長野温泉トップ100: 小谷村「雨飾」 Nagano Onsens Top 100: Otari Village 'Amekazari'

June 22, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Amekazari's Outdoor Bath










Our 2nd Otari Village onsen stop was Amekazari Kogen (Heights) Rotenburo (Open-air Bath).

Located near the end of Prefectural Road 114 as it climbs up from the main part of the village towards Amekazari Mountain, past the 'hidden' Otari Onsen, Amekazari-sou is a single onsen hotel deep in the mountains. Just down from the hotel is a village-operated onsen with 2 outdoor baths surrounded by a forest of beech trees. One bath is for men and one for ladies. The baths are not staffed, but there is a collection box for donations.

The onsen water is chloride hydrogen carbonate high in sodium. It comes out of the ground at 56.3 degrees celsius.

No one else was there when we went which was fortunate as the men's bath was too hot for me (45C?). The ladies bath was a bit more enjoyable temperature so I soaked away in peace as the beech trees swayed overhead.

One other problem was in between undressing and getting in the bath, we got eaten by flies. Not a pleasant sensation!

The day we went, Amekazari-sou was closed so we weren't able to experience their large outdoor bath. Further down the road is another onsen inn called Tochinoki-tei. Their bath will have to wait for another day, too.

So many onsens, so little time! That's Nagano for you.

雨飾荘 Amekazari-sou

The women's bath and changing 'room'

The approach

長野温泉トップ100: 小谷村「猫鼻の湯」 Nagano Onsens Top 100: Otari Village 'Nekohana'

June 21, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano







℡ c/o 清水衣料 (0261)72-3545 or 090-2666-7455
大人400円、子供200円 10:00-19:00 変動有り

In helping my buddy Peter research for his upcoming "Nagano Onsens Top 100" book, we took an onsen-hopping trip to Otari Village. Tucked away in Nagano Prefectures most northwestern corner, this trip really appealed to my appreciation of secluded onsens.

First stop: Yuhara Onsen "Nekohana no Yu"

This day-use bathhouse has no website, no brochures, and hardly any signage. Maybe that's precisely why it is so popular with the onsen blogging community.

Located by the 'Nekohana' cluster of buddhist statues on the Chikuni Kaido (aka Japan's Salt Road), to get to there you drive down Rt. 148 towards Itoigawa and the Sea of Japan. Once you pass the center of the village and before you cross over into Niigata Prefecture, in between the Shiosaka and Yuhara tunnels you turn right down towards the Hime River. There on a ledge above the river you will find the bathhouse. If coming on foot (as in hiking the Salt Road), Nekohana is in between the Hiraiwa and Kitaotari stations on the JR Itoigawa line.

Nekohana's mineral water is a sodium hydrogen carbonate and chloride onsen high in sodium, magnesium and calcium content. I detected a bit of an iron taste as well. The massive flow of onsen water can be cooled down by adding tapwater as you please. Nekohana's onsen well is adjacent to the baths so onsen purists who like their baths as close as possible to the source should be pleased.

The 'rotenburo' outdoor bath overlooks the Hime River. The building itself has a 'temporary shack'-feel. But Nekohana's focus is on the onsen water, the view and the hidden location -- not on facilities.

3634-2 Michisuji, Kita-Otari, Otari Village
Tel c/o Shimizu Clothes (0261)72-3545 or 090-2666-7455.
Adults 400 yen, Children 200 yen. Hours 10am-7pm.
Closed in winter due to snow.

Nekohana's bath with a view (nevermind the plastic roofing)

Changing room (with a loft!)

The onsen well

Nekohana's setting

The Salt Road

長野温泉トップ100: びんぐし Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Bingushi

June 12, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The view from Bingushi Onsen






A short 15 minute drive from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is Bingushi Yusankan day-use onsen facility in neighboring Sakaki Town. We rode our bikes their after visiting Sakaki's Rose Festival the other day.

Bingushi is perched on a hill overlooking the Chikuma River Valley, and its baths take advantage of the panorama. The baths are separated men and women, and both sides have 2 indoor baths and 5 outdoor ones, including ones made out of 'taru' barrels. My favorite is the 'ne-yu', one you lay down in to soak. Laying back with the onsen water caressing your body as you enjoy the view of the river valley is quite an extravagance.

As for the onsen water, only certain baths are kake-nagashi (pure onsen). Most are circulated and inject chlorine, so you can't enjoy the sulfur content in them as much.

In addition to the onsen baths, Yusankan also has an onsen water pool. And below is a fun park for kids (with a looooong slide) and a small cafe that features the local specialty, spicy oshibori-udon.

If you are looking for another onsen bath to try in the vicinity of Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, especially one with a fantastic view, then Bingushi Yusankan is nice and convenient.

びんぐし湯さん館 Bingushi Yusankan

長野温泉トップ100: 松代荘 Nagano Onsens Top 100: Matsushiro-sou

June 6, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Matsushiro Onsen's unique rusty water at Matsushiro-sou (overnight-use bath)




During a recent meeting at Matsushiro-sou, I made the best of the opportunity and had a soak in their onsen bath. Matsushiro Onsen is famous for its orange-colored water that comes from a high iron mineral content. You dip your white towel in it and it comes out orange. (I actually tried it, and it's true!)

There are 2 main bath facilities in Matsushiro Onsen. Matsushiro-sou is run by the city, and has impeccable changing room and shower facilities. Ichiyou-Kan (technically in Kagai Onsen but the two are literally a couple hundred meters apart) is relatively, well, rustic. One of its features is a mixed-gender outdoor bath.

Nagano is fortunate to have so many great types of onsens -- milky water, green water, sulfur springs, and so many more. Matsushiro's rusty onsen rates right up there with the best.

松代荘 Matsushiro-sou

一陽館 Ichiyou-Kan
非公式Unofficial site

Outdoor baths

長野市の新セントラルスクゥエア― Nagano City's New Central Square

June 2, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Miyashita-san demonstrating the gold medal podium in Nagano City's newly renovated Central Square




The awards ceremonies for the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics took place at Central Square, located in between Nagano Station and the venerable Zenkoji Temple. The medal stands had been left in place after the Olympics but had gotten a bit run down over the years. Central Square has been renovated recently -- a new medal stand and Olympic Torch replica have been built closer to the main road.

Now visitors can stand on the medal podiums and have their picture taken with the torch in the background.

With the London Olympics taking place this summer, and nearby South Korea scheduled to host the Winter Olympics in 2018, Nagano is once again getting Olympic fever!

長野温泉トップ100: あぐりの湯こもろ Nagano Onsens Top 100: Agri no Yu Komoro

May 30, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

あぐりの湯こもろ 外観



アクセス: この時代は皆の車のナビが付いているからどうにか辿り着くでしょうけど、道は分かり易い訳ではない。バスは色々調べたが、無さそう。

設備: 建物がまだまだ新しい感じする。広くて、綺麗。「湯上り室」まである。(初めて見た!)

お風呂: 3つの内風呂、2つの打たせの湯、露天風呂。とにかく、長めが最高。浅間山と千曲川の谷、ほっとする景色。

お湯: HPに説明はないぐらいに自慢じゃない。源泉が37℃という事は沸かしでしょう。かけ流しじゃなくて循環っぽい。

総合: もう少し時間を下さい。近辺に沢山の温泉がある(布引温泉、望月の湯など)。そういうのに入ってから判断したいと思います。まあ、疲れが取れたと言えば取れましたから、それなりの効果は確かにあります。

On the way back from our family drive, we stopped at Agri no Yu Komoro. This onsen bathhouse was built in 1998, so it is relatively new. It features an amazing view of the Chikuma River valley and Mt. Asama in the distance. There is a farmers market on the premises, so cityfolk can mingle with the farmers.

I'm not an onsen critic, but here is my critique anyways:

Access: Nowadays, everyone has a navigation system in their cars, so just punch in the telephone number and you'll get there. Otherwise, the road is certainly out of the way, and a thorough search didn't come up with any public transportation options.

Facilities: The building still has a newly-built feel to it. Spacious and clean. And there is even a separate cooling-down room adjacent to the baths -- the first time I've ever seen one of those!

Baths: 3 indoor baths, 2 waterfall baths, and an outdoor bath with a killer view. So great variety. However, the outdoor bath had a roof over it (can't soak in the starlight that way) and its garden had way too much plastic bamboo for my tastes.

Onsen: Not even their website talks about the mineral water, so the quality of the onsen water is not the main draw here. It looks to be heated and recirculated.

Overall: Give me a bit more time. I want to check out the nearby onsens (Nunobiki, Mochizuki, etc.) before passing judement on Agri. However, I can say that the bathing experience there overall was very refreshing.

あぐりの湯こもろ Agri no Yu Komoro

The view from Agri no Yu

我が家族で白樺ファミリーリゾート Our Family at the Shirakaba Family Resort

May 29, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Andy and Misaki enjoying Shirakaba Resort's Go-Karts



アクセス 大門街道を通ったけど、のんびりした1時間45分ドライブで田舎の景色を楽しみながら、良かった。

場所 湖と蓼科や周辺の山々は気持ちいい景色。空気は高台らしい気持ちいい。湖辺の散歩がお勧め!

遊園地 所々にペンキを塗ってあげたいけど、子供達はアドベンチャーカートやコースター、トランポリンなど、大喜び。

コーストパフォーマンス 家族5人で一万円でした。まあ、映画2本分ぐらいので、比較したらそれ以上な楽しみだったでしょう。

お客様にお勧め? これは悩みます。私達が行ったのは平日だった。週末や連休なら割高くなるし、きっと混むでしょう。その代り、夏休みとかでもっと湖の遊びも出来るそうです。

オプション 近辺の「世界の影絵・きり絵・ガラス・オルゴール美術館」がお勧めです。藤城清治さんの作品が素晴らしい!

On the north bank of 1400m altitude Shirakaba Lake is a small amusement park called Shirakaba Family Resort. I don't know how well-known it is in Tokyo, but here in Nagano we see their commercials all the time.

One recent weekday, our kids had a day off from school so we went for a drive to check out the park for ourselves. Here is my attempt at a review:

Access Leisurely 1 hour 45 minute drive through the Nagano countryside following the old Daimon Kaido trail from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada.

Amusement I kept wanting to get out a brush and help paint over some of the peeling spots, but the kids enjoyed the go-karts, coaster, trampoline and more.

Setting Picturesque Shirakaba Lake surrounded by Tateshina Mountain and other tall peaks, in fresh mountain air. Fantastic. I highly suggest taking a stroll on the boardwalk on the lake's west bank.

Cost Performance For our family of five, it cost 10,000 yen. Considering that's about what 2 movies would have cost, I'd say we got more enjoyment from the park.

Recommendable? That's a tricky question. There are plenty of amusement parks around with more attention to detail (i.e., less rust). But you can't beat the lake and mountain setting.

Optional side tour Don't miss the art museum featuring the work of light and shadow artist Seiji Fujishiro.

白樺リゾートファミリーランド Shirakaba Resort Family Land

The coaster

Precure (?) land for girls

Splash ride

Dad and Misaki on the go-kart

Spin ride (peeling paint and all)

千曲万博でロンドンオリンピック? London Olympics at the Chikuma Expo

May 27, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Gold Medal Winner Misaki!


The Chikuma Expo took place on the 27th. People from over 15 countries living here in Chikuma City and Nagano Prefecture gathered to share their home country's culture, especially with the local school kids.
Besides sampling cuisine from Thailand and Afganistan, we juggled with Uncle Sam, made magnets of Australian animals, and played the United Nations flag quiz.
Our kids are looking forward to the London Olympics this summer, and really enjoyed the UK booth.
The Chikuma Expo gets bigger every year. We are looking forward to next year!

長野温泉トップ100: 奥山田温泉 Nagano Onsens Top 100: Oku-Yamada Onsen

May 15, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Manzansou's outdoor bath at Oku-Yamada Onsen






And the Nagano Onsen Top 100 project goes on. I am helping my buddy Peter write a book about Nagano Onsens, and we took another trip, first to Yamada Onsen (see the previous entry) and then to Oku-Yamada Onsen.

"Oku" means "further back". I had thought Yamada Onsen, situated like it is in the midst of the Matsukawa Gorge, was about as deep into the mountains as you could go. Little did I know that deeper and up into the mountains is this flat spot at 1500m altitude, that to the west, overlooks Nagano City and the Zenkoji Plain in the distance, and to the east, is towered over by Mt. Kasa-ga-dake and Mt. Manza.

In the winter, this spot becomes the Yamaboko ski area (with 70% of the runs left un-groomed for a wild, natural snow experience). And in the summer, it becomes Yamada Bokujo Ranch, with cows wandering around grazing. It's a destination for bicyclists who like lots of altitude gain, and a starting point for trekkers (apparently the 'Oku-Yamada - over Kasa-ga-dake to Shiga Kogen, cross over to Manza Onsen, then over Mt. Manza and back down to Oku-Yamada' course is the perfect 2-day loop trek.)

Oku-Yamada is 8.3km past and up from Yamada Onsen, about 15 minutes by car. If you came by bus to Yamada Onsen, the best way is to pre-arrange for a taxi to meet you there to take you the rest of the way to Oku-Yamada.

The onsen water here is of the milky-variety with a strong sulfur content. It definitely makes for a memorable onsen experience.

Perhaps the best known inn here is Manzansou. Although Manzansou itself is a member of the Japan Association of Secluded Hot Spring Inns, if you ask me, all of Oku-Yamada could qualify. Not many people know of Oku-Yamada, and its location deep and up into the mountains is certainly secluded. Anyways, Manzansou has artistic, hand-made touches throughout, giving it a special, one-of-a-kind feel. And the outdoor baths, with their views of Nagano City below in the distance, are unforgettable.

The inn with the most novel onsen bath is the Redwood Inn. Their outdoor baths are made out of hallowed-out slices cut from a 1650-year old real redwood tree. I had heard rumors of the redwood baths but it was impressive to see them in person. And the mens bath was particularly nice with the view of Mt. Kasa-ga-dake looming the background

満山荘 Manzansou
レッドウッド・イン Redwood Inn

Artistic approach to the secluded Manzansou

Unique touches to Manzansou's indoor bath

The legendary redwood onsen bath

長野温泉トップ100: 山田温泉編 Nagano Onsens Top 100: Yamada Onsen

May 14, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Yamada Onsen's O-Yu






In my efforts to help my buddy Peter write his book "Nagano's Top 100 Onsens", this time we went to Yamada Onsen.

Located in Shinshu Takayama Village's upper reaches of the Matsukawa Ravine, Yamada Onsen is a small onsen resort with 6 inns grouped around O-Yu, the main bath house. Access is via car (35 min. from Suzaka IC on the Joshin'etsu Expressway) or bus (40 min. from Suzaka Station on the Nagano Dentetsu Line). Along the way, you pass a red arched bridge which, with the stunning backdrop of the forested ravine side makes for some picturesque scenery. Welcome to the Matsukawa Ravine. Known especially for the colors of the leaves in autumn, the area is beautiful any time of year.

One of the better known inns in Yamada Onsen is Fujiiso. The owner, Fujisawa-san, showed us around. Their elegantly appointed lobby features a series of picture windows giving you a panaromic view of the trees in the ravine. Their onsen bath also takes advantage of the scenic setting where you can soak in the onsen water (clear water high in sodium chloride with a slightly salty taste) as you enjoy the serenity of the trees. The minerals in the onsen water, by the way, supposedly work to soothingly warm your body.

Next Fujisawa-san took us across the street to Taki-no-yu. Normally this classic wooden bathhouse is only open to residents and guests of the inns, but Fujisawa-san let us in as a special favor. The onsen water originates at 60C, so even with regular tap water being added to the bath it was painfully hot. But one local elderly man was soaking away as blissfully as can be.

Yamada Onsen's other famous inn is Fukeikan. Their claim to fame is the Sennin-buro (hermit's bath). Perched on a cliff 150 scary steps down from the inn, the bath precariously looks over the roaring Matsukawa River as it is squeezed through its most narrow point along the ravine. I had no idea Nagano had such a wild onsen bath!

藤井荘 Fujiiso
風景館 Fukeikan

Footbath in front of O-Yu (notice the waterwheel in the back)

Yamada Onsen Spa Wine Center

Yamada Onsen Taki-no-Yu facade

Taki-no-Yu's hot bath and classic wooden architecture

Fujiiso's bath and ravine setting

Walking down Fukeikan's scary steps...

...to the wild Hermit's Bath

Onsen-pornography -- Fukeikan's much more sedated private outdoor bath