感謝の気持ち:上山田温泉夏祭りの準備 Thankfulness: Preparing for the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival

July 13, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Big Geta -- Big Thanks!


The Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival will be held this weekend, July 17th and 18th. Part of the festival is this geta offering in honor of all the guests that have come and stayed this year at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The innkeepers and I will put our full energy into the festival this weekend, and we will also put our full thanks into the geta offering.

足湯係:千曲ブランド祭り@姨捨SA Foot Bath Guy: Chikuma Brand Fest At Obasute SA

July 4, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada



The City of Chikuma designated 80 locally made products as "Chikuma Brand". To promote the brand, the city worked with the highways board and held a Chikuma Brand Fair at the Obasute Service Area rest stop today. Since Chikuma City also has Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, it set up a foot bath featuring onsen water supplied by the Kamiyamada Onsen Company. City Hall asked me to attend the footbath during the festival. So I took our kids up for the morning and soaked my feet, calling out to passers-by to come and enjoy the footbath.
That experience made me realize that your average rest stop user is more interested in the toilets, vending machines or cafeteria, and doesn't have time to dilly dally in a footbath. People with a bit of extra time tend to go over to the viewpoint that overlooks the Zenkoji Plain. If it were up to me, I would have set up the footbath at the viewpoint, so people could soak their feet as they enjoyed the scenery. Alas, it's not up to me, it's up to the guys from City Hall who are more interested in getting the "Chikuma Brand" in front of more people, regardless of whether or not those people have the time or interest.

The kids enjoying the footbath


いよいよ鮎釣り解禁 Fishing Season Here at Last!

June 26, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Entrance to the fish shack left, Alps straight ahead, and the Chikuma River to the right




Along the Chikuma River here in the Kamiyamada and Sakaki areas, fireworks went off at 5am this morning. They were announcing the start of the Ayu Fishing Season.

Yesterday I paid a visit to one of the fish shacks, Maruken in Sakaki. This year's start was delayed by 2 weeks to allow the ayu to size up, and according to the Maruken guys, it was worth the wait.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, Chef Takei is marking the start of the season by serving salt rubbed grilled ayu to our dinner guests. 'Tis the taste of the season, and our region. Ahh, it's so nice to be here in Nagano!

千曲川鮎釣り漁業組合のHPはこちらClick here for the Chikuma River Ayu Fishing Association website.

First Fishers

リンゴプロジェクトの試食会 Sampling Party for the Apple Project

June 22, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Two types of apple dessert


Here in Kamiyamada, we have both an outstanding onsen as well as outstanding fruit orchards. However, for some reason the two don't have many areas in common. Along with two other inns, Kamesei Ryokan is working with a handful of forward-thinking fruit farmers to combine the best of both and provide guests even more enjoyment.
We've had some great discussions so far. The farmers complain that Kamiyamda's inns serve oranges for dessert despite having delicious apples grown nearby. The chef's on the other hand don't like the fact that fresh sliced apples turn color so soon, and besides they pride themselves on being more creative with the cuisine.
Last night we had a tasting party, attended by people from the inns, the orchards, and even city hall. Host Taki-no-Yu's sukiyaki using apple instead of sugar for the sweetener, one of the farmers' naturally dried apple slices, our Chef Takei's baked apples -- it was a very educational event. Now the inns will make "Apple Cuisine" plans, and the growers will provide some of the 2nd grade apples at low cost, and combining forces we will make a result that our guests will enjoy!


温泉夏祭りの獅子準備 Getting the ShiShi Ready for the Summer Festival

June 21, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Working on the Summer Festival ShiShi


Preparation for the huge Shishi lion for the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival took place yesterday. Up until now, I had been inside the lion. This year, my role will be outside the lion, wearing a black happi coat. The guys inside try their hardest to knock over the people on the outside. So this year, I will be one of those people getting knocked around. In addition to the new responsibility on the day of the festival, there is also a lot of prep work involved that I've never had to do before. I'm looking forward to my new role at this year's festival!

上山田温泉夏祭りは毎年の7月の海の日の連休。2010年は7月17日と18日です。The Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival takes place every year during the 3-day Marine Day holiday. The dates for 2010 are July 17th and 18th.

温泉夏祭り寄付集めで仲間作り Getting to Know the Town thru Summer Fest Donation Run

June 16, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Niko concert at Shuzo Collection


Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival is held every year on the Ocean Day holiday weekend. And every year, us ryokan owners help out with gathering donations. It's hard work, going around to the various businesses and shops, humbly asking for their financial support. But you get to know more about the local businesses (as well as which ones support the community!).
One of the places I went to was the historical sake brewery in front of Togura Station, Shuzo Collection. There happened to be a musical performance going on. There in the courtyard of the hundreds of years old thatched roof brewery was a concert on a thousands of years old Silk Road instrument called a niko, played by a very modern Japanese high school student. The whole contrast was very impressive.
Another place I got to go to was CoCo, the factory where all the sheets and yukata from our onsen are sent for cleaning. I was given a tour of the factory to see all the impressive machinery as well as the detailed work that is involved. 40 people work at CoCo, 10 of which are instructors, and the other 30 are people with mental disabilities. Those 30 people all want to get out and work in society, and CoCo provides that opportunity. It is thanks to their amazing efforts that the guests of our onsen town can enjoy clean linens when they stay.
Those are just some of the great experiences I had while going around for donations for this year's summer festival. I hope everyone's contributions will lead to another fabulous matsuri!

上山田温泉夏祭りの詳しくはこちらClick here for more info on the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival.

CoCo's factory

天狗公園で日の入りピックニック Sunset Picnic at Tengu Park

June 2, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Picnic with the Sunset



The weather of late has been so pleasant, we were in the mood to go out for a picnic for dinner. So we grabbed some take-out and drove up to the Tengu Park above Togura Station for a family picnic this evening. It was a romantic setting, with the sun setting behind the Japanese Alps and the lights of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen coming on, there among the cherry trees and the huge Tengu statue of the park. And when the kids finished eating, they ran off to the play structures (along with their dad, of course). All in all, a lovely warm spring evening.

Tengu Park is 10 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, and/or a 10 minutes walk (climb?) from Togura Station.

雲と太陽 大正橋から見た戸倉上山田温泉 Sunlight and Clouds: Togura Kamiyamada Onsen as seen from Ta

May 26, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Togura Kamiyamada as seen from Taisho Bridge


Crossing over the Chikuma River by bicycle on the Taisho Bridge, I was treated to this scene of the sun peaking through the clouds, bathing Togura Kamiyamada Onsen in bright sunlight. Situated as it is on the Chikuma River, surrounded by green hills and mountains, Togura Kamiyamada Onsen truly is in a blessed location. And with the fresh, clean air, absolutely the best onsen mineral waters, and an abundance of fresh water fish and delicious produce to eat, Togura Kamiyamada really is a great place!

平に引かれて善光寺? Pulled by Tyler to Zenkoji?

May 6, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

2010 Zenkoji Walk

無事だとは言えないけれども、牛に引かれて善光寺2010年と言う30kmのウォーキングイベントは昨日、終わりました。今年の実行委員長は我々戸倉上山田温泉旅館青年部の当番で、私でした。去年は一日雨だったが、今年は天気が晴れていました。但し、暑かった。温度は30℃まで上がったそうです。参加した313人はかわいそうでした。一人のおじさんは水分不足で救急車で病院に運ばれた。結局は軽い現象だったのでその後は家に戻られました。そして、先週に書きましたが、今年のイベントの看板動物、里子ちゃんと言う牛がデビューで出る予定でした。練習もしました。しかし、イベントの直前に長野県の保険所から連絡が来まして、先月に宮崎県で牛の病気が出た;危ないですから牛の参加を自粛する様にと。遠い九州から、尚且つ人間に移らない病気、なお尚且つ「止めて」と言わないで「自粛」と言う逃げ道の言い方で・・・ 結局は参加者の安全を選んだ。そのお陰で、テレビや新聞の皆は「牛に引かずに善光寺」で大騒ぎ。

Well, the 2010 Zenkoji Walk went as scheduled yesterday, and wasn't exactly uneventful. This is our town's major event of 300+ participants and 70+ staff for the 30km walk from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen to Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City in honor of the "Pulled by an Ox to Zenkoji" legend. And this year's organizing committee chaiperson was -- me! (Us ryokan junior leaders take turns being the chief organizer, and this year was my turn.)
Last year, it rained during the entire walk. This year, it was sunny, but way too hot -- 30 deg C. One elderly man collapsed due to the heat and had to be taken to a hospital by ambulance. (Luckily nothing serious -- he went home later in the afternoon.) And then there was the problem with Satoko-chan, the cow that was going to lead our parade. Last week I wrote about how I went to meet Satoko-chan and go for a practice walk with her. Well, Nagano Prefecture's Health and Welfare contacted us right before the event. A cow disease had broken out in Miyazaki Prefecture last month, and they wanted us to "reconsider" bringing a cow into the crowds of people for our event. Not only is Miyazaki hundreds of miles away and on another island, but the disease isn't spreadable to humans! And to top it off, they didn't have the balls to order us to cancel the cow, all they would say is to "reconsider", making the cancelation our responsibility. In the end, we had Satoko-chan stay home to avoid any possible problems, and the TV stations and newspaper had a field day with our "Not being pulled by an Ox to Zenkoji". At least that meant a few extra minutes of media exposure for our town...
Anyways, I want to take this time to congratulate all the people who walked the 30km from Togura Kamiyamada to Zenkoji, as well as to thank all of the staff!

With the Geisha at Zenkoji

Kamiyamada Okagura's greeting at Zenkoji

人間国宝「宮入行平」の展示会(亀清にも!)  Display on Nat'l Living Treasure Miyairi Yukihira (at Kamesei, too!)

May 4, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

宮入行平作品: 為亀清


Tel/Fax 0268-82-1128 http://tetsu.town.sakaki.nagano.jp
特別ナイフ作り体験: 7月4日 午前10時と午後1時半の2回
参加費500円 (小学生は保護者同伴)