とっかん! Tokan!
Just when you think you're starting to get a handle of things here in Japan, along comes a 'Tokan'. This evening, I was out behind our inn and heard a large explosion ("To-Kan"). At the park behind Kamesei, there was a funky truck with a bunch of people gathered around. It turned out to be an old guy, Arai-san, popping rice. I ran and got our kids, and a bunch of rice, and went back to experience the 'Tokan' in person. He looked at me and said, "I saw you on TV. I've been on TV 90 times, and will be on again next month." I didn't have the heart to tell him that I don't watch the boob tube. Anyways, he went on to explain that he has been doing 'Tokan' for 30+ years, longer than anyone else (presumably in the world). After tasting it, I could understand his popularity!
日本の生活に慣れてきたなと思ったら、「とっかん!」 亀清の裏の方に行ったら、近所の公園からでかい爆発の音が聞こえた。行ってみたら、ある面白い軽トラの周りに沢山の人が集まっていた。荒井おじさんがお米をポップしていた。亀清に戻って、息子達とお米をゲットして、とっかんを直接体験する為に新井さんのところに戻った。「テレビに出たよね」と言われちゃった。「わしも90回テレビに出た。来月にまた出る!」と。(「私はテレビを見ないと言えなかった。。。)話によると、新井さんが30年間以上とかんをやってきました。日本(世界?)一長くだそうです。味は美味しい訳だ!