum. But it included a hand-written message -- I take my hat off to their hard effort.

The museum regularly sends us postcards announcing their seasonal shows. The one for this autumn and winter runs through 25-March, 2014 and features an exhibit depicting the process that goes into making the dolls.

高橋まゆみ人形館Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art

ユニーク長野:養命酒の工場見学 Unique Nagano: Yomeishu Factory Tour

September 8, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Yomeishu Komagane Plant with the Southern Japanese Alps in the distance






Komagane City is home to Yomeishu, the medicinal liqueur. This herbal tonic is made from 14 natural medicinal ingredients, many of which are found here at the base of the Central Japanese Alps. In fact, the plant's grounds cover over 360,000m2 of which 70% are natural forest.

Factory tours start by driving to the plant's entrance gate, where guests are directed to the visitors parking lot. A short walk takes you to the main entrance building and its elegant lobby. Walk up the stairs where a greeter takes your name and address, and guides you to the theater room for a 10 minute video presentation (with English subtitles) about the history and manufacturing process of Yomeishu. After that, the guide takes visitors across to the bottling plant where you can see the automated bottling and packing lines. (Explanatory signs in English.) The tour finishes with a sampling of Yomeishu (except for designated drivers -- they get a bottle of mineral water that also comes from the plant.)

The tour in and of itself is worthwhile, but that is not all. There are 4 nature walks to enjoy the forested grounds, a restored sake storehouse that serves as a museum (which holds classes on natural herbs and medicinal Chinese cooking) and cafe, and 3 restored prehistoric dwellings representing artifacts found on the site from 3 separate ancient eras: the Jomon, Yayoi and Heian periods.

A factory tour of the Yomeishu Komagane Plant will give you a deeper understanding of Nagano's rich natural environment and its connection to the people here from times past to the present.

養命酒 Yomeishu

The bright, airy lobby

Restored storehouse with terrace cafe

Stream along one of the nature walks

ユニーク長野:駒ヶ根シルクミュージアム Unique Nagano: Komagane Silk Museum

September 7, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




As part of the Unique Nagano project to introduce Nagano's unique activities and cultural experiences to the world, I took a tour of the Komagane Silk Museum.

Japan's historical silk road originated here in Komagane and the Ina Valley and extended to Yokohama Port where the silk was exported to the world. The Komagane Silk Museum not only describes that history, but that of the the role of silk throughout the world as well as throughout the ages. It is a working museum, with a research lab where silkworms are actually grown for their cocoons. It boasts a full workshop where visitors can do everything from making cocoon-based crafts to dyeing silk fabric or weaving a silk tapestry at a real loom.

To be honest, at first I was dubious about the Komagane Silk Museum, with its location far from public transport and some of the crafts struck me as being a bit childish. However, the curator, Seki-san, very kindly gave me a tour of the museum and workshop, leaving me amazed at how fascinating the history and complexity of how silk is made and used. Curious about how many cocoons it takes to make a kimono? See the glass cannister filled with cocoons. Want to know where the indigo dye for the silk dyeing comes from? There are indigo plants right outside of the workshop. Ever seen a real-life silkworm? Check out the lab where you can see the larvae munching away at mulberry leaves. (By the way, cocoons used in the workshop are grown in the museum's lab, and the indigo dye is hand-made on-site from the indigo plants growin in the museum's garden.)

Yajima-san, the workshop attendant, sat me down to make a tanuki raccoon dog out of cocoons. It turned out to be a very educational experience getting to work with real silk cocoons with my very own hands, feeling and getting accustomed to their physical properties. Then Yajima-san pointed out some of the intricate silk craftwork on display, everything from silk flowers to samurai dolls made from cocoons. Obviously, working with silk for crafts is not just for children!

There is very little English explanation at the museum other than a brief description reproduced (with editing by me) below. But the workshop activities are all hands-on enough that verbal explanation wouldn't be necessary.

The facility's location is in a hard-to-find spot quite far from the nearest train station, Komagane on the JR Iida Line. It's 10 minutes by taxi, and I do recommend taxi as the driver would likely be able to navigate the backcountry roads to get to the museum with no problem. The taxi fare would be approx. 2000 yen, well worth it for the indepth silk experience the Komagane Silk Museum provides.


A working museum featuring a wide range of sericulture activities from silk-reeling history to the latest silkworm research.


*Restored Seri Culturist's Farm House (dates back to 1920-1940)

*History of Silk
Explains the origin of sericulture and fabric making in China from 420-479AC, as well as silk making developments in Japan during the Edo era. Includes ukiyoe woodblock prints circa 1600 depicting various scenes of silk making.

*Japanese Silk Manufacturers Trademark Emblems
From the era when Japan was the world's largest silk exporter.

*Sericulture in Developing Countries (Nepal, India, Brazil, China, etc.)
Maps and videos of the history of the Silk Road across Asia, as well as Japan's own silk road from the Ina Valley to the port of Yokohama.

*Sericulture at the Imperial Household
Her Majesty the Empress Michiko working with silk making.

*History of Local Silk Manufacturing Unions
The Ryusuisha and Kamiinasha silk reeling unions, with actual automatic silk reeling machines, seriplan testing utensils, etc.)

*Silk Making Equipment
Various tools and utensils used in the silk making process.

*Characteristics of Silk
Explanation about the properties and structure of silk as well as its use in clothes (e.g. silk stockings).

*Uses of Silk
Domestic silk products, "Ina Tsumugi" - the local style of silk weaving, silk used in traditional clothing from around the world, etc.

*Alternative Uses of Silk
Handmade cocoon dolls, artificial flowers and more.

*Silkworm Lifecycle
Visual aids to explain the incredible growth stages (30-times the original size!) of the silk worm. Includes a rotating model of the silkworm's inner structure, microscopic views of silkworm tissues, and cocoon samples from different varieties of silkworms.

*Silkworm Growing Lab
Actual silkworms being raised for study and cocoon making.

*Mini Theater
Video presentations on the lifecycle of silkworms as well as the biotechnology and uses of silk.

*Special Exhibit Room
Silk-related special exhibits are held throughout the year. Since the opening of the museum, several dozens of exhibits have been held over the years, with reference books issued in conjunction with the exhibitions.

Visitors can try their hand at a variety of silk-related activities, including:
Cocoon Craft
Loom Weaving
Activities can be enjoyed by children as well as adults. They can take anywhere from 30 minutes for making a small doll out of cocoons or weaving a drink coaster, to thorough lessons on more elaborate silk creations.

Farmers Market, Museum Shop, All-you-can-eat lunch buffet restaurant "NANA-chan".

駒ヶ根シルクミュージアム Komagane Silk Museum

Curator Seki-san showing some of the weavings that can be made at the workshop's looms

Cocoon Craft examples

Tyler making a cocoon tanuki (raccoon dog)

Silk Dyeing examples

Indigo Plants in the Museum's Garden

Examples of cocoon craft art (Yes -- those samurai armor are made from silkworm cocoons!)

Examples of spool & silk thread crafts

Real, live silkworms in the museum's research lab

Display of traditional silk clothing from around the world in the museum

新しい松本BackPackersへ挨拶 Visiting the new Matsumoto BackPackers

August 30, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




以前に紹介させて頂いた長野市の1166 backpackersや須坂市のゲストハウスKURAをやはり仲間で、保健所との申請とかいろいろでお互いに支えているそうです。



Last year, Matsumoto City had only 1 guesthouse for backpackers. This year, there are 5! I paid a visit at one new one that is gaining a lot of local recognition, Matsumoto Backpackers.

The owners, Brian-san and Shuko-san, quit their jobs and are putting 100% of their effort into running 'Moto BP. And that effort shows, with attention to detail in the conveniences they provide to their guests as well as giving as much of an authentic Japanese experience as possible.

In past entries, I have featured Nagano City's 1166 backpackers and Guesthouse KURA in Suzaka City. They are all associates of Brian and Shuko and advise each other on the process of registering their lodging establishments with the Board of Health and other areas of running a guesthouse.

With this increase of low-priced lodging, there is sure to be a backlash amongst the established inns and hotels afraid of downward pressure on prices. But guesthouses tend to attract budget travelers who wouldn't otherwise stay in 'normally' priced places. Plus they make good use of otherwise empty storefronts and houses so less impact on the environment. Guests also get to experience more of a typical, non-tourist lifestyle at these places, too. So the recent surge in the number of guesthouses has a lot of benefits.

Hopefully the likes of Matsumoto BackPackers will increase the range of visitors to Nagano, and thus increase the number of fans of this great prefecture!

松本Matsumoto BackPackers

世界遺産@北野カルチャーセンター World Heritage at Kitano Cultural Center

August 21, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




Japan's Mount Fuji was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 22, 2013. Already deeply infused into the hearts and minds of the Japanese people, this new designation means an even more hightened awareness of the mountain. This has resulted in numerous Fuji-themed promotions throughout the country this summer.

One such event is a temporary exhibit at Nagano City's Kitano Cultural Center of paintings of Mount Fuji by Japan's greatest artists. The show runs through September 28th. So on your trip to Nagano City to see the esteemed Zenkoji Temple, you can get your World Heritage fix, too!


長野トップ100温泉: 庭と湯・シェーンガルテンおみ Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Soak 'n Stroll at Schongarten Omi

August 11, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano






After our recent trip to Hijiri Lake, we stopped at the nearby Schongarten Omi for a soak in their onsen bath.

For quite a large hotel, the bath was surprisingly small. But the outdoor bath had an impressive view of the Northern Alps. The bath at Ooka Onsen has a similar view but from a slightly different angle, so it was a treat to see this one, too. Schongarten Omi's onsen water is not very special, but that's okay because the real claim-to-fame here is the German stroll garden on the hotel's grounds.

After our bath, our family took a walk on the paths through the "Beautiful Garden" (the meaning of the German name). It is divided into 7 areas, such as

Rainbow Garden,
Garden of Colorful Flowers,
Pastel Color Hill,
White-capped Mountainview Lane,
Turquoise-blue Pond

I personally love taking landscape photographs in gardens, and really enjoyed how this one was laid out.

So if you're in the mood for a stroll through a beautiful German-style garden to go with your soak in an onsen bath with a view of the Japanese Alps, then Schongarten Omi is for you!

シェーンガルテンおみSchongarten Omi

The Hotel's Facade

The Stroll Garden

聖博物館リニュアル Hijiri Museum Remake

August 10, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Hijiri Museum Facade

*シルク造り ←臨時展示


聖博物館 Hijiri Museum

