渡り廊下:池及び時代を超える Passageway across a koi pond ... and across time

August 25, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Fabled "watari-roka" of Bessho Onsen's Hanaya








"Nihon no Yado" means a Japanese Inn.

It also means wooden buildings, koi ponds, tsubo-niwa pocket gardens, detached guest rooms, and, perhaps most importantly, 'watari-roka' passageways connecting them all.

It doesn't mean multi-story ferro-concrete buildings.

One of the things that has attracted me so much to Kamesei Ryokan, in fact has led me to move here to continue the business, is that while there is one ferro-concret part, most of the inn is built of wood, with a koi pond in the center, pocket gardens throughout, semi-detached guest rooms, and ... a 'watari-roka' passageway connecting everything.

When it comes to 'watari-roka', the venerable Ryokan "Hanaya" in historical Bessho Onsen reigns supreme. I had always heard about Hanaya and yesterday I finally had a chance to go, as part of the ryokan junior association's study seminar. I finally got to see and walk those fabled passageways. Hanaya takes 'watari-roka' to the extreme, by leaving the sides open to the gardens. Some people complain of the bitter cold in the winter. To them, as my grandpa used to say, "tough titties." This ain't a history museum. It's an actual, working ryokan built in the Taisho Era and lovingly maintained in its original beauty. Hanaya left me drooling in awe and appreciation. You simply cannot get this much character out of a ferrconcrete building.

Hanaya is incomparably smaller vaster and luxurious than Kamesei is, and left me inspired.

Special thanks to the owner, Iijima-san.

「日本の宿」花屋@別所温泉のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Bessho Onsen's Hanaya.

Nighttime 'watari-roka'

Passageways to the guest rooms

Watari-roka crossing a garden

Hanaya's entrance

Taisho-era lighting

timber beams

Amazing banquet spread

The ultimate in omotenashi -- a futon fit for 2-meter me

バレてきた秘湯: 川で自分でお風呂を掘る切明温泉 Not so secret Hidden Onsen: Dig your own River Bath at Kiriake Onsen

August 20, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The stuff of legends: Kiriake Onsen









Onsen water coming up out of a river bed?
You take a shovel to make your own bath?
And you adjust the water temperature by mixing in river water?

Sounds like something out of an onsen legend. But it's not just a myth -- it actually exists: Kiriake Onsen in the northern corner of Nagano Prefecture near the borders with Niigata and Gunma Prefectures. You park your car at the lone ryokan, Yusenkaku, grab a shovel, cross the suspension bridge, walk down to the river, take care to avoid the onsen hot spots (the onsen temperature is supposedly 57 deg C), find an area where the temperature is to your liking and move the rocks around until you have your own little onsen pool.

The other day, after we visited the snow monkeys, our family and some friends drove up and through Shiga Kogen and Oku-Shiga Kogen along the windy mountain road to Kiriake (approx. 45km and 2hours from Shibu-Yudanaka Onsen area).

Actually, Mari and I came here about 17 years ago when we were just dating. Back then, the road to Kiriake was a bumpy gravel one. It's been paved since then, which may be the reason it's lost some of it's 'hidden' charm. Judging by the number of celebrity signatures, and by how many other people were there that day, the secret is out.

I had always wanted to have our kids experience this onsen-in-the-middle-of-a-river where you build a bath yourself. Plus, I was needing a relaxing break from the O-Bon holiday rush. For me, this combination of natural setting and onsen is perfectly sublime.

Kiriake Onsen.
You do actually use a shovel to make your own bath.
The onsen water does actually bubble up right in the middle of the river.
You do actually adjust the temperature yourself by mixing in river water.
And, being that it's all a natural phenomenom, the onsen keeps bubbling up in different spots. First over there, then over here, then, Ooh la la!, right here!

Although Kiriake is enjoyable any time of the year, being that it is located in the Akiyama ("autumn mountain") District, it's is probably at its prettiest when the fall leaves are in color. It's location is very inconvenient, but that makes finding it that much more enjoyable. There really isn't any bus access, so a car is highly recommended.

切明温泉・雄川閣のHPはこちらClick here for the Kiriake Onsen / Yusenkaku Ryokan website.

Yusenkaku ryokan at Kiriake Onsen

Borrow a shovel...

...cross the bridge...

...dig your bath...

...and buku-buku

奥飛騨温泉郷巡り Exploring the Okuhida Onsen Area

July 31, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Welcome to Tochio Onsen




あまり期待しないで、食べてから家族は皆で入りに行きました。そうすると、結構広い石風呂でちょうど良い温度(41℃?)で、周辺の緑の山を眺めながら、直ぐ側の蒲田川の流れも見れて(聞けて)・・・ 良い雰囲気でした。二男が「ダダ、川を触ってみたい」と言い出す。またかや?と思いましたが、お風呂から近いし、こんなに自然で恵まれている露天風呂だから… 「よし、一緒に行こう!」二人で裸で露天風呂から出て、川まで下りて、ちらっと入ってみました。その冷たい事!あわててまた露天風呂に戻って、ぐばっと入っちゃった。


Back in December, the Oku-Hida Onsen Area and Kamikochi ryokan associations had a get-together. The theme was "Inbound" (attracting guests from abroad), and they invited me to give a talk. I had been curious about Oku-Hida ever since then.

So, on our family's way back from climbing the Alps yesterday, as we drove through the Oku-Hida onsen district, I finally got a chance to see the area. Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, we have around 27 inns situated around the huge Chikuma River flowing down the middle, with 1,000 meter mountains surrounding on both sides. But there in Oku-Hida, there are groupings of a few inns strung out along the valley, and what a deep valley it is, with 3,000 meter peaks towering above. And the Kamata River flowing down the middle is a cute little stream compared with the Chikuma River. At the very end of the valley is the impressive, double-decker Shin-Hotaka Ropeway, and more in the middle is a bear farm. Those seem to be the main tourist attractions. And the onsen mineral water is clear with no particular mineral smells. However, taking advantage of the deep mountain setting, there are supposedly more outdoor baths here than in anywhere else in Japan.

Anyways, our family of course loves onsens, so we were determined to find a nice outdoor bath to soak in along the way. The owner of the shop we stopped at for lunch in Tochio Onsen said there was one right across the street. A simple, small one, but right along side the river and the price was whatever one felt like paying. The town was proud of its onsen waters, and made this bath for visitors to enjoy and experience the onsen.

Hmm, a free onsen? We weren't expecting much when we crossed the street to check it out. It turned out to be a decent size, perfect temperature (41 deg C) and had an outstanding view of the surrounding green mountains and the gurgling stream next to it. As we were enjoying our soak, son Kenny said, "Dad, can I go and touch the river?" I thought, not again! But then I saw how close the river was to the bath, and how beautiful all of this mountain and river and onsen nature was, and said, "Come on, I'll go with you!" So the two of us hopped out of the onsen, and walked down to the river buck naked, and stuck our toes in. Wow, was it cold! We rushed back to the onsen bath and jumped in!

Soaking in the outdoor onsen bath and the river? That's not something we could enjoy back at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen with the Chikuma River!

新穂高ロープウェイのHPはこちらClick here for the Shin Hotaka Ropeway website.

栃尾温泉のHPはこちらClick here for info on Tochio Onsen

上高地:家族の夏休みのぴったし Kamikochi: Perfect for a Family Summer Vacation

July 29, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Family Vacation at Kamikochi








Our kids' summer vacation started yesterday, so before our inn gets busy for the summer, we took our own family vacation. Destination: Kamikochi, the gateway to the northern Japanese Alps.

Even with the weather not cooperating and the sky being overcast, we could still see Mt. Yake-dake from Taisho-ike Pond, and the massive Mt. Okuhotake-dake and the surrounding peaks from Kappa-bashi Bridge. And the temperature was so nice and cool. Where we live, Togura Kamiyamada, the elevation is 370 meters, and the mountain behind us (Kamuriki-yama, the mountain from the famous Obasute-yama legend) is 1,252 meters. The Kamikochi valley is at 1,500 meters, making for cool days even in the middle of summer.

And the mountains that raise up above the valley are simply awesome. Yake-dake (2,455 meters and still puffing volcanic ash) and the 3,000+ meter peaks on the north side, and 2,646-meter Mt. Kasumizawa-dake & 2,449 meter Mt. Roppyaku-zan on the south tower over the valley. For people with the time and courage, the mountains beg to be explored. For everyone else, there is still so much beauty and nature to be enjoyed around the basin below with the Azusa River flowing down the middle. I have been to Kamikochi several times, and one of my favorite parts is the Azusa River, with its turquoise blue water. This time, I was excited to finally be able to share my love of the river with our kids, and they, too, enjoyed it.

In fact, looking around we saw many other families bringing their kids to Kamikochi. There were families from northern Japan, western Japan, even the southern islands. In fact, there were a number of travellers from Hong Kong, Korea and Europe, too. I think the need to experience and have your kids experience the wonder of nature is universal!

For visitors that are just staying down in the valley, I highly suggest taking a walk along the Azusa River. The Kamikochi Information Center by Kappa-bashi offers nature walks, one in the morning to Taisho-ike, and one in the early afternoon to Myojin-ike Pond. The walks cost 500 yen to cover insurance. For more info, the Center's tel# is 0263-95-2433.

This time, we ran into cloudy weather so we couldn't enjoy Kamikochi's beautiful sunset and sunrise, and the stars at night must be spectacular. The valley can get pretty crowded during the afternoon with daytrippers, but after the tour busses leave in the evening, Kamikochi is at its quietest and most peaceful. That means you simply have to take the time to spend the night at Kamikochi. We had the pleasure of staying at Nishiitoya. Okuhara-san, the owner, kindly gave us all kinds of information about the Alps. For our room, we choose one of the Japanese style tatami mat rooms, but they also have western style with beds, as well as an annex with hostel-type rooms. And the meal was short on seafood, and long on Nagano's regional cuisine. We enjoyed soaking in the bath, but it would probably even have been better if the clouds weren't obscuring the 3000-meter peaks normally visible from the picture windows.

From all across Japan and the world, travellers are coming to Kamikochi to enjoy the spectacular nature. A trip here makes a perfect summer vacation.

上高地の詳しくはwww.kamikochi.or.jp is the official website for Kamikochi.

Andy and Kenny at Kappa-bashi

Nishiitoya Inn

Our room's balcony

Kenny playing with the turquoise blue Azusa River

いつもにぎやかな長野市 Always-hopping Nagano City

July 25, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Market at ToiGo



Lately, every time I've gone into Nagano City, there has been some event going on. The other day, walking by the SBC televsion headquarters at ToiGo, there was a market going on in the plaza. And today, when I took our kids to the Gondo shopping arcade, the lane was full of colorful tanabata decorations.

All the people going to Zenkoji Temple this summer should enjoy strolling around the city center. And afterwards, come and take a bath in our onsen here at Togura Kamiyamada!

Gondo decorated for Tanabata

高級買い物x信州の自然=ハルニレテラス Upscale Shopping x Nagano's Nature = HARUNIRE Terrace

July 12, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Enjoying nature, Enjoying shopping, Harunire Terrace


Nagano has yet another reason to come and visit: HARUNIRE Terrace in Karuizawa. This very unique shopping plaza is just celebrating its first birthday. By unique, I mean:

None of your typical chain stores (although, there are branches of some well-loved Nagano stores, like Nagai Farm and Maryuama Coffee)
No touristy souvenir shops (although, you will likely find some nice momento to take home as a souvenir from your trip to Nagano)
A wood deck and lots of trees around (and the deck built around some of those trees, too)
A forest and a gently gurgling river flowing next to the plaza, and the shops designed to complement the natural surroundings.
A totally unique and very "Nagano" shopping experience. And just so there's no mixed expectations, you won't find any 100 yen discount shops here. The items come with some pretty hefty prices. But if you look closely, you'll see a lot of work went into the various items. In the arts and crafts shop, we found a corner featuring creations by Agnes, a ceramics artist that lives nearby here in Kamiyamada Onsen. The interior goods shop was selling silk scarves made by my Ueda tsumugi friends, Koiwai Workshop. I got the feeling that each individual item had a story behind it to justify the prices.
Mari and I really enjoyed Harunire Terrace and highly reccommend it!

ハルニレテラスのHPはこちらClick here for the Terrace's website.

雨の日に子供とお出かけ:浅間山火山館 Rainy Day with Kids: Asama Museum

July 11, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Do you dare enter the Volcano Museum?


It was our family's day off to go for a drive somewhere. Except, nobody told the weatherman. Hmm, what to do on a rainy day with the kids? We decided to still go for a drive, and checked out the Asama Volcano Museum. When we went a few years ago, the boys were so scared by the museum's lava tunnel-like entrance, that they were shaking. This time around, they really got into the special effects. It was their little sister Misaki's turn to ask to be held -- at least she was scared.
The Asama Volcano Museum is an interesting place. The museum itself does a good job of showing the inner workings of volcanoes. So if you go to the nearby Onioshidashi lava fields and your interest in volcanoes is piqued, the museum's explanation is pretty valuable. But the museum's facilities themselves are, well, weird. Above the main building is an old, dilapidated, ghost-like building with a bizarre viewing room on top. It looks like something out of a horror movie. When we asked about it, we were told it's the original museum building, and when the present one was built, the old one was closed down. So it's left to deteriorate instead of being torn down? Anyways, then there's the present museum building. You go in, and first there's a huge cafeteria, then a huge souvenir shop area, before you finally reach the entrance to the museum itself. It makes you wonder what the real purpose is. Actually, that was already given away by the parking lot. The parking spots nearest the entrance were reserved for tour busses. Ah hah! They're still waiting for the busloads of guests to come. Well, nowadays, it's individual families and couples travelling, not large groups. Museums like this have to evolve with the times!

浅間火山博物館のHPはこちら(割引券もあり!)Click here for the Asama Museum website (with discount coupon, too!)

クール侍の真田幸村のクールツアー Cool Tour for a Cool Samurai: Sanada Yukimura

June 5, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Taking the Cool Samurai Tour




真田山城 (本城跡)

信綱寺 (しんこうじ)



「真田幸村」ショートツアーは毎週土・日に行います。詳しくは斉藤駕籠屋 Tel(0268)44-2241

Sanada History Museum

Sanada Birthplace and the original Pine Tree

Shinko-Ji -- Not your average temple

The view from Sanada Castle Remains

And back to Ueda Castle

格好良い侍の真田幸村ショートツアー: 一緒に行きましょう! Sanada Yukimura Short Tour: Come and check it out with me!

June 3, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Cool Samurai Tour








"Sanada Yukimura" is eastern Nagano's cool samurai.
I always ask our guests when they arrive here at Kamesei Ryokan if they did any sightseeing along the way. Often times, guests reply they are Sanada Yukimura fans and stopped to see Ueda Castle. (Female guests, too. Apparently once a cool samurai, always a cool samurai.)

To be honest, I still don't have much of an appreciation for the whole Sanada deal. With the Kawanakajima samurai battle story, I took the effort to go see the various sites, climb to the various mountain castles, and ask about the legends behind local place names related to the Takeda Shingen / Uesugi Kenshin legacy, and have come to understand and appreciate the story.

A new tour has recently been established that offers to do the same thing for the Sanada story. Saito Kagoya is offering bus tours every Saturday and Sunday, departing Ueda Station at 10am, stopping at several Sanada-related sites with explanation and on-site guidance by the driver, returning to Ueda Station at 2:30pm.

This Saturday June 5th, I have been invited to attend. So if you are interested in the Sanada history, why don't you come and join this tour with me? The normal driver speaks a bit of English, but for this tour I'll be available for interpretation. We still have rooms available at Kamesei this weekend for anyone who wants to stay the night, and I'd be happy to give guests a lift between Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and Ueda Station. So give us a call!

バスツアーの詳しくは齋藤駕籠屋のHP Click here for more info on Saito Kagoya bus tours.

戸隠忍者になれ! Going Ninja in Togakushi

May 30, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Ninja Andy on his 10th birthday


It was our son Andy's birthday, so we took a half a day off, piled the kids and their friends into the car, and went for a drive to Togakushi's Ninja Village. The new spring growth of the trees in the Togakushi highlands felt like a "power spot" and recharged our bodies' batteries. Meanwhile, the kids (and their mom 'n dad) became ninjas and had a blast playing on the athletic structures and exploring the ninja fun house. I am so glad we live in Nagano and can have this fun!

戸隠チビッ子忍者村は戸倉上山田温泉から車で約90分。Togakushi Ninja Village is approx. 90 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. www.ninjamura.com

Ninja Kenny

Ninja Misaki and Mom

blue ninja Misaki

pink ninja Misaki

Andy and 10 candles