講演と研修@飯山 1: 元のイメージ Lecture and Learning at Iiyama 1: Initial Image

September 26, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Iiyama: Temples and...





棚田フェティッシュ: 上田市の稲倉 Rice Field Fetish: Ueda's Inakura

September 24, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Inakura terraced rice fields in Ueda.




I admit, I have a fetish for terraced rice fields. There's something timeless and romantic about the shape of the fields etched into the hillsides.

The other day while dropping off some guests in Ueda City, I passed a small sign that read "Inakura Tanada" (the terraced rice fields of Inakura). So on the way back, I went for a little adventure and stopped to see the fields.

I had heard there was a 'tanada' in Ueda selected as one of the top 100 in Japan, and that was populated (?) by lots of scarecrows. As soon as I came upon the scenic fields and saw the humurous scarecrows, I realized Inakura was the place. With views of the Ueda Plain down below, Inakura is a spectacular tanada site.

稲倉棚田の詳しくはこちら Click here for more on the Inakura terraced rice fields.

妻籠への道4: 妻籠の魅力 Road to Tsumago 4: Highlights of Tsumago

September 22, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Wakihonjin's hearth 脇本陣の囲炉裏







The people making a living in Tsumago have to make a lot of sacrifices. A shop that sells ice cream, for example, would attract more customers if they put a giant ice cream cone sign in front of their store. But if all the owners put up gaudy signs in their storefronts, Tsumago's Edo-period ambience would be destroyed. The sacrifices have paid off though -- visitors are treated to an as authentic as possible Edo post town experience.

'Authenticity' comes with challenges. I told my buddy at the local Chamber of Commerce that the main road would look better if it were cobblestones instead of asphalt. He told me the road was originally dirt, not cobblestone. But a dirt road now would mean dust in dry times and mud when it rains, not something the people living there now would appreciate.

But that's what makes Tsumago different from being just a museum -- people live and work here. I'd like to highlight 3 such places that make Tsumago so rewarding to visit.

Waki-Honjin Okuya
Originally the place charged with accepting overflow guests that the main inn ('Honjin') couldn't handle, Okuya is now set up as a museum. But not just any old museum where you walk through, say 'Wow!', and leave. Take the time to have a guide walk you through (tours available in English, so no excuses!). First, you will all sit around the hearth. The history lesson begins there. "You, sitting at the head, put your feet out and rest them on that log. Nice and warm, right? That's where the master of the house sits." Every little detail, from where people sit to what plants are grown in the garden and where, has a reason behind it. Secret chambers, a toilet that has never been used, etc., etc. So many stories. So worth the time. The enthusiastic guides clearly love Tsumago, and you will, too.

"These clothes aren't Japanese clothes. I made them, and I'm Japanese, but these aren't Japanese clothes." Obarajun is adamant about his original-design clothes in his shop on the main road in the center of Tsumago. All the residences here must have concerns about the difficulty of the next generation continuing the tradition. Obarajun has embraced the difficulty with his own, unique flair, his forward fashion a funky fit for traditional Tsumago.

Ryokan Fujioto
Paper walls? Shoulder-width corridors? Why would anyone pay to stay at such a place? Well, to experience how travellers stayed back in the 1800's. Fujioto's beautiful gardens, detailed architecture, delicious local cuisine all serve to provide a window onto how life was in yesteryear. And the owner and his daughter provide the right touch with their hospitality and smiles.


Dinner at Fujioto

妻籠への道3: 妻籠宿 The Road to Tsumago 3: Tsumago-juku

September 21, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Our kids strolling down Tsumago's main street











言葉より、写真の方で雰囲気が伝わると思いますので、写真は何枚か提供します。しかし、これだけ言わせて頂きたいです: 妻籠宿はお昼でついでに寄るだけじゃもったいない。太陽が沈んで、町の行燈の光で出てくるタイミングが一番いいのです。観光客も少ないし、妻籠の本来の姿が見えます。

Walking the old Nakasendo Road from Magome, you cross the Magome Pass before descending into the old post town of Tsumago.

Following the Pass, the road seems to leave civilization, entering a deep forest with beautiful waterfalls, and - as if to remind you just how remote the wilderness is - bear bells every so often.

Gradually the path comes upon rice fields and 'iwana' (char) ponds, signs of the presence of people. After passing a few outlying old farmhouses, the road finally enters the town of Tsumago.

And this isn't any old town, with convenient stores, prehab houses and neon signs.

This is a town of Edo-era wood buildings and lantern light.

Welcome to the ancient post town, Tsumago.

Having left Magome and its high location on the way to the Pass, with a relatively wide open sky, Tsumago has a much narrower feeling sky as it is situated nestled in a valley and surrounded by cedar tree-covered hills. The ambience of the street scene aptly matches the natural surroundings.

Seeing the effort the townspeople have made to preserve the Edo-era authenticity of their town is so impressive. No vending machines to mar the scenery, all original construction down to the wood rain gutters. It is a sight to behold.

And it's a sight best seen in the early morning or late afternoon without the hordes of daytripping tourists. And ideally, it's best to spend the night and see the town at dusk, as the lantern lights come on.

But enough words -- here are some pictures of Tsumago, some glimpses of what makes this old post town so special.

cool gargoyle

妻籠への道2: 中山道 The Road to Tsumago 2: Nakasendo

September 20, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano







実際歩いてみたら、第一印象は想像付かなかった事: 車の排気ガス。ガイドの本や観光のパンフに馬籠と妻籠の間の中山道の一部が県道7号の側、一部は県道実態に歩くって事があまり書いていなくて、その事実に少しがっかりでした。まあ、大半は車やバスの音が聞こえない森林の中や宿場の集落、畑を歩きましたから結果的に良かったです。





The Nakasendo is one of the 2 old roads that connected feudal Kyoto with Edo (the old name for Tokyo). Along its entire 534km length, the part that best retains the old Edo-era ambience is the 8km stretch between Magome post town in Gifu Prefecture and Tsumago post town in Nagano Prefecture. It is a popular hike for people interested in walking the Nakasendo trail, and the quintessential hike for visitors from overseas hoping to catch a glimpse of 'old Japan'.

The other day, our family took a trip and walked this section of the old Nakasendo. The guide books tell you to start at Magome (elevation 600m), cross the Magome Pass (801m) and descend to Tsumago (420m) and that you walk through a forest and pass waterfalls and fields along the way.

What they guide books and tourist brochures don't mention is that for a fair amount of the way, you'll also be sucking in car exhaust. It turns out a fair amount of the way is adjacent to, or actually on, County Road No. 7. Not that I expected to see a samurai trotting along or a ninja hidden on the side, but nor did I anticipate dodging a tour bus. Hence a not-so-impressive first impression.

On the other hand, the tour books also neglected to mention a handful of other areas, things that went way beyond my expectations:

*In between Magome post town and the pass, there is a quaint little hamlet. We passed through just as the local shrine's fall festival was finishing -- the young participants were literally bouncing down the road in excitement from the festival.
*A little old lady working in a field we went by on the way to the pass called out and invited us to tea.
*After crossing the pass, the path becomes considerably more woodsy and serene before coming to a single, old wooden building that serves as a teahouse to travellers, just as it did hundreds of years ago. The convivial old man running the place made us feel at home. We bought walking sticks there that he marked with a hot brand for us.
*Just below the teahouse was a soba (buckwheat) field -- in full bloom! The white blossoms contrasted so beautifully with the green trees in the background.
*As the path approaches Tsumago, it passes fish ponds where the locals raise iwana (char), as has been done for generations providing an important source of protein to the people in this area so deep in the mountains and far from the ocean.

Walking the Nakasendo from Magome to Tsumago was a magical trip back in time and a glimpse of the idyllic Japanese countryside.

The 8km walk took 3 hours at 4-year old Misaki's pace.

妻籠への道(1):馬籠 The Road to Tsumago (1): Magome

September 19, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Start: Magome









Trekking along the old Nakasendo Road to Tsumago post town is one of Nagano's most classic walks.

For our family's (belated) summer family vacation, we drove down to the Kiso Valley and did the Nakasendo hike. We parked the car in Magome and hiked the 8km over Magome Pass to Tsumago. I'd like to share our experiences in case any of you in the blogosphere would like to do the same.

First, the start: Magome.

The people of Magome take deep pride in their Edo-era post town, and have put in a tremendous amount of effort to preserve the original buildings and overall ambience.

Look up, and you won't see any pesky telephone wires (all the telephone poles have been moved to the back side of the buildings; I am so jealous -- Kamiyamada sky is a web of ugly wires!).

Look down, and you'll see cobblestones instead of asphalt pavement.

Look all around, and you'll be treated to see authentic wooden facades of Edo-era buildings, and to hear water running down the 'mizo' on the sides of the street. Waterwheels, shops selling fresh-toasted senbei crackers, tea shops, souvenir stores selling locally made handicrafts, all make for a pleasant stroll. The 'Honjin' and 'Waki-Honjin' (main and secondary inns) are open to explore as museums where you can see how people lived back in the Edo era.

Magome-juku's authenticism makes it a popular tourist stop. So if you don't want hordes of fellow tourists crowding your photos, it's best to go in the early morning or late afternoon. Or, like we did, in the middle of a typhoon!

The walk to Tsumago starts at Magome-juku, the essence of cool Japan!

馬籠宿の詳しくはここ Click here for more on Magome-juku.

高原空気と高原野菜@菅平 Mountain Air and Mountain Veggies at Sugadaira Heights

September 2, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Mountains (with ski slopes), rugby grounds and -- lettuce fields. Must be Sugadaira!





Sugadaira is the name of the highlands to the east of Ueda City. I went there for a ryokan junior association meeting. It was so refreshing to breathe in the fresh mountain air.

Sugadaira is a mecca for rugby training in the summer. But it is also known for something else: lettuce. It is one of the main lettuce growing areas of Nagano Prefecture.

Our chef currently incorporates Sugadaira lettuce into the dinner menu in the 'nabe' hot pot. Often times guest ask me what the crunchy green things are. They are not used to such fresh quality lettuce!

Most of the farmers at Sugadaira sell their lettuce to the Coop, so you can't actually go there and buy it. We at Kamesei Ryokan have our own route (a truck farmer who delivers it to us). So if you want to try Sugadaira's lettuce, come to Kamesei and experience Chef Takei's culinary magic.

長野のリアルタイム放射線情報 Nagano Radiation Levels in Real Time

August 10, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


HPは http://radiation.yahoo.co.jp/



Even though our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is located around 350km from the Fukushima nuclear plants, people are naturally worried about radiation if they visit. Yahoo Maps has recently released a map showing real-time radiation levels for 11 locations in Japan, including Nagano City.

The website address is: http://radiation.yahoo.co.jp/

Although the website is only in Japanese, but the data is presented in easy to understand numbers. And as of this writing, the data shows the level for Nagano at 0.084μSv/hour which calculates to an annual level of0.081mSv/year. The global average is 2.4mSv per year, so our level is well below the average.

Check out the info for yourself, then come and enjoy Nagano with the knowledge that you won't have to worry about radiation.

松代の美味しいイタリアンと楽しい温泉 Matsushiro's Yummy Italian and Enjoyable Onsen

July 22, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Koen no Bench's charming facade at dusk


長野市松代町東寺尾2988 (国道403沿い)
Tel (026)278-7411
ランチ/11:30-15:00; ディナー/18:00-21:30
定休日 月曜日(祝日の場合は翌日)

大室温泉 まきばの湯


When our family went for a drive to check out Matsushiro's UFO spot, we then went out for dinner and an onsen bath in the vicinity. The restaurant and onsen we went to would make terrific places to stop at when coming to or from Kamesei Ryokan.

Charming Italian Restaurant
Koen no Bench
The name means 'park bench', which I think refers to the cozy, relaxed atmosphere the owner is striving for. The charming brick building, friendly and attentive service, elegant meals (and generous volume) all contribute to the successful creation of the intended atmosphere.
The restaurant makes a great stop on a drive to or from Kamesei, perhaps on a visit to Obuse or the snow monkeys at Jigokudani.
Koen no Bench
2988 Higashi Terao, Matsushiro machi, Nagano-Shi
Tel (026)278-7411
Lunch/11:30-15:00 Dinner/18:00-21:30
Closed Mondays (or following Tuesday if holiday)
Lunch meals from 1050 yen.
Access: Best by car as it is located along Route 403. No train station or bus stop in the vicinity.

Unique Mineral Water with a View
Omuro Onsen 'Makiba no Yu'
When it comes to onsen bath houses, I am picky. (Naturally, since I run one myself.) There are a lot of places with rundown facilities and questionable mineral content to their onsen water.

Makiba no Yu in the Omuro neighborhood of Nagano City's Matsushiro district, on the other hand, is a very enjoyable bath house. Not only do the outdoor baths have great views, but the buildings are constructed with hefty woodwork that is kept in pristine condition, and the onsen water is high in natrium (1051mg/kg) giving it a slightly salty tang. Bath temperature is around 41 deg F, perfect for a long, relaxing soak.

There are two sides and both times I've been there the guys had the left side with the wooden outdoor bath. The right side's outdoor bath is made of river rock, and (judging by the pictures) has an even better view of the Zenkoji Plain and the Japanese Alps in the distance.

If you're on an adventure to explore some of Nagano's many onsens, you won't be disappointed by a stop at Omuro Onsen.

Omuro Onsen 'Makiba no Yu'
4108 Omuro, Matsushiro-machi, Nagano City
Tel (026)278-5687
Summer/ 09:00-22:00 Winter 09:00/21:30
Adults/500 yen Elementary&Middle School/300 yen
Access: 5 minute walk from Omuro Station on the soon-to-become-defunct Nagaden Yashiro Line.

Click here for Makiba no Yu's website.

Koen's summer special: gazpacho-style spaghetti

松代の皆神山: UFO基地のピラミッド山? Matsushiro's Minakami Mtn.: UFO base pyramid?

July 19, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

皆神神社 Minakami Shrine at the top of mysterious Minakami Mtn.







In Nagano City's Matsushiro district, there is a mysterious mountain called Minakami-yama. It's set apart from the neighboring mountains and has a distinct geological makeup. Some theories behind the mountain is that it is a pyramid, or perhaps a base for UFO's.

The other day, our family drove up to the top to see what was up there. The narrow road to the top winds through a thick forest before it levels out on the plateau at the top of the mountain. After driving up the steep mountainside, it is surprising to find farm fields, houses, even a golf course at the top. And crowning the mountain is an ancient shrine, whose main building dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries. The ornate wood carvings on it are amazing.

Next to the shrine were some mysterious ponds that are breeding grounds for salamanders. This would be common at high elevation marshes up in the Alps, but not down here on the Zenkoji Plain.

We ended up not seeing any UFO's on Minakami-yama, but we did catch a sight of some cool salamanders!

皆神山の伝説の紹介は下記のビデオにて。 For more on Minakami-yama's mysteries, check out this video:
