Remembering Gokaicho's past
5月9日(土)午後2時~ 千曲市稲荷山の蔵し館
162年前の御開帳のときの7.4mag.地震で善光寺街道にある稲荷山宿場で旅人121人、村人182人が善光寺地震で死亡した。郷土史家の宮澤芳巳さんが語る。詳しくは稲荷山街並み委員会長の高村さん(Tel 090-9666-0852) 参加費200円。
What is the proper way to venerate Zenkoji Temple's once-every-seven-years Gokaicho event? Asahi Beer seems to think it's marketing gimmick, as they have slapped a big Gokaicho emblem on their beer bottles.
Here are some other Gokaicho related events -- perhaps not as fun as beer but likely to be much more memorable.
Wind of Tibet Festival
@ Saihouji Temple, Zenkoji
Tibetan Buddhist monks have their own way of celebrating Gokaicho, with traditional dancing, a colorful mancala, even a Rakugo demonstration (in Japanese, nominal fee). From May 7th to 11th. More info here.
"Zenkoji Earthquake and Inariyama" Lecture
@ Kurashikan in Inariyama, Chikuma City
During the Gokaicho event 162 years ago, as many pilgrims were passing through to Zenkoji, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit. In Inariyama, one of the closest post towns to Zenkoji on the feudal Zenkoji Road, 182 villagers and 121 travellers lost their lives. At this lecture, there will be a talk about the effect of the earthquake on the town (in Japanese, but with explanatory visuals).
Cost is 200 yen; Contact is Takamura-san, 090-9666-0852 or feel free to contact us here at Kamesei.
"Zenkoji Faith: Pilgrims and Devotions" Exhibit
@ Nagano Prefectural Museum of History, Mori, Chikuma City
Zenkoji Temple is open to all believers and its immense scale it testament to the faith and devotion of its supporters, many who make a pilgrimage at least once in their life. The prefecture's official history museum takes this opportunity to make a chronology of that faith. If you ever wondered what all the buzz is about Zenkoji and Gokaicho, this is a great place to find out.
More info here (in Japanese).

Gokaicho sponsor?

Tibeten Dance