2024春よ来い 戸倉上山田温泉イベント 2024 Spring Events are Hopping in Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada

April 8, 2024: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

温泉へ行く言い訳が欲しい?2024年の春は戸倉上山田で沢山の「訳」がある♪お勧めのイベントを紹介します。Need a reason to head to an onsen this spring? Here are our recommended events for our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada.

~4/12 あんず祭り・森「杏の里」Apricot Blossom Festival

花が遅れて咲いたので祭りは4月12日まで延長。花はおそらく13〜14日の週末まで見頃。The world famous Mori “Apricot Village” blossom festival has been extended to April 12th as the blossoms came late this year.

詳しくhttps://chikuma-kanko.com/2024-04-01/post-42227/ (写真は2023年)

4/10-20 (予報)戸倉宿キティーパーク桜 Togura-juku Kitty Park Cherry Blossoms

戸倉駅の裏山の斜面が一面桜🌸になります。でかい天狗で有名な戸倉宿キティーパークが戸倉上山田温泉の人気花見スポット。Tengu Park on the hillside behind Togura Station becomes awash in pinkish white cherry blossoms. Enjoy sakura-viewing with the huge Togura Tengu statue.

4/20-21 春の酒蔵市(ラウム戸倉宿)Sake Brewery Marche (raum Togura-juku)

戸倉駅前のでかい茅葺き屋根で有名な酒蔵で市場が行われます。食べ物やクラフトなどの販売や音楽の演奏、利き酒コーナー、人力車などなど。The massive thatched roof sake brewery in front of Togura Station will be bustling with dozens of food stalls and arts & crafts shops. There will be music, sake sampling, even rickshaw rides.

シアトルクッキー🍪販売のお知らせ 20日は亀清旅館の名物「シアトルクッキー」の出店予定。


4/27 イースターエッグフェスティバルin戸倉上山田温泉 Easter Egg Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

戸倉上山田温泉の春の人気イベント、子供の為のイースターエッグフェスティバルは5年ぶりに再開♪ 今回は開催場所に初めて中央公園になります。春の「生まれ変わる」気持ちを兼ねて楽しむイベント。キッチンカーの出店も。Celebrate spring and re-birth at the Easter Egg Festival. It has been popular with local children for decades and is back post-Covid for the first time in 5 years. It will take place for the first time at Central Park. Food vendors will be there, too!

4/29 亀清旅館のロビーリニューアル演奏by麻友 Kamesei Renewal Concert

当館のロビー改装工事の記念コンサートで千曲市シンガーソングライター「麻友」の演奏を提供します。一新されたロビーで麻友さんの美しい音楽を是非に♪ We remodeled our inn’s lobby and will celebrate with a concert by Chikuma City’s most famous singer-songwriter Mayu. Come and be dazzled by our inn’s new look and by Mayu’s charming music.

4/30 884のロビーコンサート Lobby Concert by 884

戸倉上山田温泉のシンガーソングライターの884君は月一回に「884の日」って事でライブを行ってまして、4月はなんと我が亀清旅館のロビーです。貴重な演奏🎵 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen’s beloved singer-songwriter 884 will perform his monthly special concert here at Kamesei Ryokan’s lobby.

5/03 長野獅子フェス Nagano Shishi Lion Festival

長野市の中心街に周辺のお神楽は68団体が獅子舞を披露します。我が上山田神楽保存会が初参加♪(亀清旅館のタイラーが横笛を吹きます。是非に応援しに来てください!) 68 lion dance troupes will perform in central Nagano City. Kamiyamada’s will participate for the first time. Tyler from Kamesei will be playing the flute!


5/18-19 Kamiyamada Hill GP

戸倉上山田温泉でクラシックなラリーカーがまた集まります。観光会館の前の駐車場が展示会場で、荒戸城の山道にてヒルクライム。わくわくな車は沢山が来ます! Classic rally cars will once again gather here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for the hill climb competition up the Arato-Jo Castle mountain road.

詳しく http://nasc.jp/kamiyamada-histrica-gp-2024/

5/25-6-09 坂城町薔薇祭りSakaki Rose Festival

隣の坂城町は千曲川沿いに薔薇園があります。330種類、2300株の美しい薔薇を目と花で楽しめます。Nearby Sakaki has a gorgeous rose garden along the Chikuma River with 330 varieties.


5/26 戸倉上山田温泉ガラクタ市 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Flea Market

とんでもない宝物… どんな貴重なオンリーワンを見つけるかな? Find that one-of-a-kind treasure at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen’s biggest flea market!

シアトルクッキー🍪販売のお知らせ 亀清旅館の名物「シアトルクッキー」のがガラクタ市の出店予定。

6/01-02 湯けむりRock Fes

音楽のフェスが戸倉上山田温泉に来ます!複数な会場で様々なステージで様々なロック🎵 A rock festival is coming to Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada: Yukemuri Rock Fes!

2023年の秋は戸倉上山田温泉でイベント盛り沢山 Autumn 2023 Event Calendar for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

September 14, 2023: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons

秋の戸倉上山田はワイン、葡萄、鉄道マニア、マルシェ、サイクリング、味噌、ロビーコンサート、ライブ、観月祭、ハロウィン… ほぼ毎週にイベントを楽しめる。特におすすめのを紹介します:

Fall here in our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada means a bumper crop of fun events such as grape, miso, sake brewery and other marches, music concerts, moon viewing, cycling, not one but two Halloween parties, and more! Here are some of our recommendations:

raum戸倉宿の酒蔵市 Sake Brewery Marche (9/16 10:00-16:00, 9/17 10:00-15:00, 15軒のクラフトや食べ物、9/17 13:00-13:45はシンガーソングライターの麻友さんのライブ)

姨捨・日本遺産センターで野外フリーライブ Free Outdoor Concert at the Obasute Tourism Hall (9/29 18:30-19:30, 戸倉上山田温泉からシャトルバス予定)

姨捨夜市 Obasute Night Market (9/30 17:00-21:00 戸倉上山田温泉からシャトルバス有り)

月の都フェスタ Moonlight Capital Festival (10/1 10:00-14:00 戸倉上山田温泉からシャトルバス有り)

千曲市2ハロウィン Chikuma City Halloween (10/8 16:00-21:00 上山田文化会館 Kamiyamada Culture Hall)

チクマサイクリングクエスト 自転車でロゲイニング Chikuma Cycling Quest Rogaining (10/9)

上山田観光会館うまいもん市🍇 Kamiyamada Tourism Hall Marche

ぶどうなどの秋の幸のマルシェ Local grapes and other fresh produce and other local specialties (10/14 tba)

高村味噌の秋まつり Takamura Miso Fall Festival (10/21 9:00-17:00 亀清旅館から車で7分)

ジャズのロビーコンサート 歌手のteaさんが我が亀清旅館のロビーで。前座はシンガーソングライターの麻友さん Lobby Concert by jazz singer “tea” here at Kamesei Ryokan. Opening Act: Singer-songwriter Mayu. (10/23 18:30~)

観光列車「ろくもん」ワインフェスタ Event Train “Rokumon” Wine Festa (10/28 15:53-16:45 戸倉駅 Togura Station)

ハロウィンin戸倉上山田温泉 Halloween in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen (10/29 13:00-16:00)

2023年5月のChef武井の創作懐石料理メニュー「花のパレード」 Chef Takei's May 2023 Menu "Parade of Flowers"

May 20, 2023: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons


Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei has put together another all-star menu for May, featuring our regional mountain cuisine and seasonal ingredients.

旬の物 鯛の子の含め煮 Umami sea bream roe
酢の物 ホタルイカ Firefly Squid
サラダ 若鳥サラダの安曇野仕立て Azumino Salad with Chicken
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり 三点盛り Sashimi Trio
焼き物 鮎の煮びたし Stewed Ayu (Sweet fish)
台の物 山菜鍋 Mountain Vegetable Hot Pot
中皿  うなぎの焼きマリネ Eel Sweet Marinate
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
お椀  もずくと豆腐の味噌汁 Mozuku Seaweed and Tofu Miso Soup
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and assorted Pickled Vegetables
水菓子 いちごスムーズのチーズタルト Strawberry Tart

記念日にプリザーブフラワーの体験を🌹 Making Anniversary Memories: Preserved Flowers Lesson

March 21, 2023: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, 活動 Activities



For Kamesei Ryokan’s Anniversary Plan guests can choose a preserved flower making lesson. A couple celebrating their 52nd wedding anniversary gathered in our lobby next to the wood stove and followed the kind instructions of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen’s flower artist Satoh-san from Atelier Bamboo to make a beautiful flower decoration.

ご開帳は6月29日まで 残り1週間にヒント Gokaicho Ends 6/29 — Tips for the Last Only Week

June 22, 2022: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

長野市・善光寺さんの七年に一度のご開帳は6月29日(水)まで。駐車場が溢れて、回向柱、戒壇巡り、御朱印そしてお蕎麦屋さんに列が長くて、最後まで待つ人が多いんで、これからはさらに混む可能性大。ラストスパートのご開帳のためのアドバイスを提供します。The venerable Zenkoji Temple in center of Nagano City is celebrating its once every 7 years Gokaicho ceremony through 29-June.






ご開帳の豆知識: 本堂な西側に歴代の回向柱が立ってます。歴史とパワーを感じます。








お詣りの後は精進落としの湯・戸倉上山田温泉へ♪ 温泉街の上の観音寺が善光寺別院なのでお朝事を



ご開帳・追加アドバイス、その1: 小松美羽の展示


ご開帳・追加アドバイス、その12: 夜間の善光寺も神秘的。



2022年度 戸倉上山田温泉の夏まり・千曲川花火大会 開催予定 Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada 2022 Summer Festival Schedule

June 13, 2022: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸倉上山田温泉の夏祭りと千曲川花火大会は3年ぶりに開催決定なのでカレンダーに入れましょう♪ Togura Kamiyamada’s Onsen Summer Festival and Chikuma River Fireworks will both be held for the first time in 3 years, so mark your calendar!

千曲川に反射する花火 Fireworks reflecting on the Chikuma River

2022年千曲川花火大会8月7日 2022 Chikuma River Fireworks 07-August

第91回信州千曲市千曲川納涼煙火大会が2022年8月7日(日)午後7時半〜9時まで開催。我が亀清旅館から川辺(土手)まで徒歩5分。かなり迫力のある花火です。打上げ数がなんと10,000発!近くから見えますから真上で光る様な感覚。そして音は周辺の山から響くし。グランフィナーレの万葉橋の「ナイヤガラ」が格別。 The 91st edition of Togura's Chikuma River Fireworks will be held on Sunday 07-August 7:30-9pm.  The riverside viewing area is a short 5 minute walk from our inn Kamesei Ryokan.  This is a stunning pyrotechnical display with over 10,000 fireworks launched.  From the river bank the explosions seem to happen practically overhead, with the flashes reflecting on the surface of the Chikuma River and the sound reverberating off the surrounding hills.  The grand finale includes an awe-inspiring "Niagara" of fireworks extending the length of Manyo Bridge.

詳しく Details

土手に並ぶ屋台 Festival food stalls
万葉橋の「ナイヤガラ」 Manyo Bridge “Niagara”

ギャル神輿が輝く Popular "Gal" omikoshi

2022年上山田温泉夏祭り9月18日に延期 2022 Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival postponed to 18-September

コロナの影響で2022年度の上山田温泉夏祭りは海の日の連休から9月18日日(日)に延期。若連のお神輿と勇獅子と冠着太鼓がいつもの様に燃えます♪ Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival normally takes place on the Marine Day holiday weekend in July, but this year it will be held on Sunday 18-September instead.  The energetic Omikoshi (portable shrines), massive Shishi Lion and Kamuriki Taiko Drummers will be as explosive as always. 

戸倉セツブンソウ群生地: 可愛らしいお花で春の合図 Setsubun-so Wildflowers: Cute Sign of Spring

March 9, 2022: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸倉駅の裏山(戸倉宿キティーパーク、別名「天狗公園」)にセツブンソウの群生地がある。「春の妖精」と呼ばれているセツブンソウは雪が融けると咲いて来ます。可愛らしい2〜3cm 白雪の花びらに鮮やかな黄色と紫色の中心部と言うエレガントな彩りさ。暖地で2月上旬に咲いて「節分草」お言われているが、この辺の標高が高くて雪が3月まで残る事が多くて一か月遅れです。(注: 2022年は雪が特に多かったために3月12日の週末から見ごろになりそうです。) 戸倉の群生地が長野県下最大級の広さだそうです。

Setsubun-so (Eranthis pinnatifida “winter aconite”) is a cute harbinger of winter. The wildflower’s tiny (2-3cm) snowy white petals contrast with the purple and yellow stamens to form an elegant color combination. In warmer climates it blooms around Setsubun, the change in seasons around February 3rd, hence the flower’s name. Here at our elevation the snow doesn’t melt until early March so Setsubun-so blooms a month later. (Note: for 2022 there’s been an unusually large snowfall so prime viewing won’t start until around the weekend of March 12th.)

戸倉キティパークの駐車場から徒歩750m、約20分 From the Togura Kitty Park parking lot, 750 meters, approximately 20 minutes on foot
途中の自在山神社と樹齢400年の天狗の松 Jizaisan Shrine and its 400-year old Tengu pine tree

まん延防止での営業について Operation During Quasi-Emergency

January 27, 2022: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, グルメFoodie





そして、戸倉上山田温泉周辺のの皆様にお知らせいたします。旅館気分をお家で楽しみたい方に我がChef武井の創作料理を仕出し弁当として提供しております。料金は2160円でございます。テークアウトはもちろん、そして千曲市・坂城町のどこでも配達も致します。(配達料が500円) ご要望があれば上山田温泉のお湯を5ℓの便でいっしょに運んで、お家の浴槽に入れたら夜のお風呂に硫黄の香りを楽しんで頂けます。 お弁当の注文は前日まで(10個以上は3日前まで)で電話 026-275-1032 又はメール omotenashi@kamesei.jp まででお願い致します。






Nagano Prefecture has declared a Quasi State of Emergency from 27-Jan through 20-Feb. There are no restrictions on ryokans so our inn will be operating as normal albeit with reduced number of guest rooms for the well-being of our guests.

The Prefecture's Special Discount promotion is also being continued as normal through 10-March.  Our chef's bento (2160 yen) and our Seattle Cookies (1000 yen for baker's dozen) are also available.

夏休み2021年 姨捨正宗と亀清旅館のコラボ Summer '21: Obasute Sake + Kamesei Ryokan

July 24, 2021: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, グルメFoodie


我が温泉宿に泊まって、酒蔵を訪問刷ればプレゼントをもらえます! 亀清旅館は100年以上の歴史の木造館実乃が中心となっていますが、造り酒屋の姨捨正宗のさらに歴があって、本館が重要文化財になっています。是非に行ってみて頂きたいと思っております。行かれたら姨捨正宗さんから素敵なプレゼントをもらえます。


This summer, the Obasute sake brewery and our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, are teaming up for a special promotion.  After staying at our inn, visit the brewery and receive a free gift.

Kamesei Ryokan boasts a main building with a history of over 100 years, but Obasute's brewery is even older -- the main building is on the national historical registry.  We encourage everyone to go see it.

The Obasute brewery is 9km from Kamesei Ryokan, approx. 15 minutes by car.  It is the only sake brewery in operation here in Chikuma city.

Long-Stay Vacation in Nagano: 10 Tips with Kamesei Ryokan as Your Base

July 13, 2020: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

How about spending an extended vacation in Nagano?  Make Kamesei Ryokan your base for exploring Nagano Prefecture.  Here are the 10 most popular day-trips.

1.Zenkoji Temple, Nagano City

Our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, has traditionally been considered the resort of choice after visitors make their pilgrimage to Zenkoji.  The venerable temple houses the "Amida Triad Sharing One Halo" image which is the oldest Buddhist image in Japan, having crossed over from the Korean Peninsula in 552.  Once every 7 years it is put on display during the renowned Gokaicho ceremony.  Visitors to the temple usually enter the Main Hall, and take the stairs down into a pitch-black corridor, feeling along the wall in the hopes of finding the 'key' that is located directly under said image.  After transmitting prayers through the image, visitors ascend the stairs to once again be in the light, a sensation similar to being born again.  More info here.

Venerable Zenkoji Temple

The main road leading to Zenkoji, "Naka-mise", is lined by souvenir shops and soba noodle restaurants.  Here you are sure to find the perfect memorabilia to take home, as well as satisfy your tummy.

Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  By car it is 27km (approx. 50 min.) to Zenkoji.  It's best to take Route 18 and surface streets as the Expressway runs in an inconvenient direction.  By train, it is 25 minutes from Togura Station to Nagano Station, and then a 5 minute bus to the temple.

Kamesei Tips:  Leave your car at our inn, take the train from Togura Station, and walk from Nagano Station to Zenkoji.  This allows you to enjoy walking up the Naka-mise street, as most parking lots are located behind the temple.  Also, one block off Naka-mise to both the left and right are narrow lanes lined with Shukubo (temple lodging), a serene contrast to the chaotic scene of the shops and restaurants along the main street.


Nagano Prefecture's premier resort town, Karuizawa boasts a large number of high caliber art museums and galleries, fantastic boutique shops, quaint chapels, and a smorgasbord of gourmet restaurants, all in a lush, natural setting.  And that's not to mention the outlet shopping center.  Plus there are the elegant Mikasa and Manpei Hotels and the fancy summer homes, giving the town an opulent atmosphere.  Official info.

Classic Karuizawa; Mampei Hotel

Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  For by both car and by train, there is a slow and fast option.  By car, taking the Joshin'etsu Expressway and exiting at the Komoro IC, it is 50km, approx. 55 minutes.  If you avoid the expressway and take the Asama Sun Line highway, it will take 10 minutes longer but the rural scenery is worth it.  By train, you can transfer at Ueda to the Hokuriku Shinkansen and reach Karuizawa in 45 minutes.  Or you can take the local train all the way from Togura for a leisurely 1 hour and 15 minutes (and 1/3 the price).

Kamesei Tips:  Karuizawa's roads tend to get congested on weekends and holidays, especially in the summer, so take the train instead.  Many head to Karuizawa to shop at the outlet stores, but the old-fashioned Kyu-Karu "Ginza" and the classy Harunire Terrace offer enticing alternatives.


The name "Togakushi" refers to a tale related to Japan's creation myth, appropriate for the area's mystical atmosphere.  Perhaps the place best suited for feeling the spiritual power is the trail to Okusha, the Inner Shrine.  It is lined by ancient cedar trees that give a distinct vibe of the power of nature.  Togakushi is also famous for soba noodles, and there is something extra-special about the noodles prepared with the highland's clear water and clean mountain air.  Togakushi hides one other secret:  the eponymous Togakure-ryu ninjas.  Many of our guests have come back from the Togakushi Ninja Village gushing that it was more fun than USJ!  Official Info.

Zuijinmon Gate with the ancient cedar trees beyond



Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  By car, there are 2 main routes.  The typical way is to drive to Zenkoji and then up to Togakushi from there.  45 minutes + 45 minutes, for a total of 90 minutes.  Alternatively, you can take the Joshin'etsu Expressway from the Koshoku IC to the Shinano Machi IC, and then the back roads up to Togakushi.  With that route, from our door to the Okusha parking lot, it is 60 minutes.  You have to pay the toll and it's the long way around, but it is considerably faster and less crowded.  By train is is 25 minutes from Togura to Nagano Station, then an hour-long Alpico Bus up to Togakushi.

Kamesei Tips:  Togakushi features 4 very distinct faces, depending on the season.  Autumn is the most popular, with the fall leaves colors peaking in October and the new crop soba coming in November.  However, spring is spectacular for bird watching and for the creamy white marsh lilies (aka skunk cabbage), summer means cool highland temperatures and playing in the streams, and in winter Togakushi is a snow shoeing paradise (ask us for great course recommendations).  For ninja fans, the Ninja Village has an extensive variety of activities, but the Ninpo Center near the entrance to Okusha is much less crowded.


Known as the Crow Castle, the formidable Matsumoto-jo is a designated National Treasure.  It has been recently joined as such by Matsumoto's old Kaichi School building.  Another popular destination is the Municipal Art Museum, with a selection of works by the world-renowned 'polka-dot lady', Yayoi Kusama.  The Nawate-dori and Nakamachi shopping streets round out the must-see spots in central Matsumoto City.  Official Info.

The stately black facade of Matsumoto Castle, aka The Crow Castle

Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  By car, if using the Obasute SA Smart IC, it Matsumoto is a convenient 45 minutes from Kamesei.  By train, we can provide shuttle service to Obasute Station to catch the local JR train Matsumoto Station, also 45 minutes.

Kamesei Tips:  We personally are big fans of Matsumoto's craft scene.  There are several unique shops along Nakamachi, including our favorite, Chikiriya.  The Craft Fair held the end of May is one of the best in the country, and year-round you can go to the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum and see some outstanding examples of Matsumoto's hand-built furniture.

5. Obuse

Famous for chestnut sweets and the ukiyo-e artist Hokusai, Obuse is particularly popular with two types of visitors:  Japanese and other Asians for the chestnut mont blanc, and Westerners for the Hokusai Museum and ceiling painting of a phoenix at Gansho-in Temple.  Personally, our favorite aspect is the quaint townscape, especially Chestnut Lane and all the Open Gardens.

Obuse's quaint Chestnut Lane

Access from Kamesei:  By car Obuse is 45 minutes using the Joshin’etsu Expressway and the Obuse SA Smart IC (ETC card required).  By train, from Togura Station to Obuse Station transferring at Nagano Station, it takes approximately 80 minutes.

Kamesei Tips:  In the center of town is the Takai Kozan Musem.  Here you can learn about Hokusai’s patron and see what the town was like when the famous artist resided here.  Outside of the center beyond Gansho-in is another temple called Joko-ji.  The enterprising head priest has undertaken many initiatives to make the temple relevant to today’s Japan.  Just one project is indicated by Joko-ji’s nickname:  The Slackline Temple.  By the way, next door is a restaurant specializing in tofu dishes – Yummy!

6. The Roof of Japan – Kamikochi, Utsukushigahara and a variety of Ropeways and Gondolas

One of Nagano’s biggest draws are its many mountains.  The Prefecture is not only home to all three of the Japanese Alps ranges (Northern, Central and Southern), but has Shiga Kogen and the “5 Northern Nagano Peaks”.  Everywhere you go in Nagano you will see mountains!

Convenient Access to the Roof of Japan (Pictured: Ryuoo Ropeway

Many of our guests visit Nagano to go to the mountains, then come down to relax at our inn.  Some of the easiest to access are Norikura (via the Echo Line bus), Komagatake and the Senjojiki Cirque via ropeway, Utsukushigahara Highlands and Mt. Kurumayama by driving the Venus Line and taking the Kurumayama Skylift, SORA Terrace via the Ryuoo Ropeway, Nojiri Lake Terrace on Mt. Madarao using the Tangram gondola, and Mountain Harbor high up in the Hakuba Range using the Iwatake gondola.

Access from Kamesei varies by destination.  We suggest you confer with us and use our collection of brochures (and discount coupons!).

7. Mountain Climbing and Trekking

Lots of guests show up wearing hiking boots after traipsing around Nagano’s mountains and forests.  We are actually fans of mountain climbing, too, and have explored most of the trails around our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and several throughout the Prefecture.

Explore Nagano's Wilderness

We would be happy to give advice for Nagano's popular trails, such as Mt. Asama and Shiga Kogen, as well as lesser known treks such as abandoned rail tunnels or the Birth-mountain of Kintaro, the Golden Boy -- we've explored them all.  After factoring in the weather and your desired activity level, we are sure to come up with the perfect suggestion.  And don't worry if the day of your expedition turns out to be rainy -- there are indoor options, too, such as rock climbing gyms.

Access as well as our Kamesei Hints depend on the actual trail so feel free to inquire.

8.Winery Tour

Nagano's wineries have been gaining attention on the global stage lately, and we are fortunate to have several "Wine Valleys" in our vicinity.

The eastern section of the Chikuma River Wine Valley is perhaps most famous for Villa d'Est Garden Farm and Winery, but don't overlook its Tomi City neighbor Rue de VinMann's Winery in Komoro has a long-established history, while Chateau Mercian's new Mariko Winery in the hills above Ueda City has already made the global Top 50 list.

The northern reaches of the Chikuma River Wine Valley includes the highly-acclaimed Kusunoki Winery in Suzaka (the chardonnay is a life-changer!) and St. Cousair and its restaurant with panoramic view in Iizuna town.

Access and our Kamesei Tips will depend on your itinerary.  We would be happy to provide suggestions.  And with our Nagano Wine Stay Plan, you are welcome to bring your own bottle of Nagano Wine to have with your dinner.  We also have an eclectic selection of local wines to enjoy with your meal.

9.Apricot Village, Fruit Paradise

The nearby Mori district is nicknamed "Anzu no Sato" (Apricot Village), as our city is Japan's #1 producer of apricots.  In early April the entire valley is covered in the delicate pink blossoms.  It is said you can see 100,000 apricot trees at one time from the viewpoint at the top of the valley.  On a clear day, the snow-capped peaks of the Northern Japanese Alps provide a stunning backdrop.

Pastoral "Apricot Village" Mori with blossoms in the foreground and the snow-capped Alps in the distance

Apricot fruit is available for picking in late June / early July.  The heritage varieties tend to be tart and are ideal for making into jam or dried fruit, but newer varieties such as Harcot are sweet enough to eat fresh off the tree.  And don't forget apricot soft-serve ice cream!

Besides apricots, our area features a parade of fresh fruit year-round.  Later in July following apricots are cherries and then plums and nectarines.  With August comes the famous Kawanakajima peaches.  September means table (eating) grapes while apple season is primarily October (Nagano's "Three Apple Siblings": Shinano Sweet, Shinano Gold and the deep-red colored Akibae, as well as the tart heritage Kogyoku) and November (the mainstay Fuji apples).  Strawberries are available for picking in green houses in the winter through late spring.

Our Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada has several fruit orchards nearby

We are fortunate to have several grape and apple orchards within a 5 minute drive from our inn.

10. Fabled Moon-Reflecting Obasute Rice Terraces  *Japan Heritage Site*

The Obasute Rice Terraces are a quick 10 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan.  They are located on a slope at the base of the 1252-meter tall Mt. Kamuriki which towers over our city.  The mountain is nicknamed “Obasute Mountain”, refering to the ancient legend about abandoning elderly people on the mountaintop. From ancient times, the area at the foot of the mountain has been renowned for its stunning views of the moon, especially a phenomenon known as “Tagoto no Tsuki” where the moon reflects in the individual rice paddies.  In October 2020, Obasute was designated a Japan Heritage site for the moon-viewing story. 

Obasute's moon-reflecting rice terraces

Obasute overlooks the Zenkoji Plain.  One of the best places for the view is the platform of Obasute Station.  The lights down in the valley at night are a popular site.

Don't miss the Obasute Night View

Access and Advice:  The Obasute Rice Terraces are just 10 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan.  You can park at the Obasute Tourism Hall on the north side and stroll the paddies from Choraku-ji Temple.  We at Kamesei Ryokan through our Zukudashi Eco Tours offer guided cycling tours of the Japan Heritage site.  For the night view, the local tourism association runs a special sightseeing bus.  Kamesei's owner is one of the regularly scheduled guides and would love to accompany you to see the lights of the Chikuma River Valley from Obasute.

Bonus:  The Snow Monkeys at Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park

No visit to Nagano would be complete without seeing the world-famous Snow Monkeys at the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park.  These are the only wild monkeys in the world that soak in an onsen bath.  They draw photographers from across the globe to capture their blissful expression as they luxuriate in the hot spring water.


Blissful snow monkeys

While many people go see the monkeys during winter to see them in their snowy habitat, the babies born in the springtime are little fur-balls running all over the place making the Monkey Park a treat to visit year-round.

Playful Baby Snow Monkey

Access and Advice:  By car the parking lot is 60 minutes from Kamesei Ryokan using the expressway.  By public transportation, it is 25 minutes by train from Togura to Nagano, then a 45 minute express bus to the trailhead.  (See the Kamesei blog for updated train / bus schedules.)  Either way, there is a 30 minute walk through a beautiful evergreen forest to the actual park.  If you go in the fall, during the macaques' mating season they may be, err, preoccupied and won't come down to the park.  You can check the live camera feed on the park's website for the latest status.