Andy君と去年の霧ヶ峰のニッコウキスゲ Andy with the day lillies at Kirigamine last year
Yesterday I went to Matsumoto for a Nagano Prefecture Tourism Synergy Research Meeting. About 40 people from various government agencies, universities, and businesses gathered to discuss ways to get tourists to spend more time enjoying our prefecture.
One of the guys I met there was from Kurumayama. He said the nikko-kisuge day lillies in Kirigamine are in bloom now. Recently, deer have been eating a lot of the flowers. This year, though, thanks to lots of electric wire fencing, the hills of Kirigamine are carpeted in yellow flowers. The blooms usually continue through the end of July.
If you've never seen the nikko-kisuge of Kirigamine, I highly suggest it. Their yellow blossoms cover the highlands -- an amazing sight to see. In fact, I would say it's one of Nagano's top seasonal wonders.
People in Japan have a habit for picking the "Top Three" Whatever. For example, nearby Obasute Station is one of Japan's Top Three Best Views from the Train Window. (It's true -- I couldn't make that up if I tried.) Us Westerners, on the other hand, tend to choose the Top 7 of whatever (except for David Letterman and his Top 10 Lists). For example, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, etc.
So I hereby announce Nagano's Seven Natural Wonders (as chosen by Yours Truly):
*The Apricot Blossoms in Mori "Anzu no Sato"
*Takato's Cherry Blossoms
*Early Spring in Kamikochi
*Skunk Cabbage Flowers in Kinasa (which means "Village Without an Ogre" -- and I couldn't make that one up if I tried, either)
*Tatsuno's Fireflies
*Kirigamine's Nikko-kisuge day lillies
*Autumn Leaves at Togakushi's Kagami-Ike (Mirror Pond)
That's my list. What about yours?
霧ヶ峰・車山高原の詳しくはこちらClick here for details on Kirigamine and Kurumayama