プロの水道と配線の仕事のやり直し Fixing Pro Plumbing and Electrical Jobs

October 6, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Tyler crawling into the ceiling space





One of the difficulties of running an inn is determining whether to fix problems yourself or call in a professional. Doing it yourself (assuming its a fix-it-yourself issue) means getting it done to your satisfaction, but keeps you from other work. Hiring a pro lets you do your regular work but costs money.

If those were the only concerns, it would still be manageable. However, I have come to realize that a lot of time, the so-called professionals do a slack job. Their sloppy work has inconvenienced our guests (light switches for the baths being not at the entrance but out in the hall -- "I couldn't find the switch so I had to bathe in the dark!") but has also damaged our infrastructure (a water pipe capped with concrete!?!? -- the leaking has caused our 100 year building to sink in one corner!)

Repairing things that break is one thing; repairing previous "professional" sloppy work is another. My best buddy from Seattle, Matt, a trained electrician, has been helping me out over the last 3 weeks of his visit. We got most of the problems solved. But it has left me physically as well as mentally drained. I'm looking forward to getting back to my regular ryokan work!

Pipe in wall previously capped by concrete?!?!

布団引き屋?お相撲? Flipping Futons or Sumo Wrestling?

September 24, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi





Here is a picture of yesterday's Habeshina Shrine Autumn Festival sumo tournament. I was fortunate to get to wrestle twice. The first time I got thrown on my ass. Man, was I bummed out. (Pardon the pun...) I was just starting to feel bad about myself not having grown up doing sumo and getting to learn all the techniques. But then the announcer called, "Nishi (west side - my side!), Tyler-yama." Yeah! I got a second chance to wrestle. This time around, I wasn't going to lose. I put all my energy, as well as futon-flipping muscles, into it and tossed my opponent on his butt. Then I got to do the ritual ceremony of receiving the sacred "onbei" and writing "kokoro" (心) with my hand. My first ever victory at sumo.

It felt good. Real good!

Sumo is a rich sport steeped in tradition, ceremony and spirituality. But I have to say, it still feels just plain good to win at it!

「女性のニーズを本当に知っていますか?」研修 "Do you really understand the needs of women?" Seminar

September 11, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Q&A with the Ladies

Innkeepers like myself are constantly trying to come up with ideas to make our inns more enjoyable to female guests. "Ladies Plan", "Extra Amenities", etc., etc. Most of our attempts end in failure. Today, our ryokan association held a seminar where 25 ladies from the industry came for a Q&A session. Lots of great ideas came out of it. For instance, when I asked "What about a 'healthy' menu?", one of the ladies replied, "When I go on a vacation, I want a gourmet meal, not necessarily a healthy one." One example she gave was while staying at an inn with some lady friends, even after dessert they continued talking and talking. The inn later brought them a SECOND dessert! That type of extravegance was apparently much appreciated.
When I got back to Kamesei, I talked over with Mari some of the ideas and we hope to make improvements here to make our inn more enjoyable for ladies.

HE understands women's needs: Suga-Daira's Prince

経理を始まった Starting to do the Accounting

August 23, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

旅館の若旦那と言うのはある意味、楽です。大体、社長が経理を管理してくれて、自分はその数字を把握しなくて良いから。うちの女将社長がもう76歳(?)になるので、体が仕事を覚えたように元気でやっています。しかし、孫の面倒を見たりして、段々と疲れてきたようです。自分と若女将の世代はそろそろ・・・ と言う事で、経理を始めました。

もう一方では、友人からこういう言葉を頂きました:「タイラーのぶろぐから 沢山元気をもらっているから。。。 ありがとう・」そう言われたら、嬉しいですね。

Warning: Boring Blog Entry
Last week, our accountant came and installed some new software on our computer. He taught Mari and I how to input Kamesei's accounting data. She and I split the duties, and have been putting in all the figures from 01-Aug, the beginning of our fiscal year.
In a family business, the children have a relatively simple job because the parent/owner usually handles all the accounting. Mari and I want to start managing the money to get a better understanding of Kamesei's financial situation. That, and our boss (her mom) is starting to feel the exhaustion of running the inn as well as watching the grandchildren. So Kamesei Ryokan is entering a switch of the generations, a change in the guard.

Normally this blog focuses on sharing fun info about our inn, this Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen town, and Nagano Prefecture as a whole. Every once in a while, though, I like to write about landmark events in my life here, such as "Starting to do the Accounting".
The Access numbers for this blog average over 1500 per day. I am grateful so many people take the time to read it. And I am curious as to what it is that attracts everyone.
During O-Bon, one guest said, "I read your blog. You know, you should work on updating it more regularly." (The blog's calendar shows entries for every day, but in actuality I do the updating a few times every week.) Well, seeing as how I'm not a professional blogger and can only update it when my innkeeping work allows, this is a problem that is not going away.
On the other hand, a good friend of mine recently wrote, "Tyler, I get lots of 'genki' (happiness) from reading your blog -- Thank you." I was really pleased to see that.
That makes me realize that a blog isn't only for sharing info, it's also for sharing happiness!

ブロック塀壊し Demolition Day

August 18, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

As previously mentioned, this year's goal here at Kamesei is to do a simple renovation of 3 guest rooms. Today I worked on "Chitose", whose garden was already cramped, but whose concrete block fence made it feel even more cramped because it kept out the breeze and sunlight. I made a wood fence to replace it, but first I had to demolish the concrete one.
One of my mentors here, Toshiki-san, taught me the techniques and lent me the tools for concrete demolishing when I built the "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath. Using those, I managed to take out the concrete block today. Tomorrow I haul the concrete to the recycler (500 yen for one K-Truck load), and the next day I hope to install the wood fence panels.

half the kids in the neighborhood turned out to help clean up

洞窟探検、5点満点の夕食、人力車、ミルキーな温泉;我が家族の夏休み Spelunkering, A Perfect Dinner, Rickshaw, Milky Onsen: Our Family's Summer Vacation

August 3, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi




From here on out, Kamesei will be inundated by families with kids on summer vacation. Before the action hits, we went on our own little summer vacation -- a 400km drive. We decided to head over to neighboring Gifu Prefecture to check out Gero Onsen, said to be one of Japan's Top Three Onsens (along with Arima Onsen outside of Kobe and Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture on the other side of Nagano).
Along the way, we stopped to spelunker at the Hida Dai-Shonyudo caverns to ooh and aah over the stalagmites and stalactites. Most of the rock formations had spiritual-sounding names like "The Ear of Buddha". For a tourist trap, it was pretty cool -- definitely not OSHA-approved (lots of narrow spots to duck through) and the operators seem to be making efforts to make improvements to the facilities.
After the caves, we made it to Gero, but hit it during a rain squall so went straight to the ryokan. We chose Shinmeisansou mainly because it was a small, family-run inn. But also, their dinners are rated a perfect 5 out of 5.

NOTE: If you want to experience a perfect dinner, check out Shinmeisansou. To give you an idea, our chef's dinners are rated a 4.6~4.7, good enough to be in the top 3 or 4 from all 37 of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's inns. At Shinmeisou, we feasted on fresh ayu (sweetfish) on skewers as well as Hida-gyu beef grilled on an irori hearth, and so many more delectables. You'll just have to come and experience it yourself. You won't be disappointed. I guarantee it.

The next morning, we went into the onsen town and putzed around -- the foot baths, the Charlie Chaplin statue (!), the onsen museum, and then across the river to...not the outdoor bath that's pictured in all of the brochures (it was closed due to high river level) but to a plain old sento public bath. Hmm. I guess we'll have to try going back again someday. (Not another 400km?!?!)
After leaving Gero, we stopped at Hida Takayama. I had been there about a month ago, and really wanted to show our kids the classic street scene that has been preserved in its original Edo-era style. And what better way to see the town (and keep the kids entertained), than by rickshaw. The Puller (?) gave a splendid talk about the town and was amazingly knowledgeable -- much better than any guide I've ever seen. Seeing Takayama by rickshaw -- highly recommended.
Finally, on the way back home and back in Nagano Prefecture we wanted to show the kids Kamikochi but ran out of time. So instead, we made a side trip to Shirahone Onsen. Our kids were amazed by the milky water and how their bodies 'disappeared' into the white onsen. Mari and I were just thankful to finally get to soak in a real onsen -- what a wonderful welcome back to Nagano!

飛騨大鍾乳洞のHPはこちらClick here for the Hida Caverns website.

飛騨高山の美味しい飛騨牛のレストラン:飛騨琢磨 Hida Steak Restaurant in Takayama: Takami

飛騨高山の人力車のHPはこちらClick here for the Hida Takayama Rickshaw website.

白骨温泉の日帰り施設:楳香庵 Shirahone Onsen bathhouse Baikoan


The Perfect Dinner

Gero Scene

Classic Takayama Scene

Shirahone Onsen

客室の新しい塀の始まり Starting to build the new guestroom fence

August 2, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


This year, my main goal here at Kamesei Ryokan is to do a small make-over on 3 of our guestrooms. The next step is to replace one of the room's concrete block fence with a wood one to let in light and wind. I built a couple of the sections using a basket weave board style. Even though it's more Western than Asian, I think it will match the Japanese style garden just fine.

西瓜の誕生日「ケーキ」 A Watermelon Birthday 'Cake'

July 30, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


Today I turned 39 years old. Next year is the big "Over-the-Hill" birthday. You gotta just take one year at a time, and enjoy the things that each age brings you!

Last night, our family went out with some good friends of ours for sushi for the birthday celebration. And tonight, I went out drinking with some buddies. (To see who, check out the next blog entry.) The Korean mama-san (for some reason, most of the hostess bars in town are Korean) made me this watermelon birthday cake. I waited 39 years for this celebration -- it was a blast!

伝統的な上田紬の織りに・・・2mの外国人?! A 2-meter tall foreigner at a traditional Japanese silk weaving machine?

July 27, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


About 2 weeks ago, Mari and I went to Ueda to take a tour of Koiwai Tsumugi. The studio carries on the fine silk weaving tradition of Ueda Tsumugi. At the time, I made a reservation to go back and try my hand at the loom to make a wall hanging. We are doing a small remodel on one of our guestrooms with a "tsumugi" (silk weaving) concept. Today I finally got to sit at the loom and try weaving -- for the first time in my life.
The first issue was how to fit my 2-meter tall body into the loom contraption that was designed for little old ladies half a meter shorter than me. I couldn't squeeze my long legs in to press the pedals, so instead I kind of folded them and managed to work the pedals using one foot. But it worked, and with the kind, patient instructions by Karina-san, I got the rhythm down and in no time at all, I finished the wall hanging.
My mom is quite a quiltmaker, and maybe some of her handiwork skills rubbed off on me -- I really enjoyed weaving. And to think I took part of a centuries-old Ueda Tsumugi silk weaving tradition, on a loom made a half a century ago, made it even more enjoyable.
Koiwai Tsumugi offers "Taiken" (Experience) weaving lessons for 2,500 yen (reservations required).

小岩井紬工房のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Koiwai Tsumugi

Tyler's Tsumugi

酒と枝豆にうるさい:新潟 Picky about sake and beans: Niigata

July 24, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Niigata edamame and sake

Members of my Ryokan Junior Association Research Team gathered in Niigata yesterday. I had previously known that Niigata is one of the top producers of fine sake in Japan, and was pleased to find that our host served 6 different types of local sake at our dinner. But I was surprised to find out that the area also is a major soybean grower, and that the locals there are very picky about their edamame beans. Our host, Hotel Oyanagi, worked out an arrangement with local farmers to use 2nd-rate produce to make desserts. One of the products is edamame-caramel. It was surprisingly delicious.
Here in Kamiyamada, we have a lot of apple orchards around. Last month's hail caused a lot of damage, and us inns are gearing up to use the cosmetically inferior but superior quality apples in our cooking this fall. I hope to use some of the ideas I got from Niigata!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

新潟県湯田上温泉のホテル小柳のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Hotel Oyanagi in Niigata

Yummy edamame caramel (strawberry, too!)