2013年の高橋まゆみ人形館 Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art in 2013

January 26, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Here's the 2013 schedule for another of Northern Nagano's must-see spots: the Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art.
These aren't toy dolls to play with, they are works of art. Art that catches the essence of the carefree lifestyle of the people in the Japanese countryside, a lifestyle that seems to know no age.
This museum dedicated to Mayumi-san's art was opened in 2010. If you've never seen it, you have to. And if you've already been there, you should go again to see these new exhibits.
Use the Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art as an excuse to explore northern Nagano.

2013.3.28 - 2013.9.24
Mayumi Takahashi's Doll Art Encounter
Display shows the road Takahashi-san took from first starting out with doll art to opening her own museum.
(Along the way, she had an exhibit here in Chikuma City at the Inariyama Kurashikan. That was where I first encountered her art.)

2013.9.26 - 2014.3.25
From Clay to Doll Art
Exhibit describes the process Takahashi-san takes in transforming plain clay into these dolls with such fascinating expressions.

毎月15日 The 15th of Every Month 10:00-12:00
高橋まゆみさん在館日 Meet the Artist in Person

高橋まゆみ人形館 Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art

長野トップ100温泉 トマトの国 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Tomato no Kuni

January 21, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

北信温泉巡りの3目の湯: 栄村「トマトの国」










Northern Nagano Onsen Hopping Trip, stop #3: Tomato no Kuni in Sakae Village.

Was it a hit or miss?

Well, for sentimental reasons, I declare it a hit.

On March 11th, 2011, northeastern Japan was hit with a massive earthquake. At 3:59 the next morning, there was a magnitude 7 earthquake centered in Nagano Prefecture's Sakae Village. The earthquake caused a huge landslide just above the Tomato no Kuni bathhouse. Fortunately, the building was protected by a stand of cedar trees, and survived pretty much intact. It had to be closed for a little over a year for renovations, but is now once again open for business.

So in the spirit of rebuilding after the earthquake, I think Tomato no Kuni deserves 'hit' status.

Meaning 'tomato country', Tomato no Kuni's onsen water is slightly alkaline, a lukewarm 37 deg C, clear, no color, slight salt taste, no smell. That's what the brochure and signs say, but I personally couldn't taste and saltiness, and on the other hand, I detected a faint oily smell. It could have been just that I had recently been to Matsunoyama Onsen on the other side of the Nagano-Niigata border and its oily scented water was still fresh in my mind.

Tomato no Kuni's building is a decidely un-sexy ferroconcrete structure. The men's bath did have a funky triangle-shaped window that gave a peek of the forest outside. There is also a cafeteria as well as rooms for overnight accommodation. And Sakae Club Ski Area is only 3 minutes away by car.

Personally, my favorite onsen in Sakae Village is Kiriake Onsen in the Akiyama Gorge. The mineral water bubbles up naturally in the river bed, and you move rocks around to create your own bath. Very wild!

But if you're interested in helping to support Sakae Village's post-earthquake rebuilding efforts, then a sentimental dip in Tomato no Kuni's bath may be just the thing.

トマトの国 Tomato no Kuni
〒389-2702 長野県下水内郡栄村北信4413-1

Tomato no Kuni facade

Men's bath (triangle window to the right)

Clever Souvenir: Sake, bamboo cup, grilled fish -- the complete package

長野トップ100温泉 飯山市湯滝温泉 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Iiyama's Yutaki Onsen

January 20, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

当たり外れの飯山市・栄村温泉巡りの第2ヶ所: いいやま湯滝温泉。





湯質は実は、大したお湯じゃない。単純泉の弱アルカリ(pH 8.32)で無色無味無臭。(温度はちょうど良い40℃ぐらいでした。)

でも、良いです。湯質にうるさい私にとっては湯滝温泉の第一印象は: 洒落ている。





2nd stop on our recent northern Nagano hit-or-miss onsen tour: Iiyama City's Yutaki Onsen.

This was a huge hit!

In the world of day-use onsen facilities, it is really rare for the location and the architecture to take into account the setting. Yutaki Onsen on the other hand takes full advantage of its setting along the Chikuma River.

This was the first time in a while to experience A Really Good Onsen.

Allow me to explain.

First of all, the onsen water. Actually, their wasn't that much mineral content in the water. It was colorless, taste-less, smell-less, with the redeeming feature being that it was slightly alkalid (pH 8.32), and that the temperature was perfect for bathing, approx. 40 Deg C.

But that's okay. For me, a real snob when it comes to the quality of the onsen water, the primary impression I had of Yutaki was its overall classical style.

The lady at the entrance dressed in classy Japanese-style clothes.
No sloppy hand-written signs, only classy, professionally made ones with classic font.
Ample use of the local Uchiyama washi hand-made Japanese-style paper for the interior decorations.
A hefty picture-window for the indoor bath providing a beautiful view of the Chikuma River flowing by.
Murals on the walls of the indoor bath made by local school children.
A beautiful garden for the outdoor bath that looked beautiful with its covering of snow.
Yutaki's trademark 'taki' (waterfall) feature for the 'yu' to flow into the outdoor bath.
And an eating area with an elegant view of the river and the blue Yutaki Bridge and a restaurant featuring local cuisine.

Everywhere you look, classy elegance.

Located only 200 meters from Kamisakai Station on the JR Iiyama Line, access is a snatch. And with the price for adults only 500 yen, either Yutaki is really inexpensive or all the other similarly priced onsens with significantly less charm and thought are overpriced.

Not only does Yutaki Onsen make Nagano's Top 100, it has to be near the top of the list!

いいやま湯滝温泉 Iiyama Yutaki Onsen

Yutaki's outdoor bath with waterfall feature to the right, elegant Japanese garden to the left, and the Chikuma River beyond the fence in the background

Hallway with Uchiyama paper accents

Indoor bath with picture window view of the Chikuma River

View of the Chikuma River and the blue Yutaki Bridge from the cafeteria

長野トップj100温泉 戸狩温泉暁の湯 Nagano Top 100 Onsens: Akatsuki no Yu

January 19, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Akatsuki no Yu in all of its cracked plastic bamboo and garish neon sign splendor


戸狩温泉 暁の湯 (飯山市)

戸狩温泉に日帰り施設は2つあります: 暁の湯と望の湯。









In researching Nagano's Top 100 Onsens (it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it), and helping my buddy Peter finish his book on the subject, we had to fill in a few more details. Hence, a trip to Nagano's northernmost city and village, Iiyama and Sakae.

First stop: Akatsuki no Yu in Iiyama City's Togari Onsen.

In Togari Onsen, there are two day-use onsen bathhouses, Nozomi no Yu and Akatsuki no Yu.

Both Peter and I had been to Nozomi on separate occasions. I enjoyed it for its ambience, but unfortunately the outdoor bath was closed when I went. Peter also liked it enough to include in his Top 100 book. However, we got word that Nozomi was only open during the ski season, and to include Akatsuki (which is open year-round) instead.

Hence, our trip to snowy Iiyama to check out Akatsuki.

In the world of onsens, there are hits and there are misses.

Akatsuki, unfortunately, is a big miss.

The onsen water didn't have any particular smell, but it did have a yellowish tint and at least the outdoor bath had 'yu-bana' (flakes of onsen minerals), proof that this wasn't just ordinary tapwater. For me, though, lack of an onsen smell is disappointing. (Yes, I'me an onsen snob.)

But that's not the reason Akatsuki is a miss.

The water temperature was a bit too hot (42C?) for the indoor bath and, perhaps due to the snow, too cool (37C?) for the outdoor one. But everyone has their own personal preferences so I withhold judgement in that regards.

No, the reason Akatsuki is a fail is for the heaps of fake plastic bamboo used all over, and not only that, but it is noticeably cracked in places. And furthermore, there is a huge, garish neon sign towering over the bath. Akatsuki promotes itself as having a view of the peaceful countryside and mountains, but all of that is blocked by a fence, leaving the neon monstrosity as the most noticeable feature.

Use natural materials for your bath surround, change the fence so it allows views of the highly-touted picturesque countryside, and move that darn sign, and Akatsuki would make the Top 100. Meanwhile, stick with Nozomi. What about in the green season? 10 minutes down the road is Yutaki Onsen, which, for the same 500 yen price, offers a much better view (this one overlooking the Chikuma River) and has much more elegant facilities. See the next entry.

戸狩温泉Togari Onsen

スパイラル 長野市ボブスレー・リュージュパーク "Spiral" Nagano City's Bobsleigh and Luge Park

January 14, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Spiral's Bobsleigh Start







During the '98 Nagano Winter Olympics, the bobsleigh and luge events were held at a dedicated track called "Spiral". Located at the foot of Izuna Mountain above central Nagano City, Spiral is the first artificially cooled course in Asia. The venue is open for visiting for free, and several times during the year visitors are given the chance to actually ride down the course.

On January 13th, I took our kids to check out Spiral. We happened to time it while the Challenge Cup bobsleigh competition was taking place. It's one thing to watch the sliding on TV, it's an entirely different thing to feel the sled whizz right by in front of your face. Intense!

Bobsleigh / Luge / Skeleton sledding trial dates for the rest of the 2013 season are as follows:

Nagano Prefecture Bobsleigh Luge Skeleton Federation
26-Jan (Sat) and 02-Feb (Sat)

Nagano City Sports Festival
03-Feb (Sun)


長野ボブスレー・リュージュ・スケルトン連盟 Nagano Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton Federation

Face-to-Face with a Bobsleigh Whizzing By at 125kmh

プラレールチャリティーフェア@安曇野わさび農園 Tomica Rail Charity Fair at Azumino's Wasabi Farm

January 13, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Another reason to come to Nagano this winter:
The Daio Wasabi Farm in Azumino will once again hold its Tomica Toy Train Charity Fair. The fair runs on weekends and holidays through February 17th. When our sons were in preschool, we took them to the fair and they absolutely loved getting to play with all the Tomica toy trains.
And the wasabi fields are especially tranquil in winter, perfect for a family stroll.

大王わさび農場 Daio Wasabi Farm

信州のお正月: 八日堂 New Years in Nagano: Youkadou

January 7, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nagano New Years line-up at Youkadou





Here in Nagano, one of the biggest New Years traditions is to visit the Shinshu Kokubun-ji Temple in Ueda City on the night of January 7th for the annual Youkadou event. The narrow lane leading to the temple is lined with food stalls, lending a festival feel to the proceedings. After lining up to worship at the temple, visitors buy symbolic 'sominshorai' talismans and then head for the dharma doll markets to bargain for this year's purchase of those curious good luck charms.

This year, the New Years rush took its toll on my body, and I came down with some nasty head conditions. I was in no shape to go out late at night into sub-freezing temperatures.

Yet there I was, starting off the new year Nagano-style.

Just goes to show you how deep of a Nagano-ite I've become.

詳しくは国分寺 Tel(0268)24-1388.

信州の冬の思い出作り 戸隠でスノーシュー Wintertime memory-making in Nagano: Snowshoeing at Togakushi

December 30, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki and the cameraman leading tour snow shoe tour at Togakushi.





It was our kids' first day of winter vacation.
And one of my best friends from college was here visiting with her husband and kids.
And we had TV Asahi following us to shoot footage for an upcoming show.

So what to do for a wintertime outing in Nagano?

We decided to go snowshoeing at the forest reserve at Togakushi.

Our family had done that once last winter, and our kids in particular loved that type of snow play in the wilderness.

This time, too, our kids along with my friend's daughters, had a blast exploring the forest through the deep snow.

Nagano's wintertime is full of memory-making adventures!

戸隠森林植物園Togakushi Forest Reserve

長野トップ100温泉 (県外版) 三代薬湯・松之山温泉 Nagano Top 100 Onsens (Neighborly Edition): Matsunoyama Onsen

December 28, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Chitose's famous Tsukimi no Yu bath at Matsunoyama Onsen




In researching Nagano Prefecture's Top 100 Onsens, one thing that I've realized is that several outstanding onsens are being left out because of the arbitrary line made up by the prefectural border. Literally just one mountain away from Nagano are such famous onsens areas such as Kusatsu and Manza in Gunma Prefecture, Oku-Hida in Gifu, Unazuki in Toyama, and Akakura in Niigata. The other day, I went for the first time to one other such neighboring onsen: Matsunoyama in Niigata.

Matsunoyama Onsen is known as one of Japan's Top 3 Medicinal Onsens, and it's mineral waters have a strong salt taste as well as a mild oilly aroma -- definitely unique enough to justify its Top 3 designation to me.

This area of the Niigata/ Nagano border is considered to be Snow Country, and it certainly lived up to its billing the day I went. Driving through thickly falling snow, we were a little nervous that there would be something worthwhile at the end of the road.

And we were not disappointed. I went with my fellow junior innkeepers from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and we stayed at the inn of Yanagi-san, active on the national junior innkeepers association. His inn, Chitose, features "Tsukimi no Yu", an outdoor bath with a hefty roof over it. Practically embedded in deep snow, this one bath seems to represent the best of all of Matsunoyama Onsen.

Matsunoyama is approximately 100km from our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada and is approx. 2 hours and 15 minutes by car. Or by train, 25 minutes to Nagano Station and then almost 2 hours on the leisurely JR Iiyama Line to Tsunan Station.
Matsunoyama is also famous for its 'Muko-nage, Sumi-nuri' festival held annually every January 15th. Sons of neighboring towns who have taken local lasses away in marriage (= 'Muko') are thrown ("nage") off a hill, then everyone takes charcoal ("Sumi") and rubs ("nuri") it on everyone else. With a little bit of planning, this festival can be enjoyed in conjunction with Nagano's most famous winter-time festival, Nozawa Onsen's fire festival, held on the evening of January 15th.
