戸倉上山田温泉イースターエッグフェスティバルは4月24日(日)! Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Easter Egg Festival Sunday April 24th

April 12, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

It's Easter Egg Time Again!




13:30-15:30 (受付は13:00~)
参加費: 子供一人200円
持ち物: エッグアート用のゆで卵、お風呂グッズ
RSVP: 千曲国際交流協会 Tel/Fax 026-274-3150

This year's Easter Egg Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen will be held on Sunday April 24th. Over the years, the towns people have really taken to the festival (this will be our 6th year!). Last year we had over 100 kids participate at our prime spot by the fountain along the Chikuma River in front of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

This year we will once again have over 1000 eggs hidden in the park for a massive Easter Egg Hunt. There will be games and egg coloring. And once again, our Chef Takei and other ryokan chefs will cook up some yummy omelets, and this year, too, we are looking forward to having horse buggy rides.

Yours Truly will once again be the event chairperson, so I hope you can come and participate!

6th Annual Easter Egg Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen
April 24th (Easter Sunday)
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Cost: 200 yen per child
Easter Egg Hunt, Games, Egg Art
Onsen Bath passes for participants, courtesy of the Togura Kamiyamada Ryokan Association
What to Bring: Hard boiled eggs to color, a towel for your onsen bath.
RSVP: Chikuma Int'l Exchange Assoc. Tel/Fax 026-274-3150

美味しいリンゴの作り方は土から始まる Growing Delicious Apples Starts from the Soil

March 15, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Complicated soil








Since our inn has been quiet the last few days due to cancelations concerning the earthquake / tsunami / radiation problem, I've been making use of the time and have been gathering firewood for next winter.

This is a picture of the soil around the base of one of the trees in Tobita-san's apple orchard. His orchard is located about 5 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and he offered to give me the trimmings from his trees for firewood. After collecting the branches, he stopped to show me the soil around his trees. Looking closely, one can see the 4 things he added:

*Ground Oyster shell
Not only a source of calcium, but helps to balance the Ph of the naturally alkaline soil.

*Chicken manure
Better level of nitrogen than steer manure. And not raw, but fermented to bring out the beneficial effects.

*Used mushroom growing soil.
Mushrooms are raised in a soil formula containing ground wood and corn stalk. Once the mushrooms are harvested, the used soil is processed and apple growers spread it around their trees.

As it breaks down into soil, it adds nutrition. Some of the straw is from old tatami mats. In fact, whenever we change out our futons here at Kamesei, we take the old ones to Tobita-san and put them at the base of his trees.

As you can see, apple tree soil is a very complicated matter. Tobita-san could just use chemical fertilizers to make it a lot simpler, but he prefers to use natural processes whenever possible. Hence the naturally great taste of his apples! (Note: Ignore the crab leg -- that was part of Tobita-san's dinner.)

戸倉上山田温泉、おはようございます。 Good Morning Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

February 21, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

The sun coming up over the mountains and reflecting in the Chikuma River




This morning, after walking our sons up to their gathering spot for their walk to school, I took a stroll over to the Chikuma River. This was the first morning in a long time that the temperature was above freezing -- just the mood for a pleasant little stroll.

As I reached Manyo Bridge, the sun was just coming up over Gorigamine Mountain's shoulder, the location of the Fort Katsurao remains. The sunlight reflected on the surface of the Chikuma River, making for lovely early morning scenery.

I don't want to jinx anything, but there was a slight hint of Spring in the air.

「恋しの湯」伝説の石のお守り Lover's Stone Charm

February 17, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's new original souvenir





その伝説から出てくる赤い石のお守りはできました。戸倉上山田温泉の銀座通り商店街にあるatelier BAMBOOの佐藤さんのオリジナル作品でレッドジャスパーと言う赤い石を使って、恋しの湯伝説を記念する可愛い「叶」お守り。


atelier BAMBOOもしくは亀清旅館及び戸倉上山田温泉の旅館で買い求めて頂けます。

One of our local legends here at our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is called 'Koishi no Yu'. It is a story about a local princess long, long ago. Her husband was sent off to a war and seemingly wasn't coming back home. She prayed to the gods and the response was to go down to the Chikuma River and collect 100 red stones. If she were to do that, her lover would return.

In commemoration of that legend, Satoh-san of local atelier BAMBOO made an 'omamori' charm using red jasper, the red stone from the legend. He calls his original creation 'Kanau', meaning 'wishing for' or 'desiring'.

So if you have a particular thing you are wishing for, perhaps this power stone and the koishi-no-yu legend will do the trick!

Available at atelier BAMBOO as well as Kamesei Ryokan and other inns in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Price is 200 yen.

atelier BAMBOOのHPはこちらClick here for their website.


道の駅より良い: ヤマサン Better than a Road Station: Yama-san

January 24, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Best Produce Stand in Town




Close to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is a produce stand called "Yamasan". Throughout Japan there are 'michi-no-eki' rest stops that supposedly sell locally made fruits and vegetables, but Yamasan is the real deal. They offer a great selection of local products in season.

Yamasan is only 10 minutes away by car, conveniently located along Route 18. Their website lists their seasonal offerings.

戸倉上山田温泉のサイクリング・ハイキングマップ作成始まり Starting on Togura Kamiyamada's Cycling / Hiking Map

January 22, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Onsen Loop Cycling Route







Discussing with the Chikuma Cycling Club -- check!

Consulting with the local Mountain Climbing association -- check!

Securing money from the city -- check!

Listing up the cycling and hiking courses -- check!

Now the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Hiking and Cycling Map is in the hands of the designer/ printer, Miyasaka-san.

Here are the 10 hikes and bike rides -- if you have any suggestions, let me know asap!

Togura Kamiyamada Hikes
1.大林山 Obayashi-san
2.八頭山 Hatto-san
3.岩井堂山 Iwaido-san
4.金比羅山 Kinpira Mtn.
5.冠着山 Kamuriki Mtn.
6.三峯山 Sanmine Mtn.
7.佐野不動滝 Sano Fudo Waterfall
8.大雲寺自然深勝園 Daiun-ji Nature Trail
9.鏡台山 Kyoudai-san
10.五里ヶ峰 Gorigamine Peak

Togura Kamiyamada Cycling Courses
1.戸倉上山田温泉ループ Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Loop
2.サイクリング道路・力石方面 Cycling Road to Chikaraishi
3.サイクリング道路・稲荷山方面 Cycling Road to Inariyama
4.カラコロ足湯・知識寺 Kara-Koro Footbath to Chishiki-ji
5.カラコロ足湯・長楽寺 Kara-Koro Footbath to Choraku-ji
6.カラコロ足湯・屋代駅前 Kara-Koro Footbath to Yashiro Business District
7.カラコロ足湯・あんずの里 Kara-Koro Footbath to Apricot Village
8.天狗公園ヒルクライム Tengu Park Hill Climb
9.姨捨山周回ヒルクライム Obasute Mtn. Hill Climb Loop
10.太田原ヒルクライム Otawara Hill Climb

温泉タウンのビジョン発表に拍手 Applause for Onsen Town Proposal

January 14, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Onsen Town Proposal





Togura Kamiyamada's civic improvement "Kara Koro" Association has been having Mr. Charisma Tourism, Yamada Keichiro-san come once a month to re-shape the movement, making the right connections to create an onsen that guests can enjoy and that provides a prosperous society for the people living here.

One of the key factors is to have a strong "Vision", something that everyone can agree to. Not one that the higher-ups decide themselves and force upon everyone else, but one that everyone can see as something worth working towards.

During yesterdays gatherings, I got a few minutes to present my "Onsen Town" vision proposal. With many of the participants this time being from neighborhoods outside of the onsen, I was worried about how the onsen-centered proposal would be received. Some people did ask "Why the focus on just the onsen area?" But my proposal ended in applause, so it seems that most everyone understood that a strong onsen town would have positive effects on the nearby areas.

Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada.

Making it happen, one small step at a time!

冬景色の荒砥城: 千曲川及びアルプス眺め Winter Scenery from Arato-Jo Castle -- the Alps and the Chikuma River

January 10, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Mountain Fortress with the Alps in the distance




Arato-jo, the mountain fortress above our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, offers a spectacular view any time of the year. The contrast between the rough-hewn fortress and the majestic river valley down below creates quite a picture. And from this birds-eye view, one can understand why the Chikuma River (literally "a thousand bends") got its name, as the river's course meanders back and forth during its journey from Ueda down through the Zenkoji Plain.

On clear winter days, visitors to Arato-jo are also rewarded with views of the snow-covered Japanese Alps.

The other day, I dropped some guests off at the castle, and since the weather was so nice, I paid a visit to the site, also. I didn't meet any samurai, but the view was breathtaking.

プロバスケのホームコートとなる: 戸倉体育館 Pro Hoops Home Court To-Be: Togura Gym

January 5, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Togura Gym




Close to our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada is the Togura General Gymnasium. Starting at the end of this year, there will be a new pro basketball team from Nagano, and it will use the Togura Gym as its home court. I'm excited to think about the possibilities of linking our onsen with pro hoops.

Yesterday, our oldest son had his futsal soccer practice in the gym. When I went to pick him up, I took a peek inside. I tried to imagine what it will be like with a pro basketball game taking place.

Our onsen town, with the pro basketball, all the great cycling and hiking, the fishing in the Chikuma River, is shaping up to be a real "sports onsen"!

信州プロバスケのHPはこちらClick here for Pro Hoops Nagano official website.

Imagine ... Hoops!

餅つきながら、温泉の皆さんとの交流 Pounding Mochi and Making Friends

January 4, 2011: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Andy's turn to pound mochi


