屋代の隠れ宝: 屋代小学校 Yashiro's Hidden Gem: Its Elementary School

August 23, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Yashiro's Little Old Schoolhouse




Around 10 years ago, our Togura-Kamiyamada merged with neighboring Koshoku to become Chikuma City. Old Koshoku's central district is called Yashiro. Recently I had an appointment there, and while wandering the back roads I stumbled upon Yashiro Elementary School and its original main building.

I was surprised to find such a beautiful 2-story classic wooden building! According to its sign, the schoolhouse was built in 1888 in Gi-You style, with traditional elements (such as the Japanese roof tiles) intertwined with designs borrowed from the West (like the columns and the round arch). The schoolhouse was apparently used until 1978 -- an amazing 90 years -- before being replaced by the concete eye-sore behind it.

I've been living in Chikuma City for 6-1/2 years. I'm on the board of directors for the city's Tourism Association, and have been on the committee in charge of producing the Association's pamphlets for 4+ years. Why am I just now finding out about this hidden gem of a schoolhouse? Why doesn't the city try to make better use of it?

屋代小学校旧本館Yashiro Elementary School's Original Schoolhouse

It's modern replacement -- Uggh!

長野トップ100温泉: 御牧の湯 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Mimaki-no-Yu

August 21, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Mimaki's indoor bath with the fenced-in outdoor bath in the background

また温泉巡りの続き。今回は東信の東御市の御牧の湯。千曲川の周辺で沢山の立ち寄り湯がある: あぐりの湯、布引温泉、アートビレッジ明神館、等など。川の反対側にゆらり館、ゆぅふるtanaka、等など。競争が激しい中で、御牧の湯の役割は何でしょうか?


Another hop to an onsen, this time Mimaki no Yu in Tomi City. There are so many day-use onsen in this stretch along the Chikuma River, how does Mimaki no Yu compare?

Well, it's facilities are relaticely new, but they aren't as grand as Agri no Yu in neighboring Komoro City.
The view of Mt. Asama in the distance is nice from the indoor bath, but is blocked by a fence from the outdoor one. Art Village Myojinkan's panaroma view of rice fields in the foreground and Mt. Asama in the background is much more spectacular.
Mimaki no Yu's location is convenient, located as it is right along Prefectural Route 40. But if convenience is your thing, you can't beat Yuufuru Tanaka, just steps away from Tanaka Station.

So what sets Mimaki no Yu apart? As they used to say back home at the Olympia Brewery, 'It's the water'. All of the other bathhouses in the area seem to have a lot lower mineral content in their water. Mimaki no Yu's onsen analysis sheet says their water is clear with a slight oily smell and a salty taste. Not sure about the source of the smell, but the water is high in natrium (sodium) content.

If quality of the onsen water is high on your list of criteria, then Mimaki no Yu would be a good onsen to try.

御牧の湯Mimaki no Yu

Mimaki's entrance (note Asama Mountain looming in the distance)

親子で吹きガラス体験@軽井沢 Family Glass Blowing at Karuizawa

August 20, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano





For our sons' last day of summer vacation, I wanted to do something special with them. So I took them to Karuizawa to try glass blowing.

At the Karuizawa Glass Studio, you can blow your own glass. Their website said kids from 6+ can do it. So I made a reservation, and we all piled in the car and went for a drive to Karuizawa. It took approx. 1 hour to get there from Kamesei Ryokan.

My home town of Seattle is probably second behind Venice in glass art. I grew up drooling over the creative works of glass artist Dale Chihuly, and had always dreamt about trying glass blowing. But there just aren't a lot of studios in Seattle where amateurs can try it.

Which is why I am so excited that here in Nagano Prefecture, in Karuizawa Town, there is a studio where beginners can try their hand at blowing glass. It was great to experience with together with the boys. Working around the white-hot kiln, under the steady guidance of the studio staff, making your own glass was a confidence-building and rewarding experience.

軽井沢ガラス工房 Karuizawa Glass Studio

Kenny making glass in Karuizawa

Andy blowing glass

The finished product

The glass studio

長野トップ100温泉: 鹿教湯温泉 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Kakeyu Onsen

August 16, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Monju no Yu's entrance



In my research of Nagano's Top 100 Onsens, the latest one I went to is Kakeyu Onsen. I've been to Kakeyu many times, but this time I wanted to check out the main public bath, Monju no Yu.

First, a bit of background on Kakeyu Onsen. The name means 'The onsen that a deer revealed'. According to legend, a particularly religious local hunter went to the mountains to try to find some game. He wasn't having luck finding any animals, and ended up walking deeper and deeper into the mountains. As he was about to give up and return, he spotted a deer grazing. He took up his bow and shot an arrow that hit the deer in its back. The deer ran off with the arrow still attached. As fast as the hunter chased, he couldn't keep up with the deer. Since it was getting dark, he decided to return home. The next day, he searched the area where he encountered the deer but to no avail. As he was about to go back home, he saw the deer bathing in a pool of water, apparently fully healed. Just then, Monju Bosatsu (the bodishattva of wisdom) appeared. "In recognition of your fervent belief, I am revealing the location of this onsen to you. Share it with everybody."

In Kakeyu Onsen, there is a temple dedicated to Monju Bosatsu (said to be one of the top three of such temples in Japan), and the main public bath is named Monju no Yu, in honor of the diety.

Monju no Yu is the current configuration of Kakeyu's O-Yu main bath. Historically, none of the inns had their own baths. Residents and visitors alike would come to the O-Yu to bathe. Nowadays, the 22 current inns and hotels have their own onsen baths, and many residences have soaking baths and/or showers. Yet even today, it is common to get a change of scenery and try another onsen bath, hence the popularity of Monju no Yu.

Located next to the original spot where onsen water first came to the surface (some 1200 years ago), the current Monju no Yu bathing facilities were built relatively recently (1990's?). The location overlooks the Uchimura River and is adjacent to Godaikyo, Kakeyu's symbolic wooden covered bridge that leads to the Monju Bosatsu temple. It's a picture-perfect location, and so tranquil. Walking down the lane from Kakeyu's main street to the river, it's like a different world, one that time left behind and that belongs to nature with the shady wooded valley and gurgling stream below. It was easily 5 degrees cooler down by the bridge and bathhouse than up on the main street.

Also, a little more bit of background on Kakeyu Onsen. It is the home to Kakeyu Hospital which specializes in rehabilitation, taking advantage of the rejunivate power of the onsen water. In fact, a majority of the guests to Kakeyu come for extended stays (called 'Touji' in Japanese) -- to recuperate after an operation, to rest up in the farming off-season, to take time to write a book, etc. The relatively cool (38-40 deg C) temperature of the onsen water lends itself to long, leisurely soaks. And the town is fairly compact with just the degree of hills to make going for a stroll a bit of good exercise. Several of the inns offer "Ji-sui" where guests cook for themselves during their long stay.

Along with nearby Reisen-ji Onsen and Oshio Onsen, Kakeyu is a designated National Recuperative Onsen District. The mineral content of the onsen water is considered to be so good for your body when taken internally (i.e. for drinking) that Kakeyu was selected as the Ozeki (top in sumo ranks) of Eastern Japan.

With its legendary origins, history and rejuvinative waters, I wanted to give Kakeyu Onsen's Monju no Yu a try. And, so, does it make Tyler's Top 100 Onsens of Nagano list?

If one (any one at all) of the showers had more than just a trickle,
if the baths had even just a small water spout (I don't care if the baths have to be recirculated -- have some of the water enter the bath from a spout; that is one of the essential things that make an onsen an onsen!)
if the outdoor bath had more than just a peek-a-boo view of the Uchimura River and the iconic Godaikyo bridge,

then it would make my Top 100 list.

So, Kakeyu Onsen is definitely one of Nagano's more important onsen districts -- I just suggest not limiting yourself to the official public bath Monju no Yu; Try a bath in one of the hotels, too. And you can't go wrong with Saito Hotel. Their outdoor bath features an exquisite garden.

文殊の湯Monju no Yu

Monju no Yu's indoor bath (not a single shower had more than a trickle!)

The outdoor bath and the peek-a-boo view (in the plastic bamboo -- uggh!)

Where it all started -- the location of the original Kakeyu onsen spring

Kakeyu's iconic wooden covered bridge, Godaikyo. Decorated with ice candles in the winter.

Stroll-friendly lanes in Kakeyu Onsen

長野なりのチンカレー Microwave Curry from Nagano

August 15, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Promoting Nagano's Gourmet Specialties via microwave curry





値段はSBの3倍ぐらいけど、長野県の名物グルメ牛肉と鶏肉を生かして、これは応援しなければならないと思って、買ってみました。長野県の皆さんは「Made in Nagano」をどうやって広がれるか、必死です。チンカレーは良いアイディアだ!


I am a bit embarassed to admit, but I am a fan of Japanese microwavable curry. You just open the pack, microwave it for a couple of minutes, and voila! Yummy curry for lunch. It's inexpensive, fast, fills you up, tastes good, and it's so easy. Just don't ask how healthy it is...

Anyways, my personal favorite is curry by SB. Their factory is in nearby Ueda City. Everytime I drive by it, the tantalizing scent comes wafting my way.

The other day, I went shopping at a local supermarket and saw 2 types of microwave curry that I'd never seen before: Shinshu Wagyu Curry and Shinshu Herb Chicken Curry. 'Shinshu' is the classic name for Nagano, and the Wagyu and Herb Chicken are 2 made-in-Nagano products that the prefecture is hoping to promote. Nagano's Wagyu is from cows that are fed Nagano's apples, so has a hint of fruity sweetness. The Herb Chicken is free-range and has a highly regarded taste.

Increasing the presence of Nagano's gourmet products via incorporating them into these curries is certainly a novel idea. And does the taste hold up to the hype? That is yet to be seen!

長野トップ100温泉: 中棚荘 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Nakadanaso

August 5, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nakadanaso's outdoor bath with its woodsy setting overlooking the Chikuma River

この間の東信温泉巡りの続き: 小諸市の中棚荘。


歴史、風情、自然、誇り、中棚荘は東信の代表的な宿。一つだけの注意点: バリアーフリーな、完璧に清浄されているお風呂が好きな方に合わないかもしれない。


Started in 1892, Komoro City's Nakadanasou is run by the capable hands of its 5th generation innkeeper, Tomioka-san. Well respected in the ryokan community, the inn Tomioka-san runs is also popular amongst onsen-lovers. In the winter months, Nakadanaso features a flotilla of apples floating in the onsen baths. The sweet fragrant of the apples mingles with the mineral water to create a most relaxing environment for the bathers. The woodsy setting and the historical building also contribute to the overall subdued mood of Nakadanaso.

One of Nakadanaso's claims to fame is it was one of the favorite inns of Japan's literary great Shimazaki Toson (d.1943). The inn is just down the hill from Kaikoen, Komoro's 'castle in a hole'. And it's just up from the banks of the Chikuma River, with the mysterious Nunobiki Kannon Temple a 10 minute drive down river. So there is lots to see and do in between your soaks in the apple baths.

Please note that the approach to Nakadanaso's onsen baths is a lyberinthian course of stairs and passageways so perhaps not the best for people that have difficulty walking. And while the bathhouses are tastefully constructed wood buildings, the onsen water itself is a bit on the mild side. Actually, the apple bath idea is representative of that. If one were to place apples in an onsen with fuller mineral content like the water here at Togura-Kamiyamada, the minerals would interact with the apples and create a mess.


The changing room open to the showers and the main bath, all with beautiful wood appointments

Nakadanaso's main entrance

A peak at the Heiseikan rooms

長野トップ100温泉: Art Village明神館 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Art Village Myojinkan

August 4, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




東御市にあるArt Village明神館。


近くに他には沢山の温泉施設があるから、競争はきっと激しい。小諸アグリーの湯や御牧乃湯、布引温泉、布引漢音温泉など。その中で、Art Village明神館は比較的にこじんまりした、馴染みやすい大きさ。そして、偶々行った日の天気は良かったせいか、Art Village明神館のお風呂からの浅間山連峰の景色が一番良いと思った。


温泉宿の経営者として羨ましいと思ったのはシャワーの配管。元の配管が壁の中で被されて、止めてあった。新しい配管は壁の表面を通してあって、裸のままだった。亀清旅館の場合、上山田温泉の御湯の成分が強くて、金造の配管を外に出したらすぐ真っ黒になってしまう。Art Village明神館のお湯は成分が薄いせいか、配管は綺麗なままで残っている。

と言う訳で、温泉の湯質にうるさい私みたいな方にはArt Village明神館はがっかりするかもしれません。一応、ナトリウム・カルシウム塩化物温泉だそうですが、薄いし循環しているし、あまり温泉らしくないお湯だったのは残念でした。


小さ目の市営温泉で田んぼと浅間山の景色を眺めて、湯質は気にしない方にArt Village明神館にお勧め。

Further Nagano Onsen-hopping adventures. This time, Art Village Myojinkan in Tomi City, in Eastern Nagano.

Usually when you mention "Myojinkan", most people will assume you mean exclusive, internationally recognized ryokan in Tobira Onsen in the foothills east of Matsumoto.

Or perhaps the Myojinkan on the banks of Myojin Pond in Kamikochi in the Japanese Alps west of Matsumoto.

But there is actually a 3rd Myojinkan, this Art Village one. It started out as the main village onsen bathhouse for Kitamimaki Village which merged with the neighboring Tobu Town to become Tomi City in 2004. Art Village Myojinkan's bath is still much beloved by the inhabitants of the Kitamimaki side of Tomi.

Despite being a municipally-run onsen, Art Village Myojinkan has a bit of a designer feel to it. There are several onsens in the vicinity, many with similar views of the Asama Mountain range, such as Mimaki no Yu, Nunobiki Onsen, Nunobiki Kannon Onsen, and Komoro's Agri no Yu. But Art Village Myojinkan stands out from the crowd thanks to its artistic touches.

First there's the decorative fence along the 'village' pond you pass as you drive to the bathhouse. Then there's the cozy size of the building and the baths, especially compared to the imposing structures of Agri no Yu and other nearby behomoth baths. And there's also the use of designer materials in the baths. I especially liked the 'stressed' feel of the concrete tilework in the bathing area.

But the big draw for Art Village Myojinkan's bath is the view from the outdoor bath. It overlooks lush green rice paddies with Mount Asama commanding attention in the distance. The other baths in the area also feature views of Asama. Perhaps it was because we had the fortune of good weather when we visited, but I felt Myojinkan's view was the best.

One thing as an onsen inn operator myself was the way the pipes for the showers were run. It was clear that the original pipes that were covered by the wall had been capped off, and the current pipes for the showers run along the surface of the wall. The steel pipes give a modernistic industrial feel that matched the other designer details of the baths.

It made me a bit jealous, though. If we tried running metal pipes on the surface here at Kamiyamada Onsen, the strong mineral content of the hot spring water would turn the pipes completely black in a matter of months.

Which is an indication of how mild Art Village Myojinkan's onsen is. While the onsen data says it the water contains sodium calcium chloride, the baths left me with a desire for a heftier onsen feel to the water.

So that's my take on Art Village Myojinkan's onsen: appealing modernistic designer touches, outsanding view of Mt. Asama from the baths, but a little weak in the onsen water department. And forget taking public transportation -- closest is Tanaka Station on the Shinano Railway line which is a 15 minute taxi ride away. Even by car, you better hope your GPS navigator is up for the task, as the location is a bit difficult to find.

Art Village Myojinkan

Art Village Myojinkan's outdoor bath with Asama Mountain in the distance

The indoor bath with its unique details

The approach to the main entrance

Nearby Art Park

八方尾根トレッキングと高山植物 Happoone Hiking and Alpine Wildflowers

July 2, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Happoone Trekking Path




亀清旅館から車で約1時間15分、そしてゴンドラ・リフトで約20分: いきなりアルプスの高山メッカにいられる。


The Happoone Development Company treated me to a trekking tour of Mt. Happoone the other day. I met Sejima-san and Nalini-san at one of the Happoone Onsen bathhouses in Hakuba Village's Happoone district. One gondola and two ski lift rides later, we were at 1830-meter Happo-Ike Sanso (Happo Pond Mountain Hut). And after a strenuous 1-hour hike we reached the legendary Happo Pond.

At 2060 meters, Happo Pond literally feels like it is in the heavens. Surrounded by 3,000-meter peaks on one side, and panoramic views of the Hakuba basin and beyond on the other, with alpine wildflowers scattered around at your feet, Happo Pond makes for a blissful experience. Here you can really feel the power and breadth of nature.

The day we went, the pond was still covered with snow, and the Hakuba Mountain Range was playing hide-and-go-seek behind some clouds. But we got peak-a-boo views of the massive Hakuba mountains on the way, and could certainly get a sense of the grandeur Happo Pond must offer when its snow covering is gone and the mountains are reflected in its surface.

Hakuba is a convenient 1 hour 15 minute drive from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen. With the guilt-enducingly easy 20 minute ride on the gondola and ski lifts, you too can be in alpine heaven.

八方尾根開発 Happoone Development

Alpine wildflowers with the Hakuba Range in the background

The Hakuba Mountains Playing Peek-a-boo

Happo Ike (Pond) Cairn

Alpine pines in flower

Snow Patch Shapes in the Hakuba Mountains

Happoone Soul Food -- Ohyakkuri

After trekking Happoone Ridge, we came back down to the Happo district of central Hakuba for lunch. I was treated to a hearty meal at "Ohyokkuri". Udon noodles cooked in onsen water and a thick stew known here as ohyokkuri (the namesake of the restaurant) filled me up after that strenuous trekking.
おひょっくり Ohyokkuri

長野温泉トップ100:大町温泉郷 Nagano Onsen Top 100: Omachi Onsen

June 30, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano






My 'research' of Nagano's top onsens recently took me to Omachi Onsen. The Omachi-Hakuba-Otari Onsen Association invited me to go and give a talk about what westerners expect when they come to Japan. I was happy to oblige but had an ulterior motive -- I wanted to find out more about Omachi Onsen.

Omachi Onsen is relatively new, having come into existence around the construction of the Kurobe Dam and the Tateyama Alpine Route in 1971. It's a planned onsen resort with spacious, wooded lots (average hotel lot size is 7000m2) and nice, wide lanes. Perfect for walking or cycling, with a tributary to the Takase River to play in and views of the grand Japanese Alps. Besides being the Nagano gateway to the Alpine Route, Omachi is also convenient to Aoki Lake and Azumino (famous for art museums and wasabi fields).

Omachi Onsen's 14 hotels offer a wide variety of accommodation. From 11-room boutique-like Azumino Kawasho to massive 170-room Tateyama Prince Hotel. In between is the posh Shoen (part of the Hoshino Resort chain), Ryokan Kashiwa-sou with the charismatic Sachie-san charming the guests, the German Alps-themed Kurobe Kanko Hotel, and more. There is also an onsen bathhouse for daytrippers, Yakushi-no-Yu.

The onsen water originates in Kuzu Onsen, 10km upstream where it comes out of the ground at 66.3C. The water is simple mineral water with low alkalidity and low osmotic pressure.

I'd like to introduce two of the onsen facilities, the daytrippers bathhouse Yakushi no Yu, and the ryokan where I stayed, Yamada-ya.

大町温泉郷Omachi Onsen

Yakushi no Yu entrance

Yakushi-no-Yu is Omachi Onsen's main bathhouse. I went during an off-peak time on a weekday morning, but there were still plenty of bathers. It's a popular bathhouse. One of the indoor baths is pure onsen water but the temperature was so low, nobody was bathing in it. Instead, everyone was in the larger indoor bath which is heated and recirculated. The outdoor bath was spacious but would have been more enjoyable if it had a view of the Alps. The outdoor bath made of river rocks is apparently only operating in the summer, so unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy it.

薬師の湯Yakushi no Yu

Hotel Yamada-ya's Outdoor Bath

Hotel Yamada-ya's owners provide surprisingly friendly service considering its size (51 rooms). The indoor bath was nice and spacious but I always like outdoor baths more.

ホテル山田屋 Hotel Yamada-ya

During my talk, I had the privelege of meeting the mayor of Omachi. It turns out Ushikoshi-san is an avid archery fan. I promised to put the word out about Omachi's upcoming horse-back archery event, Yabusame. Officially called the Omachi Nyakuichi-Oji Festival, the main event will take place on Sunday 22-July this year (2012) with a procession to start at Omachi Station around 10am, winding up at Nyakuichi Oji Shrine around 3pm for the childrens' archery demonstration.

Omachi Yabusame (English -- translation by Yours Truly)

長野温泉トップ100小谷村:山田旅館 Nagano Onsens Top 100: Otari Village 'Yamada Ryokan'

June 23, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Me enjoying Yamada Ryokan's Ne-Yu










Our 3rd onsen stop in Otari Village:

Otari Onsen 'Yamada Ryokan'

Samurai warlord Takeda Shingen is credited with discovering Otari Onsen in 1555. That's 457 years ago from now (2012). Yamada Ryokan's main building is a three-story wooden structure built in the Edo era by the temple carpenters who put together the venerable Zenkoji Temple. Yamada Ryokan is the designated "O-Yu" (primary bathhouse) of Otari Onsen.

The onsen water has been flowing on this spot for 457 years. Yamada Ryokan has been protecting this mountain onsen for all of those generations. And the chloride hydrogen carbonate onsen water high in sodium content is the real deal. There is an objet of encrusted carbonate that built up over decades -- proof that Otari Onsen's water is really mineral water.

I love it!

But where I felt the inn exuded history and onsen essence, my buddy Peter wasn't a fan of the overall rundown feel. Certainly the main bath in the original building was a mismatch of tacky tile, grotesque concrete crown molding, cold aluminum frame doors -- an interior decorator's nightmare. But on closer inspection, and a leisurely soak in the onsen water, you realize how soothing the minerals are, how strong they are with the carbon-encrusted lip of the pool, and what a clever use of space it is, with a Ne-yu (laying-down bath -- see the picture) and an Utase-yu (waterfall bath) all in the tight quarters.

Besides the indoor bath in the main building, the newer building features another pair of indoor baths (I like the wood barrel used for the onsen water source) adjacent to outdoor baths featuring a sweeping view of the forested valley.

I can understand why Takeda Shingen fell in love with this Otari Onsen.

Yamada Ryokan (Secluded Baths of Japan page)

Edo-period 3-story wooden main building

Utase-Yu waterfall with impressive (?) concrete crown molding

carbonate build-up -- proof that this ain't just tapwater

New bulding's indoor bath ...

... and adjacent outdoor bath with a view of the valley