Zazen Master Shibata-san
In the Yawata area of Chikuma City along the feudal Zenkoji Kaido road between Matsumoto and Nagano City is Kaigan-ji Temple. "Kaigan" means "Open Your Eyes". The name is somehow very appropriate for this temple. You see, it is #13 on the Shinshu (Nagano) 33 Fudashou Temple Pilgrimage and has a history of several hundred years. The main building is supposedly over 400 years old. However, times change, and even this grand temple fell into disuse.
Fortunately, a man named Shibata-san retired from a job overseas (he lived in America for decades), came back and moved into the temple. He started fixing up the place, bringing Kaigan-ji back to its original grandeur. In 2005, he built a special room for zazen. The temple's eyes were truly opened!
When I was living in Seattle, our local church offered meditation sessions very similar to zazen. This morning, I joined Shibata-san for his 5am meditation session. It actually wasn't as difficult to wake up as I thought it would be, and decided to start offering to take guests to these session. I made a Zazen plan on one of our websites and would be happy to take guests there in the morning.
For now, we are offering to take guests to Kaigan-ji for zazen during the course of Gokaicho, the once-every-seven-years event at the big Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. I recently attended a "Zenkoji Culture Experience" program, and zazen was part of the "taiken". So apparently zazen meditation does have a connection with Zenkoji. Anyways, after Gokaicho finishes, we'll continue our zazen tie-up with Kaigan-ji as the need arises.
Following is a short Q&A regarding zazen meditation at Kaigan-ji
Q. What time is the meditation and how long does it last?
A. Shibata-san does his meditation at 5:15 every morning. From Kamesei, we would leave at 5am. The meditation is for 30 minutes, with a break in the middle to stretch legs.
Q. Can even first-timers do zazen?
A. Shibata-san can teach meditation techniques, and I would be happy to explain the basics the night before as well. So yes, anyone can do it.
Q. What about kids?
A. Shibata-san welcomes kids, too.
Q. How can I get to Kaigan-ji?
A. The temple has its own bus stop: "Kaigan-ji Mae". Unfortunately, Chikuma City's website doesn't show that particular route. I've sent a request for the data, and in English, and will post it if/when it becomes available.
Otherwise, Kamesei offers transporation for the morning zazen sessions for our full customers.
Q. Is it kosher to mix ryokan biz with zazen meditation?
A. I go to Kaigan-ji anyways, even without guests. And when we do take guests, it is for no charge. We provide a refreshing experience for people's physical bodies with our onsen baths, inner bodies with our meals, and now, their souls with the zazen program!

Gaikan-ji's zazen-do

Zazen-do Entrance

Practicing Zazen Meditation