信州の雄大な山々(1)浅間 Nagano's Majestic Mountains (1): Asama

February 19, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Asama-yama blowing off steam



Everywhere you go in Nagano, you are sure to see many majestic mountains. Lately, we've had beautiful weather, so the sight of the brilliant blue skies contrasting with the snow capped mountains hits me every time I see them. And as much as possible I try to stop and take a picture. I'd like to share some of them with everybody.

This is Mt. Asama as seen from Kakeyu Onsen in Ueda. Notice the plume of volcanic ash coming from the summit.

長野温泉トップ100調査: 田沢・別所・鹿教湯 Researching Nagano's Top 100 Onsens: Tazawa, Bessho, Kakeyu

February 17, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Peter-san at Masuya Ryokan


田沢温泉 ますや旅館
別所温泉 柏屋別荘
別所温泉 花屋
鹿教湯温泉 齊藤ホテル



Nagano Prefecture is blessed with so many fabulous onsens. I am in the process of helping my buddy Peter write a book for English speakers to showcase Nagano's best onsens. We took a tour of some of eastern Nagano's top onsens:

Tazawa Onsen, Masuya Ryokan
Bessho Onsen, Kashiwaya Bessou
Bessho Onsen, Hanaya
Kakeyu Onsen, Saito Hotel

Each onsen has their own unique hot spring mineral water,
Masuya, Kashiwaya Bessou and Hanaya in particular have historical multi-story wood buildings full of intriguing character,
and Saito Hotel's outdoor bath has one of the best garden settings.

There is plenty of info out there about Nagano's many onsens in Japanese for Japanese people, but so little in English. Hence the need for a book on Nagano's Top 100 Onsens. Peter is hard at work researching it, and I am helping in any way I can.

ますや旅館 Masuya Ryokan
柏屋別荘 Kashiwaya Bessou
花屋 Hanaya
斎藤ホテル Saito Hotel

長野温泉調査: ぽかぽかランド美麻 Nagano's Onsens: Poka-Poka Land Miasa

February 14, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Snowy, snowy Poka-Poka




On the way to Hakuba, I stopped at one of Omachi City's 'michi no eki' road-side station and onsen bath facility, 'Shiroito no Yu' Onsen "Poka-Poka Land Miasa". I was accompanied by my buddy Peter who is writing a book in English on Nagano's onsens.

Peter-san was impressed by the variety of baths (jacuzzi, waterfall, lukewarm bath, etc.) as well as how the outdoor bath's rock garden 'borrowed' the scenery of the nearby hill. Apparently Poka-Poka will make the cut for his Top-100 Nagano Onsens list.

I may be getting grumpy in my old age, but for me the first impression was the smell of chlorine. And the indoor baths were all lined with tile -- I prefer more natural materials. And the plastic bamboo fence separating the mens and womens baths was ugly. But the outdoor bath's garden was certainly thoughtfully laid out.

ぽかぽかランド美麻 Poka-Poka Land Miasa

白馬五竜のナイター 滑りて~ Night Ski at Hakuba Goryu

February 13, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Night Skiing at Hakuba Goryu





Hakuba is truly a winter paradise. This season, Nozawa Onsen, Shiga Kogen and areas further northeast have been getting more snow (almost too much snow!), but I visited Hakuba to partake in an event, and there was definitely plenty of snow.

Pictured is the action at Hakuba Goryu's night ski. All the skiers and boarders sure looked like they were enjoying the slopes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to join them. I was there for a function put on by the prefecture to welcome a group of exchange students from China, Korea and Vietnam. I was invited as an official blogger / Inbound Ambassador for the prefecture's foreign language website. My role was to encourage the students to blog/tweet/facebook about their time enjoying Nagano's outdoors.

The evening included entertainment by none other than Kijima Taiko. I first saw them perform outside of Nagano Station during New Years, and have become a huge fan!

My visit to Hakuba this time didn't include skiing, so I need to make revenge and come back to ski!

長野県外国語HP Nagano's official foreign language website

Welcoming the Exchange Students

Kijima Taiko

上田市塩田平と13m鳥居 Ueda's Shioda Plain and its 13-meter torii

February 5, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Shioda Plain and the 13-meter tall Torii







Nagano's geography is dominated by mountains -- lots of them. There's hardly any flat places where people can build proper place to live. The towns are mostly gathered along the few river valleys, like those of the Chikuma, Sai and Kiso rivers.

To the west of the city of Ueda, however, is a relatively wide, flat spot away from the city's center that's down by the banks of the Chikuma River. This area is called the Shioda Plain. It is filled with houses, rice fields, orchards, a couple of universities, a shopping mall.

All in all a very modern facade. If you dig a bit deeper though, you'll realize the Shioda Plain has a very, very deep history.

On the western edge is an onsen, Bessho, that's been around for over 1000 years. Back in the Kamakura era, it hosted the prefecture's capital. Several major temples were built at that time, including Anraku-ji which features a 3-story pagoda that is on the national historical registry, and Kitamuki ('north-facing') Kannon which is lined up with the south-facing Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. These temples have earned Bessho the nickname 'Little Kamakura'.

On the north side of the Shioda Plain is a marker designating the location of the Uedagahara Gassen, one of the major regional battles during the Warring States era.

And on the south side is Ikushima Tarushima Shrine, which dates back to the year 806. The distinctly vermillion-colored shrine claims to be at the geographic center of Japan and houses the kami ('god') that protects the entire country.

I recently made another trip to the area, and came across a 13-meter tall torii gate. Judging by its color, I knew it was related to the Ikushima Tarushima Shrine. The gigantic gate with the plain spreading out in the distance surrounded by all of those mountains really seemed to symbolize the Shioda Plain.

以前の生島足島神社の記事 Earlier entry on Ikushima Tarushima Shrine

With Shioda Plain in the background

長野の温泉調査: 下諏訪 Researching Nagano's Onsens: Shimo-Suwa

January 26, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Gingetsu's open air bath, Shimo-Suwa Onsen










Next up on my research of Nagano's many onsens is Shimo-Suwa.

Shimo-Suwa Onsen started out as the only post town on the old Nakasendo Road with a natural hot spring. The town further developed as a pilgrimage destination with its Suwa Grand Shrine's Akimiya and Harumiya (Fall and Spring shrines).

According to the local tourism association, 20 onsen wells pump out 5,100 liters of hot spring mineral water per minute, supplying the approx. 30 inns, 4 footbaths and 8 public baths. There is also a 'monument' dedicated to "Wata no Yu" legend about how the onsen was discovered by a goddess as she used the water for its beautifying properties.

Shimo-Suwa's inns are nestled around the entrance to the Grand Shrine Akimiya. They are mostly smaller, family-run inns and are interspersed amongst houses and shops making for a relaxed atmosphere. The location is about 1.5km up from Lake Suwa.

Shimo-Suwa's sister onsen, Kami-Suwa on the other side of Lake Suwa, on the other hand, is made up of mostly large-scale western style hotel-type ryokans lining the lake.

7 of the inns permit day use bathing. With the 1,000 yen 'Honwaka Yuyu' pass, you can use the baths at 2 different inns.

I only got to check out the onsen baths at the inn I stayed at, Gingetsu. That inn features an outdoor bath divided mens and womens in a beautiful traditional wood building next to their Japanese garden and koi pond. It's apparently one of the more representative baths for all of Shimo-Suwa.

Next time I want to check out a few other inns and one of the public baths.
Kameya is one of the more historical inns and is related to the original 'Honjin', the main inn from the Edo post town days.
Hotel Sannokaku is adjacent to the Grand Shrine Akimiya's parking lot and is accordingly grand is size and appearance.
In nearby Dokusawa Onsen (3.3 km away) is a "Hi-tou" (secret onsen). Kami no Yu's baths apparently feature orange colored mineral waters high in iron content.
And then there's a funky public bath, Sugeno Onsen. The entrance from Taisha-dori street is actually like a tunnel, and the actual entrance to the bath features warm wooden construction from Japan's Showa-era golden years. It's apparently well known for its quaint historical charm.

With its Nakasendo townscape, venerable Suwa Grand Shrine, the watch and piano box museums, and all these great spots for an onsen bath, Shimo-Suwa would make a great to stop on the way to Kamesei Ryokan and our from our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

下諏訪温泉Shimo-Suwa Onsen

Gingetsu's Facade

Gingetsu's koi pond with outdoor bath shelter in the background

Gingetsu's indoor bath (men's)

Sugeno Onsen's street entrance

Sugeno Onsen's entrance in the tunnel

Sugeno Onsen's 'golden years' Showa era atmosphere

神々が泊まる下諏訪に泊まってきた Staying Where the Gods Stay, Shimo-Suwa

January 25, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Where the gods tread, Shimo-Suwa






The main goddess of the Shinto Suwa-sect, Yasakatomenokami, settled here.
The goddess Megumikami used the water here as her beauty water, resulting in the creation of a mineral water hotspring.
When the gods from the Upper Shrine cross Lake Suwa, they leave a path in the frozen lake surface.

Located on the northeastern bank of Lake Suwa, Nagano's largest lake, Shimo-Suwa originated as a post town on the old Nakasendo Road connecting Kyoto and Edo (old Tokyo). The Old Koshu-Dochu highway branches off from here and passes through Kofu City (neighboring Yamanashi Prefecture's capital) on an alternate route to Edo.

Besides its importance as an intersection of major Edo-era roads, Shimo-Suwa is also the home of two of the four Grand Shrines of the afore-mentioned Suwa sect of Shintoism. The other two Grand Shrines are located on the opposite side of Lake Suwa in Kami-Suwa. ('Shimo' means 'lower', 'Kami' means 'upper', pertaining to their respective positions in relation to Edo.) Hence it is a major pilgrimage destination.

More recently, Shimo-Suwa has gained distinction as a center of clockwork engineering. That heritage is made evident today by the Lake Suwa Clockwork, Science Museum 'Gishodo' with its large scale astronomical water-driven clock, and the Suwako Orgel Museum 'Somei-kan' for music boxes.

Edo era post town, the Grand Shrines, modern engineering -- that's Shimo-Suwa as seen from the outside. And that's the Shimo-Suwa I had known from my past, brief sightseeing trips there. But I'd always sensed that there was a lot more, a side that could only be understood by staying a night. So when the Nagano Ryokan Junior Association held a meeting there, I jumped at the opportunity to go and spend a night.

Seeing the Nakasendo neighborhood by lantern light at night and walking the storehouse-lined alleys in the early morning,

Enjoying the hospitality of the family-run inn and soaking in the the slightly salty waters of the onsen baths,

Hearing stories and seeing the pride of people who participate in the once every 7 years Onbashira festival, participation so death-defyingly passionate,

I feel I attained a deeper appreciation for Shimo-Suwa. But still, more remains. A 1-day watchmaking workshop, going to the public bath in the tunnel, drinking the steamy dragon water at the Akimiya shrine, and so much more.

That means I have to come back and stay again at Shimo-Suwa. Where the gods stay.

Shimo-Suwa Crossroads -- Nakasendo and Kofu Road Intersection

Nakasendo timeslip

Nakasendo back alley

The 'Honjin' (Main Inn)

Lanterns at night

Onbashira pillar at Akimiya Shrine

Akimiya Shrine's Main Building (秋宮)

Akimiya's Dragon Fountain

Meiji Era Shop 'Shintsuru' 明治時代から


M-Waveでスケート選手と滑る Skating with the Athletes at M-Wave

January 6, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

M-Wave's facade



普段はなかなかない見れない姿: 直ぐ側にスピードスケートの選手がすーっと滑って 楽に見えるけど実はすごい力。




Ice Skating is one of the joys of winter here in Nagano. Our family during this New Years holiday period went skating at Nagano City's M-Wave, home of the '98 Winter Olympic speed skating.

True to its Olympic venue origins, there are always speed skating athletes training during regular skating hours. As recreational skaters make there way around the oval, the athletes go whizzing by in their 'speed' lane. It's very exciting, especially when a line of 10 or so skaters go by in a sort of speed train.

This winter, if you want to try ice skating here in Nagano, M-Wave is a great place to watch speed skating athetes as you have enjoy a bit of skating yourself.

M-Wave is approx. 40 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada. Or you take the train from Togura Station to Nagano Station and catch a bus to M-Wave.


初詣@善光寺 + 鬼島太鼓との出会い New Years @ Zenkoji + Meeting Kijima Taiko

January 3, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki at Zenkoji










Here in northern Nagano, the most popular temple / shrine to visit for New Years is the esteemed Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. On the 2nd, I took our kids to pay our respects. Despite the snowy conditions, there was a healthy throng of visitors to the temple, including a few brave ladies wearing kimonos.

We took the train to Nagano City and were treated to a taiko performance that was being held in front of the MIDORI department store next to Nagano Station.

To be honest, I've seen my fair share of taiko performances over the years. Everything from amateur groups for free in Seattle, to the world-class Kodo pro group from Sado Island (certainly not for free). But never before have I been so overwhelmingly amazed as with this group that performed, Kijima Taiko from the Kijimadaira Village, northeast of Nagano City.

Kijima Taiko is made up of only girls, and only of school age. Once the member graduate highschool, they automatically 'retire' from the group. Not only do they participate in nationwide contests, but they also perform overseas once a year.

5 girls of their elementary school division performed today.
With snow falling around, they banged away on the taiko drums while laying down, while jumping, while dancing, while shouting,
from one song to the next with absolutely no rest in between,
It wasn't a testosterone-filled show of strength, it was simply raw girl-energy.
All the while with snow falling around!

It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Our 4 year old Misaki was so impressed, when we got back to Kamesei she excitedly played the taiko drums in our lobby for what seemed like endlessly.

Girls growing up in the countryside likely don't have much opportunity to excel and put their energy to use in such a way that it puts them on the world stage. I applaud Kijima Taiko for giving these girls this opportunity. I am sure the members take this experience with them and put it to use succeeding in their adult lives.

Every year Kijima Taiko performs a spring concert, and this year it will take place in Sakaki, next to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. It will be on Saturday March 24th, and I am so looking forward to seeing it!

鬼島太鼓 Kijima Taiko

Feel the girl power -- Kijima Taiko

クリスマス@軽井沢 Christmas in Karuizawa

December 25, 2011: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Ginger Bread Cookie Monsters

