ついに上田市のハイキング・ウォーキングの英語の本 Ueda Hiking/Walking Book Now Out

December 17, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Peter showing off his new Ueda book (blue) along side the Chikuma one

千曲市在住のPeter Ninnesさんは以前に出版した千曲市のハイキング・ウォーキング・サイクリングのガイドブックのついでに、上田市周辺のガイドブックを出版しました。



Fellow Expat here in Togura-Kamiyamada, Peter Ninnes, has released his 2nd Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano Guide Book. His first was for Chikuma City. This one is for Ueda City and Environs.

From a walk through a series of temples dating back to the 13th century, to serious hikes up to the spectacular 360-degree views from the tops of the area's mountains, this book features 16 different courses.

It is perfect for non-Japanese speakers to get the most out of exploring Ueda, as well as for local Japanese studying English.

We have several copies for sale here at Kamesei Ryokan, so feel free to inquire.

Hiking, Walking & Biking Nagano -- 16 Tours in Ueda City and Environs

M-Wave オリンピック記念展示 Olympics Exhibition

December 9, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Our kids bobbing in the bobsleigh at the M-Wave Olympics Exhibition Corner


さあ、クイズタイム: スキージャンプかスピードスケート、どちらのジャージーが軽いでしょうか?


The other day I took our kids to M-Wave to watch the World Cup Speed Skating. While there, we checked out the Nagano Olympics Exhibition Corner.

I had seen a bit of the exhibit before, but this was the first time to explore it in depth. And I was pleasantly surprised to see how deep the exhibit is, with plenty of interactive exhibits to get a feel of what the '98 Winter Olympic experience was like.

Okay, quiz time: Which is lighter, a ski jumpers uniform or a speedskaters'?
And, just how heavy is the torch that the runners carry?
Our favorite exhibit was the bobsleigh that sits in front of a video screen showing actual footage from a run down the Spiral, the course used for the Olympics.
As the video shows the bobsleigh careening through the corners, you find your body naturally leaning into the curves.

If you go to M-Wave to see a competition, to go ice skating yourself, or to attend one of the many events held there, be sure to see the Olympics Exhibition Corner, too!

Note: The website has been recently renewed, and in addition to Japanese and English, now features français, 中文(Simplified Chinese), and 한국어 (Korean).

ワールドカップスピードスケート@M-Wave World Cup Speed Skating

December 8, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Pro Speed Skaters at M-Wave




Here in Nagano, one of the winter sports that can be enjoyed is ice skating. And M-Wave, the ice rink built for the '98 Winter Olympics, is the perfect place to skate. On December 8th and 9th, a World Cup Speed Skating competition was held, and athletes from across the world came to skate.

Our family always goes skating at M-Wave a couple times of year, and there are usually speed skating teams there practicing. But these pro skaters were in a class above what we've ever seen before. They were so fast it was practically impossible to photograph the skaters.

It's such a privelege living in Nagano to be able to see World Cup Speed Skating!

ワールドカップスピードスケート World Cup Speed Skating


長野トップ100温泉: 戸倉温泉「白鳥園」 Nagano's Top 100 Onsens: "Hakuchouen" in Togura Onsen

November 28, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Rich sulfur-laden onsen water pouring into Hakuchouen's 300-person "Mammoth Bath". (Just don't ask how the onsen water IN the bath is...)

長野県は温泉が沢山あって、回り切れない。近場でもまだ行った事がないのがあります。今回はその一つにデビューしました: 戸倉温泉の白鳥園。






100円のゲームセンター (モグラたたきで私が今日のハイスコアが出来た!)、




In researching (?) Nagano's Top 100 Onsens, I've come to realize that there are just so many onsens, it's going to be impossible to try them all. There are several here in Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen even that I haven't been to yet. I finally made my "debut" at one of those -- Togura Onsen's Hakuchouen.

Even though Hakuchouen is only a 15 minute walk from Kamesei Ryokan,
and even though it is a legend in these parts (in the era before Tokyo Disneyland, Hakuchouen served as somewhat of an amusement park so all of the old-timers in the area speak fondly of their memories of the place),
this was my first time to experience the legend.

First, my attempt at being an onsen critic:

The onsen water is high in sulfur content, similar to Kamiyada's. So where it comes pouring out into the bath, there is a strong sulfur smell. But the bath water is recirculated so with the chlorine and what-not added, it looses any special "onsen" sensation.

However, the variety of the baths makes up for that. First there is the massive main indoor bath, nicknamed the "Mammoth Bath" (supposedly big enough for 300 people), and an outdoor bath made out of impressively large boulders. But wait, there's more! 3 more indoor baths -- a bubble bath, one where you lay down in, and a lukewarm bath, perfect for dipping in after coming out of the sauna.

And no description of Hakuchouen would be complete without mentioning the extras:
a cafeteria with, besides the regular ramen and donburi fare, features some seriously potent garlic-seasoned yakitori (chicken-on-skewers),
a game center (I got the day's high score on the Whack the Mole game!),
ping-pong tables,
karaoke singing,
a shop selling everything from peanuts to go with your beer to clothes of questionable fashion sense.
(The various areas have different operation hours so double-check once you get there.)
There's even an Okamoto Taro sculpture in the entrance. And to top it off, the emperor once spent the night at Hakuchouen. (They even have the tableware and dishes he used on display.)

Hakuchouen is more than just its onsen water -- you have to consider the total package. The entire time-slip total.

Just be sure to consider it soon -- it will all be replaced in about a year's time.

(What will happen to that classic Whack the Mole game?)

Hakuchouen's outdoor bath featuring impressive bolders

Don't miss the cafeteria's yakitori!

Hakuchouen's Namesake Swan Sign

The Okamoto Taro Sculpture

長野トップ100温泉 虫歌の湯 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Mushi-Uta no Yu

November 26, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Mushi-Uta no Yu's facade, with the snow-covered northern Alps in the distance





My research (if you can call it that) of Nagano's Top 100 Onsens continues. This time it was Mushi-Uta no Yu in Nagano City's Matsushiro district. Located at the foot of Mt. Minakami (rumored to be a pyramid visited by UFO's), Mushi-Uta no Yu overlooks Nagano City and the Zenkoji Plain. Several acquaintances who live in Matsushiro recommended Mushi-Uta for its view.

Mushi-Uta literally means "the insects' song". It refers to Matsushiro's roots as a silkworm growing area. Children used to hear the cries of the silkworms struggling to break out of their cocoons and had a statue dedicated to Kannon (the Goddess of Mercy) built nearby.

Not that I'm an onsen critic, but here is my arguably critical take on Mushi-Uta no Yu:

The large outdoor bath is massive, and features huge boulders and a garden. However, just 10 minutes further up Route 35 is Juppuku no Yu whose outdoor bath features even more impressive boulders and a much more complete garden.
The highly-touted view from the outdoor bath overlooking the valley turned out to be disappointing, as you had to stand up to enjoy it due to fence blocking the view. About 10 minutes north of Matsushiro is Omuro Onsen's Makiba no Yu has a much more panaromic view of the valley.
For me, the most important part is the quality of the onsen water, and that was the biggest disappointment -- Mushi-Uta's mineral content is rather bland and the baths are recirculated. Which is a shame, because also in Matsushiro is Matsushiro-sou and nearby Ichiyoukan whose iron-rich mineral water makes for an unforgettable onsen experience.

One thing Mushi-Uta has going for it is the impressive timbers used in the construction of the bathhouse and the shelter over the main outdoor bath. Overall though, with so many better onsen options in the area, Mushi-Uta needs more than just cool columns.

But don't take my word for it. Mushi-Uta has lots of fans -- go check it out yourself.

虫歌の湯 Mushi-Uta no Yu

Outdoor bath featuring Mushi-Uta's trademark (?) impressive timbers

The view -- somewhere past the fence.

長野トップ100温泉: 山田温泉大湯 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Yamada Onsen O-Yu

November 11, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Authentic onsen, Yamada Onsen's O-Yu





In Nagano's Takayama Village in the foothills east of Nagano City is a small collection of onsen ryokans called Yamada Onsen. In the center is a public onsen bathhouse called "O-Yu" (which loosely translates as the 'Main Bath'). According to the village's website, a bathhouse has been at this spot for 200+ years. The current building is built in a traditional manner and visitors are in for a very authentic 'onsen' experience.

My first experience of Yamada Onsen's O-Yu went like this:

After getting naked and entering the bathing room, as always the first thing I wanted to was rinse off before soaking. Which posed a problem, as there was nothing even resembling a shower. On the far wall was a wooden contraption with funky wooden levers. I thought if I lifted the lever out, water to wash with would come out. No joy.

Then an angel (read, "local regular user old guy") spoke: "Pull the lever forward." Ahh, water to rinse with!

Next was to soak. There onsen baths were divided into an "Atsu-Yu" hot bath and "Nuru-Yu" cool bath. I personally don't like Nuru-Yu's, so I hopped into the Atsu-Yu.

Or, I should say, I tried to hop into the Atsu-Yu. It was a scaulding-hot 45 deg C.

Again, the angel: "Try the Nuru-Yu first to get your body used to the hot temperature."

Ahh. Okay, 2nd attempt, the Nuru-Yu. It turns out, it's a perfect 41 deg C., nothing "cool" about it. Apparently people here have a unique definition of what constitutes a cool temperature.

The bathhouse's traditional construction with a raised, vented central ceiling to let the onsen mist out, the onsen water with a strong sulfur content,
Yamada Onsen's O-Yu makes for an authentic onsen experience.

If you make an onsen-hopping trip to Nagano, I highly suggest stopping at Yamada Onsen's O-Yu.

山田温泉「大湯」Yamada Onsen "O-Yu"

No showers here. Pull the wooden lever towards you for water for washing.


By the way, my buddy Peter is writing a book on the Top 100 Onsens of Nagano. I am helping with the research (if you can call onsen-hopping 'helping'). This time I was headed to an onsen seminar and had just enough time to enjoy stopping at Yamada Onsen's O-Yu.

Peter Ninnes' books

信州高山村: 紅葉の高井橋 Takayama's Iconic Takai Bridge in Fall

November 9, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The iconic red Takai Bridge and Matsukawa Ravine in fall colors






There are bridges, and then there is the red Takai-Hashi Bridge in northern Nagano's Takayama Village.

During the fall, the brilliant red color of Takai-Hashi combined with the gorgeous yellows of the Matsukawa Ravine maple trees makes for one of Nagano's most iconic fall scenes.

I drove up to Takayama Village (not to be confused with Hida-Takayama in Gifu Prefecture) for an onsen seminar, and was fortunate to be able to see this most famous fall foliage setting. Normally the trees of Matsukawa Ravine change color in mid- to late-October but this year the leaves changed later than normal, and were still this beautiful in early November.

Takayama Village's Matsukawa Ravine

長野トップ100温泉: 高峰温泉ランプの宿 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Lamp Inn @ Takamine Onsen

October 20, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The namesake lamp bath at Takamine Onsen Lamp Inn






On the way back down from the summit of Takamine Mountain, we stopped at the solitary ryokan at Takamine Onsen, nicknamed "Lamp Inn", for a bath.

Located on a shoulder ridge between 2092-meter Takamine Mountain and 2202-meter Mizunotou Peak, Lamp Inn is about as isolated as you could possibly get. Hence it is well-deserving of its "Secluded Hot Spring Inns of Japan" designation. The inn's namesake oil lamps are everywhere you look in the inn, giving it a unique touch.

There's even a lamp in the onsen baths, too. The lamp is not in any way a 'gimmicky' touch, as no gimmicks are necessary to justify these onsen baths. The onsen water's mineral content consists of sulfur, calcium, sodium and sulfuric acid, with an overall hearty sulfur smell to it. The source is only 35.6 degrees Celsius, and one of the baths is fed directly from the source (making for a less-than-luke-warm bath), the other from onsen water that has been heated, resulting is a more comfortable 39~40 degrees Celsius.

Guests that spend the night at the inn are treated to two even larger indoor baths, as well as their 2000-meter high panaroma view outdoor bath.

Our bath's view was more of the larch tree forest, which was in brilliant fall colors when we were there.

With its remote mountainous location, excellent onsen water, homey "lamp" theme, Takamine Onsen is one ryokan I can highly recommend.

高峰温泉ランプの宿 Takamine Onsen

長野県トップ100温泉: 軽井沢のトンボの湯 Nagano's Top 100 Onsens: Karuizawa "Tombo no Yu"

October 5, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Tombo-no-Yu's expansive (and expensive) indoor bath



In my continuing 'research' on Nagano's Top 100 Onsens, the latest one I went to was Tombo-no-Yu, upscale Karuizawa's most upscale bathhouse.

Tombo-no-Yu is definitely spacious and stylish, and the both the indoor bath through an enormous picture window and the expansive outdoor bath provide an exhilarating view of the hill behind the bathhouse.

We happened to time it for apple-bath day. It was fun soaking in the bath as apples came bobbing by.

However, the onsen water's mineral content must be pretty minimal, as it didn't give a strong sense of being an "onsen". And, the price is pretty steep -- 1200 yen per person (with higher prices during the Golden Week holiday and August). This is comparable to Ikenotaira Hotel's day-use bath, but their's features, among others, an enormous 'cave bath' and Nagano's largest outdoor bath. With Tombo-no-Yu having only 2 onsen baths (1 indoor and 1 outdoor), I suspect that makes them the most expensive bath in all of Nagano. Perhaps that is suitable, though, being that it is Karuizawa.


Tombo-no-Yu's natural setting


August 28, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

