節を1つ1つ丁寧 Andy Making the Links
For today's blog entry, I had planned on writing about an event I was scheduled to participate in with the other innkeepers. Our Junior Innkeepers group made chopsticks to give to guests for them to keep and use instead of disposable chopsticks. There even was a TV crew on hand to film it. However, I came down with a cold, so had to skip it.
Instead, I have something I've been meaning to write about but never had a chance. Our family's Christmas tradition has been to make a trip to Karuizawa for shopping and fun. The year before, we went to the Trick Art Museum. This Christmas, we went to Shinshu Ham's sausage atelier and made sausage to give as gifts to our relatives and neighbors. It's great to see how sausage is made and to actually make it with your own hands. Our kids really enjoyed the experience.
I have fond memories from when I was a kid of going on a road trip with my parents and brothers to make sausage at the house of a family friend. Kneeding the spices into the ice cold meat, turning the crank to slowly stuff the filling into the pig intestines, tying the links, and putting the links into the smoker. Every once in a while, the smoker would catch fire and we had to get the hose to put out the flames.
At Shinshu Ham, they don't smoke the sausages. But our kids certainly had a memorable experience. The atelier is close to Karuizawa Station, so it makes a fun stop for families on the way to or from Kamesei.
信州ハムのHPはこちらMore on sausage making at Shinshu Ham here.
戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

エプロンと帽子の準備Getting Prepped w/ apron and hat

混ぜ混ぜMix Mix

腸に積みStuffing the Intestines

ぶつぶつ Boil Boil

一番大事な部分Most Important Part